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What counters do I need for M2E ?


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That's less than last edition if you count all the tokens and such like.

In actuality it isn't much more than last edition, effectively. Poison and Burning were always just written on the cards, and we can still do the same. You only need Scrap or Corpse Markers if you utilize them, the same if you use Lilith or Waldgeists, you only need their forest markers if you utilize them. You only need fire walls or ice walls if you use Raspy or Sonnia, basically the only markers every crew needs are Scheme Markers, which in most games I find 5 will be more than sufficient, but if you really want to make sure you are never in need, 10 will see you good. Additionally, you are going to need objective markers for some of the strats and schemes, and again, 5 should see you settled.

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One of the players at my store for DnD has colored coin magnets that work well for statuses. Blue, green, red, purple, yellow, black and white. They come in stacks of ten I think. But that could be about 5 to 10 dollars a stack though I don't know the actual cost.

I don't know how I'll represent scheme markers, but I know I can find some crazy bases and cheap skeleton models online to use for corpse markers.

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You might want scrap and corpse markers (30mm) if you play crews that use them.

All crews want scheme markers (30mm), probably about 10 should suffice for each crew.

You will want 5 markers for squatters rights (30mm)(which you can also use for Claim jump and Turf war)

Personally I mark wounds, poison, slow, burning on the models card, but some people put markers next to the model. If yuo go for that you might also want Defensive stance and some blank ones.

Some crews will also want blast markers (50mm) and other things like Ice pillars and flame walls.

Story encounters introduces quite a few more counters, but you can probably use the "squatter markers" for most of them. There are a few 50mm ones as well (supply wagon and Carneverous plants I think) of which you will probably need at most 2 at a time.

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Litko has 30mm, 40mm and 50mm clear acrylic discs. Bought a stack of 10 30mm discs for $3.00 and change at the FLGS.

For conditions on models, we write on the plastic sleeve the cards are in. I am planning to purchase acrylics in the shape of arrows, write the condition with a wet erase/dry ease marker and point it to the model.

Edited by Grim
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Alea Tools irritated me at Gen Con.

They outright told me that 30mm based games aren't common enough to merit them looking into making base markers for 30 or 40 mm. They said they only make their product for "the most popular" games.

2" and 50mm are near enough not to matter, but I won't buy them from them, due to their dismissive attitude at the con.

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For Scheme Markers, I intend to use the 30mm Translucent Bases that Wyrd sell. All I need is a decent image scaled to 23mm round, to stick inside (that's the interior recessed dimension of the 30mm base).

I was planning on using SmoothWD40's PDF, I'm just not sure of the print ratio I'm going to have use to shrink them down to, and whether I'll be able to cut them out without completely bollocking it.

But that's my plan for Scheme Markers.

Morgan Vening

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For condition tokens I have printed a sheet of conditions in one inch circles and used a one inch scrap booking hole punch to punch them out.

I print the condition on both sides in the top half of the circles. Punch 2 copies of each condition out, fold one in half and glue the bottom of it to the other one. When the Glue dries, you can fold them flat for storage and unfold them to make 3d condition tokens.

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To clarify info on scheme markers, what and how many many do I need? I want to build specific markers for each scheme so can anyone give me specifics. E.g. "line in the sand" in 1.5 has 5 30mm dynamite markers, do I need the same?

I don't get my book until end fo the month, so getting everything made in advance would be great.

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At the risk of repeating myself

The core 5 stratergies are Turf war, reckoning, Stake a claim, reconnoter and squatters rights.

Squatters rights needs 5 counters and they can be controlled by either player (Basically like gaining grounds line in the sand)

Turf war needs 1 counter to mark the middle

Claim jump requires you to both be placing claim markers, but placing one destroys all the others within 6". As its a 2 action to place them, and you need more than opponent I would guess you might want 5 but none of my games have had that many placed yet.

Generic scheme markers will be used for your schemes. I woudl guess 10 is more than enough, but there might be a combination of schemes that would use more.

Haven't played the story encounters yet, so don't know what they need.

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Cheery this morning arn't we.

I think all the markers are 30mm unless specified otherwise. I haven't seen the need to model strategy markers to match the strategy, I do intend to model scheme markers to match each crew

Story encounters

Based on the beta as I haven't read this section yet in the rules

3"*3" Jail

3 evidence markers (plus some falsified markers)

4 Search Markers

4 gem

Escort model

Ancient monument (50mm)


Wagon (50mm)

And then there are the special terrain which include chair markers and vial markers...

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