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I'm probably insane, but why has nobody ever done a "dark carnival" themed table?


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So I haven't even received my first crews yet, and I'm already thinking of how to redo my gaming table for Malifaux. I've seen Old West towns, Victorian-era city blocks...but never a carnival of any type. And I'm not just speaking of Malifaux. Unless my Google-fu is just terrible in 2013, I can't find an example of one built for any miniatures game. It just seems like too neat of a setting to just not exist. So I think I am going to build it. It is going to be a slow process, as I've literally not built any terrain before, but I have some ideas, a few of which came from this video

A few quick wikipedia searches (everything on the internet is true!) show that the time periods would be fine for such a thing for Malifaux. Not that I'd be overly concerned myself, since I'd be using it for myself and friends to play on...but there is currently a Christmas Santa Goblin on the side of my webpage frame, so again, probably OK regardless.

As a game designer by trade, I've done level layouts before, so that is going to be my first step. I want it to be fair for players and be a fun playspace above just looking cool. As I'm doing that, I want to think of interesting play mechanics that could be used for special story game elements. Off the top of my head, use an action to interact with a carnival game and if you win it, you get VP. Maybe the House of Mirrors as a building that can cause some combat hijinx or something. I'd actually like a ferris wheel that can be scaled, and of course it has to move.

So as I go through this adventure, I'll be posting updates here. As I said, it is going to take me a bit to build, for sure, and I'll be scouring the forums for tips on building. If anyone does have ideas or has seen something similar to what I'm talking about, please share!

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I've been trying to find it but I know there was a table built like this for the game Eden. I have a hazy memory of it being RubishInRubishOut on Youtube but I can't find it. One of the factions in that game is a ***** troupe so they built a big top after the Apocalypse.

I do think this is a sadly underused idea for Malifaux though. Look forward to seeing what you come up with.

---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 PM ----------

Ah- I seem to have hit the content filter. "Funny people with make-up and big shoes..."

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Poets of the Fall! They're awesome! You're awesome for linking them!

This sounds like a pretty cool idea. A House of Mirrors could make certain spells that are resisted bounce back on the caster, or give models increased Df, or mess with LoS somehow.

Carnival Games could get you Soulstones; seems like it'd be too good to give out VPs, but it's your board.

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Poets of the Fall! They're awesome! You're awesome for linking them!

This sounds like a pretty cool idea. A House of Mirrors could make certain spells that are resisted bounce back on the caster, or give models increased Df, or mess with LoS somehow.

Carnival Games could get you Soulstones; seems like it'd be too good to give out VPs, but it's your board.

Yeah man. I didn't discover them until playing Alan Wake, but am now a big fan of theirs.

I like your idea on the games better, actually. Though, maybe some way for players to play against each other would be cool, and there are multiple tiers or "prizes" so you can cheat or push to try to get more.

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*Fooouuuuund it!!!!* :D

I put it in spoilers just in case Nathan/Eric come across this and are creeped at all:

~Lil Kalki

That link doesn't appear to be working.

Great idea on the OP.

I'd love to play on it once its done...I've got just the crew for it: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?33334-Iron-Heel-Carnival-of-Doom!

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I was holding my breath because I was worried this thread, when it was load, was about the insane ***** posse and a bit of malifaux would have died in my heart that second.

I was glad it wasn't!

Nooooooooooooooooooooooo, no no no no no no no no. I had that phase in high school, for like, 2 weeks. If anything, the linked video and Carnivale (the HBO show) are inspirations.

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Does this work? I actually think this is a different video than the first one but it's showcasing the same thing, so...

Also I couldn't keep the spoilertags, just because they may have been the cause of the dilemma, so sorry if you don't like those nosey things, even though there are none in the video.

~Lil Kalki
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Was going to link the same vid but was beat to the punch ;) A carnivalish board for collodi has been on my todo list, but that list is 500 miles long..

To OP: keep in mind.. level layout in vidgames and boardgames differ. Thats something Ive had to get used to myself. Rules for one, doesnt translate to the other.

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Was going to link the same vid but was beat to the punch ;) A carnivalish board for collodi has been on my todo list, but that list is 500 miles long..

To OP: keep in mind.. level layout in vidgames and boardgames differ. Thats something Ive had to get used to myself. Rules for one, doesnt translate to the other.

Oh I know. I've done a few table setups for Warmahordes that have worked well. There are things that obviously carry over. It's really all about knowing what the rules for the game bring to the table.

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Yeah man. I didn't discover them until playing Alan Wake, but am now a big fan of theirs.

I like your idea on the games better, actually. Though, maybe some way for players to play against each other would be cool, and there are multiple tiers or "prizes" so you can cheat or push to try to get more.

That's how I discovered them too. Alan Wake is one of my favourite games, and it introduced me to one of my favourite bands.

A couple more ideas:

-Shooting targets for prizes (simple duels)

-Terrifying tests in some areas, or while you have LoS to something 'scary'

-Something that messes with stats, like making you dizzy or intoxicated

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