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Tara as a resurrectionist


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Been thinking about this as well. The more I think about it, what Rezzers bring to Tara are Necropunks, Belles, and Sybelle. I'd throw Nurses on that list, but that implies that Nurses can keep up. Our general upgrades also synergize extremely well with Tara's deep-strike tactic. I mean technically you could build a pure fluff 50ss list of Tara, Karina, Void Beast, Death Marshal x2, Void Wretch x3, plus upgrades. I'm not sure how effective it would be, but the list can be used regardless of faction.

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How so? How would you place enough markers to make that effective?

Basically (very basic explanation) Crooked Man places a shafted marker, Tara unburies an enemy model; which activates under Tara's control. Said model saunters up to the Shafted marker using all it's AP if it is needed (or better takes a pop shot with 1AP then saunters up to shafted marker)

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Been thinking about this as well. The more I think about it, what Rezzers bring to Tara are Necropunks, Belles, and Sybelle. I'd throw Nurses on that list, but that implies that Nurses can keep up. Our general upgrades also synergize extremely well with Tara's deep-strike tactic. I mean technically you could build a pure fluff 50ss list of Tara, Karina, Void Beast, Death Marshal x2, Void Wretch x3, plus upgrades. I'm not sure how effective it would be, but the list can be used regardless of faction.

I've been running a basic list like that in recent games, and it's been quite fun. The Death Marshals are very solid models, and Incorporeal and being able to hand out fast/slow makes the Void Wretches pretty great.

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I have been playing a bit of Tara and having a blast with her. I have NOT tried this list, or even thought it out that much, but here it is.

3x Belles - 15ss

Nothing Beast - 10ss (Unnerving Aura 1ss)

Karina - 5ss (Long Forgotten Memories 1ss)

Void Wretch - 4ss

Bete - 8ss (Decaying Aura 1ss)

Tara 4cache - (Knowledge of Eternity 2ss + Dead of Winter 1ss + Obliteration Symbiote 2ss)

This gives some flexibility with the pounce by dropping a belle where you want. This is just something fun to try. You could also get rid of Bete and just add a belle and get more ss to Tara. This crew would be better for kill strategies I think, but as I said haven't thought it out a bunch, but a fun thing to try next time maybe.

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Do you think that you would run more than one Death Marshal with Tara?

I'm certainly going to try it as I intend to pick up Lady J's crew anyway. It depends on how much you want to lean on the crew's ability to affect Buried models. Karina's Flames of the Void certainly gets exponentially better with every additional model you have Buried.

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I think you will be better served by considering burying a perk of what you can do, an incidental ability your crew can do, and can exploit well, but not something you want to build your crew around attempting to do to your opponent. Death Marshall's only have a ca 5 to bury, and Tara and her models in general can only bury if something else isn't buried.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the abilities aren't good, or that that shouldn't be utilized, but building to bury an enemy crew just isn't that efficient I feel.

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I think you will be better served by considering burying a perk of what you can do, an incidental ability your crew can do, and can exploit well, but not something you want to build your crew around attempting to do to your opponent. Death Marshall's only have a ca 5 to bury, and Tara and her models in general can only bury if something else isn't buried.

If the Death Marshals can get in close with an enemy, Tara will have them buried; she can pick out individuals at range to get Fast or use her Fast pulse, and with Dead of Winter those enemies will be getting -2 Wp. Might as well think of Death Marshals burying enemies at Ca 7.

To be honest, it's Tara's ability to drop big hitters in place that I consider to be an inefficient use of AP. It seems she's got a whole load of flexibility.

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@FetidStrumpet That's what I had gathered from my game against her with my roomate as well. The number of effects that you can do with/to a burried model are quite varied, and building a crew that is supposed to exploit them all makes each of them weaker. If you want to build around burying try to build around one apsect of it, and then round out the rest of your list with some general utility. Big monster apc? Burying one model to keep it out of the game? Burying your one big tarpit to heal it back up? Sure any work- but with only one slot in the ground, and 5 turns, trying to do them all will reduce the effectiveness.


