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Ive noticed after going through a few posts that people are hinting that Lucius is corpellious (sp?) where is this hinted at???

...DUDE... incognito, you don't just come out and ask this.. have some tact and subterfuge about ya.

Both are powerful and scary ass individuals...

One wears a mask, the other needs one...

Both wear the jacket.....

With so much coincidence... its stupid to believe it is coincidence....

Look, no one is saying they aren't... but.. They are never seen together.. totally Bruce Wayne/Batman thing. Should be totally prove they aren't the same.

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im sorry but so many of the characters haven't interacted with each other,so that one kind of doesn't hold.

theres lots of other characters that wear jackets.....and im pretty sure most masters and quite a few other characters are bad ass scary!!!

Dude, better check yo'self before you wreck yo'self. LOOOOOOK at this..


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As someone who painted both miniatures multiple times, the coats are similar, but they are different. Additionally if you want to accept the idea that there is some magic to make it so his tentacles fit beneath the mask, then there is nothing to stop us from then speculating that anyone in malifaux is really coppelius. Colette could be Coppelius if that is true, for example.

I'm not saying that they might not decide to take it that way, but there is no valid argument for saying that Coppelius is Lucius that can't equally be applied to just about anyone else in Malifaux. The New Seamus' coat is more similar to Coppelius than Lucius' is, so does that make Seamus Coppelius?

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Its a conspiracy theory, if you "claim" to need "evidence" then they have already got to you!

But seriously

Its been an oft speculated opinion that they could be one and the same. Nothign in any of the books or Chronicle stories links the two, but we know there is something strange going on behind Lucius' mask (see book 3) and he doesn't seem entirely human.

That he is becomign duel faction Neverborn has just re-opened the speculation.

If I was Wyrd I might play on the speculation and prevent Coppelius from being in the same crew as Lucius, unless the big reveal is they are brotehrs or some such...

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