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Dislike Limited Edition?


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Hey everyone.

Don't be fooled by this thread title into thinking I dislike the actual limited edition models themselves, I'm more asking:

Does Anyone Else Wish the Limited Edition Models weren't ... err ... Limited Edition?

Miss Demeanor, Miss Pack, Nightmare Teddy, Dead Justice Boxset etc are all fantastic, but because I have only been playing Malifaux a short while and because I dont buy from/at GeoCon I dont really have access to these models.

Now, I do know that they tend to pop up on Ebay from time to time, but thats whats so annoying about it, its just like tickets to a football game, concert or any other one off items ... there are always people who think "I am going to get these and sell them for a huge profit!!!"

Sure there are a couple of people who dont want them and think "Well someone else would enjoy these" but I bet they are a minority, no?

This isnt a Wyrd specific issue either, I just dont like limited edition anything to be honest. If you can make something, and there is a demand for it, why not sell it?

An alternative to LE might be something like, fans/followers/supporters/first-in-line, get the models much earlier maybe a year (or even two) before their general release. Or if a particular model was popular enough then make some more a little later down the road.

For example, I would love to get my hands on an upainted Dead Justice Set but there is no way in hell I'm paying £80-100 for the privilege, especially considering that something like the Judges chain snapping or pieces being hard to fit/pin is always a possibility.

I know it sounds like I'm whining by starting a topic like this, but I can't be the only who dislikes the concept of Limited Edition models and wishes they were released generally? Am I?

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I know where you're coming from regarding limited edition models, for example the image of Lord Chompy with the Dreamer on his shoulder was one of the first things that inspired me to get into Malifaux, and I was a little bit mortified to see the actual model compared to the Nightmare Edition.

From a retail perspective, Limited Edition models are ideal for what they do, ie generate a lot of interest in game systems, offer alternatives to existing models, or offer incentives as prizes etc. My main problem with limited edition models is how cynical (or some may say savvy) buyers will purchase a great number of these models knowing that there re-sale value will (the majority of the time) pay for their expenditure along with a decent profit.

This is not just true in miniatures, steelbook blurays and limited edition vinyl records also face this problem.

Unfortunately, the main problem with limited editions models is their desirability, and because of this there will always be people who will take advantage of this. It is just a shame that many people are unable to share in these models due to financial constraints, or their location.

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I like the limited editions. I enjoy seeing models that not everyone has, especially when there is a nice paint job and base on them. If the model fits in my army/faction, i am willing to pay a little more for the model. I appreciate the fact that Wyrd is nice enough to put the limited figs on their website for the period they are available so when I can't make an event, I am still able to obtain one. I can't tell you how frustrating Games Day models were to me when I was still a GW follower.

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I like the limited edition as they provide some cool alternate sculpts for models and offer collectors something that not everyone will have access to. I am very glad that wyrd has both made them available in their online store during Gen Con and in several other means and that the limited models they have produced are simply alternatives to other models that they produce. If the limited models had different game effects, or were characters that there was no other way to use in the game, I would be upset. I was up until the wee hours of the morning that first year chompy was available refreshing the web store hoping that they wouldn't sell out before my order went through.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having a few chase models are nice to have. It builds interest and something for gamers to hunt for. I just wish they were a way for us to get them for prise support.

As long as they don't make them have different rules or abilities from normal models I like them.as an ex-wizkids gamer I can tell you models that have different abilities from the base game breaks the game.

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I like them, and especially how Wyrd does them, as they first off let everyone buy them from gencon through their webstore, and then it seems a little over a year later (Black Friday sale/Birthday Sale) which may become a yearly thing they let you buy any renaming stock with a little bit of notice.

However having spend a little over £150 on a Nightmare edition LCB due to the artwork for that model in the book is what sold this game to me, i had to get him. I do get the issues with people selling for profit later on:P

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I would prefer a way to distribute rare models in the form of collectables only. Not models a person can use to play with. It is cool and fun and a nice incentive to just toss the mini on the table. But I would prefer a nice rare model for displaying purposes instead of playing.

This is surely a poor way to go for a business, but as a collector, I would rather 'bench' my LE models than have them get worn off and 'ruined' by playing with them.

Corvus Belli did something I like. As a promo to their new campaign setting in Infinity, they released a special LE model that has no function in the game. The model does, however, appear in the lore of the game and thus does have a connection to the game as such. Just no play value.

As mentioned above, I think it would be a great idea to supply those models as event prizes or such. Thus they could still have some current and be available to newer players. Something more like the 'Miss' series. Single special edition models would be a great incentive for players to participate in events. It wouldn't have to be a whole crew or a giant model, like LCB and NE Teddy.

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I had not intended this thread to be my debut. However, since I am new here, I feel that this thread has a bit of significance for me.

Ultimately, I am of two minds when it comes to limited editions: I understand the logic of them and I appreciate and like that Wyrd wants to do nice things for their supporters (customers or Henchmen), but as a newly interested party I am also frustrated when I want a company to take my money and am told that they would have gladly taken it if only I had gotten here a few months earlier.

Certain companies and limited editions go hand-in-hand. If you're just designing cool miniatures, then limited editions are a bit like art pieces. It sucks, but not everyone gets to buy the good stuff, and I'm cool with that. Life isn't fair, after all.

But when gaming pieces are taken off the market, it is (to me) another matter altogether. Life isn't fair, but a game should be as fair as reasonable. This is one area where I believe that Wyrd have done a great service to their customers by not giving limited editions new or different rules...even so, different base sizes are problematic by granting different advantages/disadvantages to what is essentially the same model.

Also, since Wyrd is making more plastic models, the limited nature of certain pieces bothers my business sense. The cost for making plastic injection molds is high, as is their durability, and the turnaround is (to my understanding) lengthy. It runs counter to my philosophy to make something available for only a limited time when the molds are going to be good for much, much longer. Why sell 1,000 models when you can sell 5,000 (unless you're getting 5x the price)? There's simply too much missed opportunity for profit on some fantastic models.

Now, this isn't to say that, even in games, I'm against limited editions entirely. One idea that occurs to me is that not of limited editions, but special editions. A special edition could be the same model but in a different medium, for example, if Wyrd produced a pewter version of a plastic kit with a slightly different pose or other details. Another example, and one that I admit to being quite taken with, would be to make a small sprue of additional parts that would allow for a bit more customization than the standard kit--a different style of hat, different weapons, a different body pose, basing inserts (or other base decorations), etc. That still gives existing customers the opportunity to have something exclusive, and wouldn't cut the "newbie" out entirely.

Thank you for bearing with me. I now return you to my regularly scheduled lurking. :Hiding_Puppet:

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The Nightmare justice box contained Lady Justice, Judge, 3 death marshals. They were all in poses of death and undeath. (Justice is carrying her decapatitaed head). The models also came with rules for ressurectionist minions (Dead doxy, Punk Zombie, Drowned, Guild Autopsy and Crooked man I think) using the same figures.

Personally I like the way Wyrd do their limited edition figures as looking cool, but the same rules as a normal figure that anyone could get.

They have tried several different ways of distribution, and personally I prefer the ability to buy online at gen con time.

I'd be interested to see if the change to Plastic impacts on this, as I understand its a greater set up cost, but cheaper each cast.

Edited by Adran
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