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I've played a couple of games with her (rezzers is my faction) I'm really liking her, she is an interesting play.

Ill say my personal favourite tactic is to run with nothing beast, 1 belle, karina, and 2+ wretches. What I do is walk Tara, nothing, karina up towards the enemy with wretches on the flank.

Lure a big beastie out of position into 6" pop fast, use nothing to wail, Tara to bury it and karina to finish it off or just help out. The void wretches then run and tag objectives.

I will also say that I love that WE HAVE SOME SHOOTING!! Lures are amazing and all but to be able/choice to pop a cap with a death marshal

I'm wondering how people are dealing with her throwing cards away?

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  • 2 weeks later...
If the Death Marshals can get in close with an enemy, Tara will have them buried; she can pick out individuals at range to get Fast or use her Fast pulse, and with Dead of Winter those enemies will be getting -2 Wp. Might as well think of Death Marshals burying enemies at Ca 7.

To be honest, it's Tara's ability to drop big hitters in place that I consider to be an inefficient use of AP. It seems she's got a whole load of flexibility.

Dropping the Nothing Beast with the anti soulstone aura and 4 AP near the opposing master is usually GG right there. If it seems inefficient its probably because you're not doing it right. The only thing more hilarious than unloading your heavy hitter on the enemy is hijacking THEIR heavy hitter and lawlsin all the way to the bank.

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Dropping the Nothing Beast with the anti soulstone aura and 4 AP near the opposing master is usually GG right there. If it seems inefficient its probably because you're not doing it right. The only thing more hilarious than unloading your heavy hitter on the enemy is hijacking THEIR heavy hitter and lawlsin all the way to the bank.

I'll agree that getting the Nothing Beast there is great, but to be honest you have a Master who can take six Walk/Interact Actions a turn, and ultimately "gg" is decided by getting points rather than killing off one model. Dropping a heavy hitter in the right place can be devastating, but the likes of Nicodem and Bete Noire can also do that. It's not what's unique to Tara.

Nothing Beast makes a very convincing threat, and loading up Tara with him gives her an excellent degree of protection against enemy models that would like to intercept her. The bit I'm not convinced about is automatically using her and NB as some kind of guided missile to assassinate one powerful model and then sit there with her 5 Df; I believe that she's capable of a lot more than that.

Seriously, in a game of AP we have a 6AP Master who can transfer those AP to friends or trade with enemy AP at a 1-1 rate. She can solo Breakthrough at max VP in a turn if given the chance near the enemy deployment zone. Dropping NB is a nice trick, but that's all it is by comparison.

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I'll agree that getting the Nothing Beast there is great, but to be honest you have a Master who can take six Walk/Interact Actions a turn, and ultimately "gg" is decided by getting points rather than killing off one model. Dropping a heavy hitter in the right place can be devastating, but the likes of Nicodem and Bete Noire can also do that. It's not what's unique to Tara.

Nothing Beast makes a very convincing threat, and loading up Tara with him gives her an excellent degree of protection against enemy models that would like to intercept her. The bit I'm not convinced about is automatically using her and NB as some kind of guided missile to assassinate one powerful model and then sit there with her 5 Df; I believe that she's capable of a lot more than that.

Seriously, in a game of AP we have a 6AP Master who can transfer those AP to friends or trade with enemy AP at a 1-1 rate. She can solo Breakthrough at max VP in a turn if given the chance near the enemy deployment zone. Dropping NB is a nice trick, but that's all it is by comparison.

This is true. Also my point is that since you cant really pick your schemes before the game gets underway, having a strong denial strat is a very good thing. Using Tara for schemes is kind of a waste because you have access to 4ss incorporeal minions that are better off away from the main engagement so that they can heal/bite buried things in relative safety. Add to that the fact that Ressers are also very strong in the scheme/disruption department, devoting her 6-7 ap to schemes can be quite redundant unless you are playing in a fixed list event.

