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Favorite Current minis


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So with M2E on the horizon, and the prospect of the metals minis slowly being discontinued and phased out, i was interested to know what peoples favorites were - maybe pick your top 3.

There are certainly a number of corkers that we might be "losing"

I'll start with my 3 Favorites:

Original lady J

Original Executioner

Snow Storm


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It's sad that metal minis are being phased out - I'm not one to deny progress and I agree that plastic is a better material for many reasons, but there is nothing like picking up a powerful-looking model and it having real weight and... clout. But hey; it's what's on the surface that counts, not what's underneath!

Number one model for me is (unsurprisingly) Scales Of Justice. Whilst not the most powerful or spikey or intimidating, everything about him from his posture to his expression is spot on. Models can look sad or angry or smiley but SoJ is pure despair.

Well done sculptors. Well done.

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It's difficult because there are so many good ones! but i'll pick the following:

Silent One

Teddy (it's a bit 2d and flat but it's so creepy and cool!)


and of course Nightmare Lord Chompy bits but that's already "discontinued" so to speak. :D i've decided to finally paint mine during the summer.

The little piglet on Rami lacroix gun is also a favourite :D (i'm sort of cheating now aren't i?)

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  • 2 weeks later...

the Illuminated being eaten by the nightmarish thing on its back is the single miniature that made me wanting to play the game =)

also love:

Seamus Avatar

'regular' Rasputina

Mr. Tannen & Mr. Gaves (how freaking can be a 'simple' humans in spite of all twisted monstrosities this and other games sport...)

Edited by Gabbi
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  • 1 month later...

Desperate Mercenary - Male


Gremlin Taxidermist

This was a difficult list to make, so I've decided to only add miniatures I've assembled and/or painted. Alt Lady J is the mini I definitely like the most, but I never intend to play with Guild Marshals. There are many more metal minis I haven't listed here, some of them I'm getting I hope in time before the Wyrds metal supplies run out.

What I mostly love about Wyrd miniatures aren't just the minis in themseves (although they great), but the concept which has made me convert a lot of miniatures and make them my own. A lot of minis in my Marcus and Lilith crews and a bit of Zoraidas, Leveticus, Ophelias and Viktorias crews are proxies made from bits or whole minis from Freebooter, Dark Age and Confrontation miniatures).

I'll try to replace some proxies with plastics, but I'll play friendly games with my proxies since they aren't legal on official happenings.

I bought a lot of the minis I like, but I choose from a story and fluff perspective.

If I chose to buy everything I like I would have most of Arcanists, Neverborn and Outcasts and at least a crew from other four factions.

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That is probably the hardest question I have ever had to face regarding picking minis. There are so many great minis everytime I try to decide to think on the ones I like I end up with a too long list. Guess the most important ones that really draw me into malifaux were:

Death marshals



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