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The most powerful single ability in the game


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Really why because one you get to draw a card and discard the other is just draw a card. Oh and I thought of another really great one Drain Souls I think that is the name for killing your own guys and getting soulstones..

It's to do the fact if play Lilith (only model with the ability i think ATM) there is at lest four models i can choose with Arcane Reservoir and since both abilities stack, rush of magic become more valuable since it's rarer

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It's to do the fact if play Lilith (only model with the ability i think ATM) there is at lest four models i can choose with Arcane Reservoir and since both abilities stack, rush of magic become more valuable since it's rarer

Misaki's totem, shang, also has rush of magic :)

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It's to do the fact if play Lilith (only model with the ability i think ATM) there is at lest four models i can choose with Arcane Reservoir and since both abilities stack, rush of magic become more valuable since it's rarer

The question isn't "Which is the most valuable ability?" (even if you accept the premise that rarer = more valuable, in which case there are literally hundreds of abilities that only occur once, unlike Rush of Magic) - it is "Which is the most powerful ability?" - Rush of Magic is a straight up weaker version of Arcane Reservoir - its still a nice ability, and the fact that Lilith can stack both effects makes it all the better, but nothing in that makes it more powerful...

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Fixed, I think. Cards are not in front of me.

Well from the cards:

Irresitible: Enemy models must win a WP->12 Duel when targeting this model with an attack or the Action fails. This may not be ignored by any Talent.

Combined with the definition of an Attack on either page 21 of the new 1.5 book or page 18 of the Rules Manual it does cover quite a lot.

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Thanks for the thoughts everyone, especially those who provided some reasoning for their choice rather than just listing the name of an ability.

It seems to me that there is no consensus over what is a powerful action, but that the best abilities are considered to be either those that give more actions (e.g. Fast) or increase the efficacy of an action (e.g. Use Soulstones). I suppose that these give the most ‘bang for your buck’ by either letting a model do more in its activation or giving a better chance of succeeding at that action.

In other words, taking (and succeeding) actions is considered to be more important than having a powerful but unreliable (or AP-intensive). Now that I come to write this down, it seems rather obvious actually.

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I agree with Use Soulstones being the big deal here. I even believed that it had too much impact in the game to my tastes, a while ago.

Reactivate is strong, sure...but it doesn't happen often and when it does, it is usually with a big price tag (Stitched have to die before activating anyway, Nurses will kill the models, etc). I don't know of a reactivate that comes as a free bonus, but then i don't use/know all models. What i mean is that "reactivate" is an effect, not an ability, and the abilities that give it tend to imply an additional cost.

This leads me to think that (Fast) is the 2nd big one, as you can choose what to do with the extra AP.

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I have to side with TedPro - "Oldest of Magics" - This model is immune to wounds from non-magical and non-focused sources. There are a few things that (explicitly) get around it handily, but it's immunity to most damage, which is amazing.

Edited by Merbak
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I have to side with TedPro - "Oldest of Magics" - This model is immune to wounds from non-magical and non-focused sources. There are a few things that (explicitly) get around it handily, but it's immunity to most damage, which is amazing.

Its the power of it combined with Undying that truely make it brutal. It on its own is nice but almost all models can still harm it.

Its powerful, but all it does is mean you need to use 2 AP to hit the model rather than 1. (so is comparable to mass distribution of slow).

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I actually think that you can't consider any ability in a vacuum, at least without discussing model cost.

Sure Reactivate is great but if its on a 15 stone model then maybe its part of the cost.

Fast is also a great ability but it wouldn't make the Malifaux child any better.

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Time for a very uninformed* ramble on why defensive stance is my choice.

1) it's available to everyone, meaning it can be useful for any model in the game. This removes a bit of the situational "if you run this crew with these models then this action is the best" stuff.

2) Flipping lots of cards = high chance of getting a good card = high chance of your model surviving OR your opponent using cards from hand/soulstones just to do damage which they might normally manage without them (anything which reduces high cards/soulstones for your opponent is great in my opinion).

3) It means that models which your opponent thought they'd steamroller through are suddenly ruining their plans. Case study - My Jackalope on defensive stance stood on an evidence marker held off a rail golem's full AP of attacks for a turn.

4) It deletes any negatives you might have been at, so you can still cheat in cards

and finally 5) a razorspine on defensive stance can still charge 10" for a 1 action... go razorspines!

*I'm a little over 10 games in now, so I haven't come across a lot of the actions people have mentioned so far, so this is "what do I percieve as the best action", rather than "what actually is the best action"

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Time for a very uninformed* ramble on why defensive stance is my choice...

3) It means that models which your opponent thought they'd steamroller through are suddenly ruining their plans. Case study - My Jackalope on defensive stance stood on an evidence marker held off a rail golem's full AP of attacks for a turn.

Well to be fair the Jackalope does have a Df that is a bit above the Rail Golem's Cb (and average Cb in general), so Defensive Stance would be rather good on him. The same can not be said for models on the other end of the spectrum like say the Rotten Belles, Ice Golem, Moleman, etc (pretty much any model with below average Df). Defensive Stance is pretty much wasted on them.

The other issue with Defensive Stance is it only protects against attacks that target them so :aura's :pulse's and :blasts will just ignore it (and there are quite a few of those floating around)

Edited by Omenbringer
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