When you run Tara as Ressers you pretty much deprive yourself of alternative big beaters like killjoy and bishop which means that Tara and the NB have to pick up the slack.

Apparently I've been doing fast wrong. whoops.

Edited by Sonova
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I'd kind of agree with your point about Schemes, but I'd tend to build my Crews according the the Scheme pool in any case. With a Master like Tara, my opponent really can't afford to give her space in case she buzzes off and starts earning me points, and the Void Wretches just compound the problem by forcing them to spread more thinly. If I dive Tara and NB at their Master, that kind of commits me immediately and my opponent has one less thing to worry about as I've pulled the trigger on my 12 points + Master gun.

When you run Tara as Ressers you pretty much deprive yourself of alternative big beaters like killjoy and bishop which means that Tara and the NB have to pick up the slack.

This is the only bit I disagree with outright. I am so ready to pay the extra point to see Taelor with Decaying Aura, and Bishop's a really solid fast model with Paralyze for only 11 points. NB's great and all, but he's let me down with regards to magical attacks and the like. Taelor has never let me down. I really love mercs.

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Seriously, in a game of AP we have a 6AP Master who can transfer those AP to friends or trade with enemy AP at a 1-1 rate.

I have no clue what you are talking about here regarding transferring or trading AP.

Either I missed something big, or you are using these terms in a different way than I would. I went back to her cards to see what I was missing but didn't find it.

Please explain.

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I can see a rough translation for transfer in that she can use the 1 action from buried friendly model. And she can spend an AP to give an enemy model slow, so spending 1 Ap totake 1 ap from enemy.

Those are on upgrades.

And her bury on a trigger potentially takes 2 ap from an enemy

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I have no clue what you are talking about here regarding transferring or trading AP.

Either I missed something big, or you are using these terms in a different way than I would. I went back to her cards to see what I was missing but didn't find it.

Please explain.

There's an upgrade that gives Tara Pull the Void, a 1AP action that makes another model Fast or Slow and deals 1 damage to it.

So she can make a friend Fast (effectively transferring the AP she spent to do the Action to the friendly model) or an enemy Slow (she loses 1 AP to make the enemy lose 1 AP, effectively trading at 1-1).

I hadn't even thought about what Adran points out, but Burying a model and keeping it buried will also lose all its AP for the turn. So that's potentially 1 AP to lose the enemy 2+ AP.

Tara can't use Pull the Void if she's doing it on her second Activation of the turn, but she can potentially dish out Slow or Fast like a machine-gun. To models that are in combat. It's kind of like a weird version of Zoraida.

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I have played around 15 games now with Tara as a Rezzer and here are my observations:

She needs a BEATSTICK. Not just a beatstick a BEATSTICK. NB can fill this role but he is very very fragile when out of position at the start of a turn. I do find that he is still an auto include because of his utility. I have found that Bete fits the role nicely because there is no waste of AP to burry her and she can come out pretty much at will.

Wretches are amazing at messing with fast models and healing a dinged up ally. Their ability to cycle through your deck with their double plus is great. Also when low hands are the name of the game with Tara having that is great.

Belles are an excellent utility to be next to NB. Allowing him to sit in cover and have something pulled into his massive 3 in range is great. Also with the possibility of getting 4 AP of attack on one model is fantastic.

I have yet to try death marshals to double bury something but plan to in the near future. I think that a little bit of an expensive kill list would be DM, Student of conflict, Taleor, and Bete. Having student give taleor fast bury with DM and have tara being able to pop out either Bete or a fast taleor just sounds scary.

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I'd kind of agree with your point about Schemes, but I'd tend to build my Crews according the the Scheme pool in any case. With a Master like Tara, my opponent really can't afford to give her space in case she buzzes off and starts earning me points, and the Void Wretches just compound the problem by forcing them to spread more thinly. If I dive Tara and NB at their Master, that kind of commits me immediately and my opponent has one less thing to worry about as I've pulled the trigger on my 12 points + Master gun.

