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So how is Seamus treating you guys?


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Howdy. I'm just curious about how you guys have been playing with/against Seamus now that we have pretty cards and book and such!

Seamus is pretty much the only M2 master I've really played, admittedly. Though McMourning and Tara keep tickling my brainbox. I've played him pretty exclusively ranged through the staggering majority of my games. Using Belles to position stuff, Sybelle to wail on stuff and me purdy and mostly Hanged/nurses otherwise.

First sub-question! How do you guys feel about nurses? I love them, but they make my brain ooze out my ears if I try to actually ponder their at-the-moment-tricks. So I pretty much use them to spam paralyze.

So how do you guys like your Seamus served? Melee, ranged? Fistfulls of Belles or one lone lurer?!

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I have played a few games with Seamus, I love the guy with copycat killer and my friend hates that Lil bugger. Though I have lost the 3 games we played I have had a lot of fun. I don't quite know yet how to play board control with belles and what sybelle can do since I have just started as well :) but I love to play Seamus. Played with Lady J as well but enjoyed more with Seamus.

Edited by zFiend
Autocorrect Lady Jane..
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M2e Seamus is amazing. I haven't actually used his Sinister Rep upgrade in a game yet, I love the Bag o' Tools too much. Belles are a must; Lure is one of the best abilities in the game (note how many other factions have it now). I also like to run Bete Noir for additional killing power, and Necropunks are very good objective grabbers/scheme layers.

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How do you use Bete noire? I have found her being a bit vulnerable in melee. So defitnely playing her wrong? Also for Belles and Sybelle. I mainly play Sybelle as movement bonus for Belles and doing movement boosts with call belle. Other than that, how do you play Sybelle?

Seamus I usually use in taking shots at important targets I have in schemes and then taking mistaken identity on copycat and helping him out, they can do some nice damage and take out models, especially if they have a hanged with them.

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I use Sybelle a little more offensively myself. Granted, she really does make the Belles shine all the brighter. I usually take her with her bleeder lash upgrade and Unnerving Aura and send her straight into melee with a couple belles to keep stuff close. I love that she can get the comply trigger in melee, especially being able to burn for the mask. (Or crow if you want to try and dead something.)

I've been wanting to play around not using her, but she is just so crazy good at everything I want her to be good at.

On that, has anyone else really tried unnerving aura out? It's easily one of my favorite Resser upgrades. Especially on melee Seamus and Sybelle. I've killed a lot of models by just standing there and smiling.

Edit: There is something magical about an opponent's face when you use Sybelle and the comply trigger to beat a Belle into Luring something closer haha.

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How do you use Bete noire? I have found her being a bit vulnerable in melee. So defitnely playing her wrong? Also for Belles and Sybelle. I mainly play Sybelle as movement bonus for Belles and doing movement boosts with call belle. Other than that, how do you play Sybelle?

Seamus I usually use in taking shots at important targets I have in schemes and then taking mistaken identity on copycat and helping him out, they can do some nice damage and take out models, especially if they have a hanged with them.

Just save the card to use One with the Night to keep Bete coming back. She is vulnerable to melee, but ideally she will be appearing where and when you want her, so you should be able to minimize her exposure before she strikes. She can make people think twice about killing your objective grabbers, too.

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Here's my 35 stone Seamus list using his box contents. It's not optimized, but its good for learning experiences:

Seamus- Bag o' Tools OR Sinister Rep, Red Chapel Killer, 4 Soulstones

Sybelle- Bleeding Tongue

3 Rotten Belles

CC Killer

33 stones

That's the skeleton but it leaves some room for customization depending on how you want to play. For example, you could throw Habadasher and Asylum Stone (you'd need to drop one from his SS pool) on Seamus if you go with the Bag so he can be melee savvy.

OR if you go for Sinister Rep you could pick up Corpse Bloat so Seamus can walk up to enemy models, bleed himself to drop a corpse token, explode it with a -2 to the WP test because of Spectacular Infamy (with each failed test healing him from Feast of Fear), and finally (with luck and him surviving till next turn) use a new corpse token generated by a killed model to bounce on out of there using No Eyes on Me from Redchapel Killer.


PS I like the idea of Unnerving AUra on Sybelle, I'll have to try that out. It's a shame that the Belles can't have upgrades, because Unnerving Aura would be stupid good on them with both Lure and the Embrace trigger on their melee attacks. Alas!

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Seamus never disappoints me. I tend to run him with Bete Noire, Copy Cat Killer, a couple Crooked Men, and waves and waves of Rotten Belles (I've also got Dead Doxies waiting to be M2E ready).

There is no problem that can't be solved with a Belle rush, and if there is, Bete should be able to take care of it...just make sure you have the ability to re-bury her if things get dicy!

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I don't bring bete all that often myself. I just hate having to pay to 10+ card tax by always keeping one safe and not being able to use it.

I find I've never regretted taking a nurse with Seamus. She can often be left to her own devices to do any little things where speed isn't of the essence. If she needs to she can also jump in and provide some massive support. With he Ca 6 range 8 WP duel on take your meds she can help Seamus heal via Feast of Fear. If Seamus is locked in combat and you need him to do massive dmg, using her take your meds on him to give him +2 dmg, can make even his backhand scary, and as she has accomplice she can cause him to go right after powering him up, thus preventing the enemy from getting away before he can unload.

