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So... M2E downloads...? When? :D


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GenCon is over and things are easing into place. I wanted to ask when we could expect the rules to be downloadable, if even. Not everybody was able to snag and pick up one of the new books at the Con and who knows when everybody worldwide will have their orders shipped to them or in their LGS.

Any ETA on this matter? I may have missed it in some other thread or something. ._.

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I can see why it's a hassle to sell individual cards and a bloody pain. But then that's where bleeding edge tech comes into it and being able to buy digital copies of them or have an app that gives you access to them or some such would be ideal for me. A lot easier access to get the swag.

Edited by Razhem
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and I'm sure that someone will very quickly buy something like 100 or so of each arsenal pack and start selling the individual cards at a profit.

I don't think so, you will be eating a LOT of cards and you can't really sell them for more than a dollar or 2 before people go "screw that". Models I can see it more, but chances are that if you load up on Seames crews you will end up with a LOT of rotten belle's and a big number of Seamus on your lap for example.

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I don't think so, you will be eating a LOT of cards and you can't really sell them for more than a dollar or 2 before people go "screw that". Models I can see it more, but chances are that if you load up on Seames crews you will end up with a LOT of rotten belle's and a big number of Seamus on your lap for example.

If people were breaking down and selling cards, you'd see a lot of cards go for almost nothing, and a few cards like moon shinobi (one per arsenal pack) go for $3-4.

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Assuming that out of an 8 dollar arsenal pack, there are only 10 cards that are worth selling( I suspect there would be more, but for the purposes of simple math, we'll go with 10) then so long as you charge $.90 per card, plus shipping and handling, you make a profit. not much, but a profit. That being said, it is only a short term industry--eventually, everyone who wants more cards for their M1E crews is going to have them.

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If people were breaking down and selling cards, you'd see a lot of cards go for almost nothing, and a few cards like moon shinobi (one per arsenal pack) go for $3-4.

Not really, most people will probably buy said moon shinobi when they actually come out and having multiples of a card is only a necessity for some people not all. The extra cards are mostly for those situations where getting the card and model is not easy, for example, Barbaros, but you can't really justify something like buying a mass amount of decks when you'll only have 3 hot sellers per deck and the rest is glorified cardboard, too much effort for the result. Specially when most people will just buy the deck most times or ask a friend for copies. Hell, I'll get from a fellow player the Rail Golem who doesn't have any intention of using Mei Feng.

Also, at 3-4 dollars, most people would probably go screw it, buy the whole deck and get all the cards instead of one.

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Interesting, the initial argument was Wyrd should sell individual cards, like they used to, because there is this huge demand for individual cards and people shouldn't have to buy the deck for $8.

If there is this huge demand for individual cards, then there would be profit to be made in buying decks and splitting them up. However, the argument now is there is no profit in splitting up the cards because there are only 3 or 4 that are worth anything in a deck. (Profit would only require 10 cards in a deck to be worth $1 plus shipping, that gets you a 25% return on investment)

If there is no profit for an individual to split up the deck and sell individual cards, that means there is no demand for the cards. If there is no demand for the cards, than Wyrd is making the right choice in not selling cards.

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It's not that simple, there is a demand, but a demand for a few precise cards. The problem is that it's a pain to prepare the logistics to buy and sell cards for someone outside of wyrd, I mean, I speculate without a thought with nightmare editions and Misses, but I would never bother doing the arsenal pack selling scheme since you seem yo get such a measly benefit from all the effort involved, yes, you got 2 bucks from an arsenal deck, but you aren't counting the process of talking to the clients, getting the clients and doing the physical process of shipping it all while still having to be attentive in case anything goes wrong during shipping, just not worth it.

What will happen is a lot of trading and probably photocopies. Hell, I'll be giving my local Marcus copies of my beasts since it's a given he will get good use out of them and I could barely care only having one card, on in the case of the Drake, I'll give him a photocopy.

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