This is the only bit I disagree with outright. I am so ready to pay the extra point to see Taelor with Decaying Aura, and Bishop's a really solid fast model with Paralyze for only 11 points. NB's great and all, but he's let me down with regards to magical attacks and the like. Taelor has never let me down. I really love mercs.

Yes I agree that in general Bishop and Hans are probably worth the extra SS, I have to say that the rest of the mercs generally arent. Bishop and Hans are worth it because they are unique and bring something to the table that ressers dont have and are in need of. The rest of the line up though is iffy.

However as resser you'll want Mortimer because of his synergy with Tara and the Marshals so thats 10ss and MAYBE a gravespirit for 3ss, 10 for the NB, 12 for wretches. That doesn't leave alot of leeway for beatsticks. That said punk zombies are really good these days especially if you can have them cross the board buried and deposit them within melee of whatever you need dead AND 2 will cost as much as a fully tooled up out of faction Killjoy.

And seriously if you are going to shoehorn in bishop and Taelor then why run Tara as ressers in the first place?

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...wait. How does Mortimer have synergy with Tara?

I assume it's Fresh Meat? It'll move Tara and DMs up the board a little faster.

Bishop and Hans are worth it because they are unique and bring something to the table that ressers dont have and are in need of.

And seriously if you are going to shoehorn in bishop and Taelor then why run Tara as ressers in the first place?

What Ressers don't have is a high-WP beatstick with immunity to Horror duels, massive Ml range for board control, a high damage output, the ability to ignore Armour and Hard to Kill. I don't see any need to "shoehorn" Taelor in, she's a natural choice. Bishop I'm less fussed about, but he has his uses sometimes.

In answer to the second question, I play her as Ressers because I like the choice of switching out to Nicodem when necessary and because Resser Tara can run Rotten Belles and Punk Zombies. As you say, a buried Punk Zombie is a very real threat to enemies attacking Tara, but is also less of an investment than a full-on beatstick. Rotten Belles, meanwhile, are always good but especially good with Tara since they can drag enemies within 6" of her for her to pop the Fast pulse.

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Seriously, in a game of AP we have a 6AP Master who can transfer those AP to friends or trade with enemy AP at a 1-1 rate. She can solo Breakthrough at max VP in a turn if given the chance near the enemy deployment zone. Dropping NB is a nice trick, but that's all it is by comparison.

As a related aside, when I faced her last night, her player actually suffered due to activation order because he kept going for re-activate. It is very restrictive in making her activate first and last. Often its worth it, but it does come with its own drawbacks.

I also noted that her second group of Ap can't easily give out slow to enemy models.

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As a related aside, when I faced her last night, her player actually suffered due to activation order because he kept going for re-activate. It is very restrictive in making her activate first and last. Often its worth it, but it does come with its own drawbacks.

I also noted that her second group of Ap can't easily give out slow to enemy models.

Entirely true. I'd also point out that Pandora can shut down the reactivation ability of Tara entirely with Incite, and the Voices Upgrade can let her keep paralyzing Tara, thus making it hard to unbury buried beaters where you want.

I'd still consider it to be a very powerful ability, though. When Wyrd dropped the turn order to 5 and decided that the universal advantage of being a Master was a third general AP, I believe that they gave AP a very influential place in the game. That Tara even has the option to reactivate kind of blows that normal extra AP out of the water.

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Entirely true. I'd also point out that Pandora can shut down the reactivation ability of Tara entirely with Incite, and the Voices Upgrade can let her keep paralyzing Tara, thus making it hard to unbury buried beaters where you want.

I'd still consider it to be a very powerful ability, though. When Wyrd dropped the turn order to 5 and decided that the universal advantage of being a Master was a third general AP, I believe that they gave AP a very influential place in the game. That Tara even has the option to reactivate kind of blows that normal extra AP out of the water.

This is why Mortimer is important when you run Tara as a Resser. Sure, Pandora can mess up your reactivate but she probably cant do it without exposing herself and in M2E an exposed Pandora is a dead Pandora. She simply can not 'tank' an entire crew on her own anymore.

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