Finally her ability to potentially Paralyze the enemy, or make it so they can only take walk actions, after getting embraced by a Belle's attack trigger can mess up an enemy model's day.

Twice when facing the vicks she has been an integral part of the machine that has won. She has locked down Killjoy for multiple turns, while also being target #1 for Hans to kill. In another game she paralyzed Blood vick for two turns before the rest of my crew could actually devote the actions to killing her. She doesn't always survive the game, but she always does something useful.

Edited by Fetid Strumpet
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I have been holding on the 10+ card but I still think Bete is not worth her cost, I replaced her with a hanged and I think it paid off.

I have been aching to try a nurse (giggidy) but don't have any yet, now after Fetid Strumpets post I am more convinced about them fitting in my playstyle.

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I'm going to be playing my first game w/Seamus today as he is the master I've chosen to start M2e with. unfortunately, my Gencon order hasn't progressed past processed, I'm going to end up playing a unconventional list.


-Bag o'tools


student of conflict



3x canine remains


my opponent will most likely play the Leveticus beta, & if he's not using his rotten belles, I will try to summon a couple w/a Fast Seamus on turn 1. I think it will be a fun list to play, & quite capable of fulfilling all of the schemes and strategies, we're likely to see. I will report back in tonight, after a couple of games.


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Just played a game vs Nico and won :)

The Bag o' Tools is interesting. It seems like Sinister Rep is more a "default" upgrade with the Bag being used as well... a toolkit. It feels like I'll get more mileage out of the Bag as I become a more experienced player. It does offer Seamus some solid melee capability, though.

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Played a game last night using melee Seamus, Mortimer and Sybelle. All of which had Unnerving Aura. That makes for an extremely fun little "trick". It feels nice to get 4-6 damage in on something just for keeping it in the pain-circle. Not sure if it's as awesome as it is fun, but I definitely think it fits well for the more killy strategies or things like Turf War where stuff wants to be pretty close together.

Also Mortimer was ridiculously good accidentally. Opponent took Deliver a Message and I just kept Ol' Morty close. (He ended up wearing Seamus's hat, to be safe!)

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Anyone else noticed how they changed 'Arise my Sweet' wording to include the word 'minion' in the final draft between the last open beta and the printed rule book.

Obviously any non minion Belles could be Molly, but at least covers the spell for future development.

I was going to say that it was for Sybelle but I just looked at her card and lolnope Sybelle is not a Belle after all.... :P

~Lil Kalki

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All of them? Anyone can hire a mercenary Oiran, and they lure at Ca8 (though it needs a crow).


Even if you were to ignore the mercenary characteristic, That means Ressers, Outcasts, Neverborn, and 10T all have access to Lure in faction (Outcasts need to bring Misaki to avoid paying merc price). Plus, I'll eat my hat if Performers don't have it as well.

Edited by Silas Cordell
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To be fair, all those factions had access to it before as well.

Personally I'd much rather the performers to keep Sirens call, although Lure opens up more options. If Collette does anywhere near as much position swapping as last edition, then I really hope they stick with sirens call.

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As much as I like the simplicity of M2E Seamus, I prefer 1.5 Seamus (I know, I'm weird lol). The multiple elements of control both he and his crew had were way more my appealing to my play style, than back alley, stabby/shooty Seamus. Don't get me wrong, I've been doing pretty well in my games with Seamus, I just can't help but feel like something is missing with him.

I too like to run a Nurse for support. Also, a Hanged teamed up with Sybelle does for some nice forced Terror checks with Comply!!

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To be fair, all those factions had access to it before as well.

Personally I'd much rather the performers to keep Sirens call, although Lure opens up more options. If Collette does anywhere near as much position swapping as last edition, then I really hope they stick with sirens call.

Well, I wasn't thinking of now as 1.5 vs. 2e, but more now vs. the original book 1. And I know it's a nitpick, but technically Performers and Beckoners didn't have Lure in 1.5...(sorry, I can't help it).

Cornelious, could you be more specific about what Seamus (or his crew) have lost? I really don't see anything he's lost access to, other than the choice between the Bag and his Rep (sinister rep being more similar to old school Seamus).

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While I haven't played with the Nurses (just against them), I completely see their worth. I usually only play with models I own (no proxies). One thing I would love to do with a seamus crew is The Hanged + a Nurse. Giving you so many ways to paralyze, oh and the nurse 'heals', but really doesn't if you hit it with the Hanged's Whispers from Beyond (I think thats the name) first. :)

As far as the Bete Noir discussion. I use her in my Seamus crews (probably 50/50 now), but always use her in my Tara crew. In the Seamus crew there is a lot of other stuff to use her for, but I think when I play Seamus now I see him as my damage dealer and don't need Bete popping in too much. I love the concept of using 'unnerving aura' with her, but since she drops so easy its hard to have the effect go off, unless your opponent isn't paying attention. Decaying Aura is a viable choice for her though

Edited by PeregrineFalco
renaming some upgrade names I had wrong
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