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SC's new Malifaux painting thread (post-switch to white)


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I love these! the rust looks amazing, and I really like the colors. The Ashigaru's weapons are probably my favorite part of the whole thing.


My only complaint... if I may... is the grass. it adds a ton of character to these pieces and looks really sweet. I feel like they are really wading through the bayou. But it does hide a lot of the models. I think it works really well for the Ashigaru, but I'm kind of sad that so much of Izamu is covered up. Since he has so much of it, it might be worth trimming some of the stalks down to reveal a little more of the armor.


just an idea. Like I said, I love the effect, I just think there is too much on izzy.


As always, you are a serious inspiration! HUZZAH!

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another possible way is to have the grass trampled behind izamu depending on how etheral you wiew him to be. I havent looked at his m2e rules so i dont know if hes a stompy armour with a angry spirit inside or incorporeal ghost samurai


if hes a stompy armour hed trample the vegetation behind him. And I also wondered if the backbanners are green and freehanded or covered in mildew. do you have a better picture of them if they are covered in freehand goodness?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks, everyone, for the comments- sorry I didn't respond earlier: the beta and medical stuff left the thread neglected...
On the banners, I was going for green & white, with the brown from weathering/wear.
I wanted the grass high, as deep and more heavily atmospheric... and it's easier to subtract than add, if it needed adjusting. For the second half, I took cues from your responses here and, while not making them shorter, more conservatively placed the grass bunches to frame more and obscure less (notes):
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Thanks! Yeah, I was happy with the atmosphere but definitely agreed that it was starting to feel like I was sacrificing too much of the model visibility.


On Yan, yeah, I think he's a very nice model that's just a little too understated for a master (feel the same way about Lynch without his crazy skeleton which throws things to the other extreme).  This one was for a commission, and I've got plans to convert my own along a similar Japanese vein, so more extensively modified than just the paint job as emphasis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really like what you did there. I have found that near black is tough to paint and haven't actually figured out a good approach for me yet in doing that.  The eyes look nice but I wonder if you'd get more contrast by using some orange glow, since you have blue on the backs. Orange / Blue being opposite colors will give high contrast.

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Thanks, all!


Spectre, good thought on the contrast-- I was trying to keep things a bit on the desolate side and feel that orange is a bit too warm, vs. a more unnatural yellow, but definitely appreciate the perspective.


Next up, it seemed appropriate to paint these guys up given the time of year... a few notes, too.
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I seriously love your colour work. You have a super distinct style that is evolving on its own trajectory - that is a seriously cool feat.

The Rooster is just a perfect example of your almost impressionistic style with the bold colours that switch in imaginative ways when going from shadow to light as well as the vision behind the brush strokes. Really amazing stuff!

I must say, though, that I would love to see a pic or two of them against a non-black background. Maybe even action shots on a gaming table. Just to see how they look (I mean, what I would love the most would be to hold them in my hand some day but that seems somewhat unlikely, unfortunately - unless you would like to atted a Malifaux tournament in Finland some day...).

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I am very sorry SC to do this in your thread but I just can't..

I mean, what I would love the most would be to hold them in my hand some day

That's what she said.

Back on topic. I would love to see some pictures of the minis without the backgrounds too. Do you have them somewhere?

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Thanks, everyone


ZFiend, no worries, you gotta' do what you gotta' do ;)


On backgrounds, they're on a black backdrop- I kept feeling like white didn't work (artificial shadows around bright look really weird), but I've been meaning to get a grey one, and thinking those calls will kick my ass into getting one. I'm also getting close to being able to do some action shots- I've been working (slowly) on a badlands table for a long time now, and it's getting close to presentable.


Thanks, Math! Yeah, particularly with my OSL stuff I've been trying to experiment with a little expressionism in part because I like the effect but doing it purely smoothly gets boring since it takes so long. I'm planning on doing my whole Gremlin force in a similar style.


Unfortunately, haven't been to Europe in a decade-plus. I'd love to get back, but have no idea when that'd be... still trying to get our small press off the ground.

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