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Just another thread where we pile up Minion ideas like sirloin at a stir fry joint

Jonas Albrecht

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I'd love to see an analogue of Spring-Heeled Jack as a minion, or a play off of Sweeney Todd as a master.

As far as entire factions go, I *really* have a hankering for a faction that is even more of a "good guy" faction than the Guild; I'm thinking Seraphim, Noblemen and Pegasi - kind of a true antithesis to Neverborn. And, I trust that Wyrd could twist it to be dark enough that it fits with Malifaux's ambience. The downside to that would probably be that it's harder to make it more steampunk and less "high-fantasy" with the workings of it, but if, perchance, Wyrd made angels in the true traditional means (a la http://i.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/article/6/3/0/33630.jpg?v=1 ), it might just work out. Heck, we could see paladins in the form of gunslingers, right?

While we're at it, a dual-faction Master who is an analogue of Spawn, with this faction alongside Neverborn as his allignment! Whaddup!

~Lil Kalki

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Moar silurids!!

But seriously (and I was also serious above), couple of neat ideas:

- Sea creatures that can be in water terrain (and some sort of evolving ability that allows to to get out of the water)

- Another, better shapeshifter

- Undead Gremlins

- An illusionist that creates terrain that enemy models failing a Wp duel cannot move or see through and creates Terrifying/Anathema checks all over the place.

---------- Post added at 07:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 PM ----------

Moar silurids!!

But seriously (and I was also serious above), couple of neat ideas:

- Sea creatures that can be in water terrain (and some sort of evolving ability that allows to to get out of the water)

- Another, better shapeshifter

- Undead Gremlins

- An illusionist that creates terrain that enemy models failing a Wp duel cannot move or see through and creates Terrifying/Anathema checks all over the place.

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Clearly what the game is lacking is a crazy shotgun toting preacher. It actually amazes me that there isn't one already. So here he is. He's deceptively fast, can tar pit, and has several ways of inflicting good damage at range.

The Preacher

Unique, Outcast, Mercenary, 6SS

Wk/Cg 4/-

Ht 2

WP 6

Ca 5

Df 4

Wd 8



Rg {gun} 8

Cb 5

Dg 2/3/4{blast}

Flick Knife

Rg 1

Cb 5

Dg 1/2/3


Immune to Influence

Hard to Kill

Armoured in Faith

This model may choose to use its WP value rather than its Df value when make a resist flip against spells

Penitent Man

This model may choose to suffer 1 wound to gain an additional (0) action at the start of its activation. This ability may be used once per turn.


{crow} Live to Serve (New Convert)

Push the target up to its walk towards this model

{ram} My Life for You (New Convert)

Select one of the target's basic melee weapons. Target suffers damage equal to that weapon's weak damage value.

{mask} Religious Ecstasy (New Convert)

The target receives slow until the end of its next activation


(0) Righteous Fury

Push this model up to its walk

(0) Denounce Heretic

Declare a target model within 8”. This model receives [+] to shotgun strikes against that model.

(0) True Believer

This model gains +2 WP

(1) New Convert.

Target model within 12” ofhtis model with a WP -> WP duel. If the target looses, it may not target The Preacher until the end of its next activation


(1) The Good Book.

CC 13 {tome}, Rst -, Rg C,

This model makes a healing flip

(2) Fire and Brimstone.

CC15, Rst Df, Rg 10”


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