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Who do we have here still that plays Guild?

Jonas Albrecht

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Wait, what if Dreamer and Misaki both start wearing red and Rams... would I count then?

It would count less. Much less.

---------- Post added at 05:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:42 PM ----------

Guild, eh? Nah, they're so... I dunno, what's the word? Boring, yeah that's it.


Ducks as the rocks come flying

Says the guy who plays the Hufflepuff of factions.

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Hrm. Own every guild model released except two totems and Latigo Pistoleroes. (That speaks volumes by the way).

Have played 2 games with Leveticus, my only Outcast master.

Have played 0 games with Seamus my new Resser master. He's a side painting project at the moment.

Have played all other games as guild. (That's alot).

Yeah - I'm a big guild guy.

Every Year is Year of the Ram. :)


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I have some Showgirls because the models are great. Think I've used them twice. I have Mei Feng et al because I really want to try the chop cocky combo nonsense sometime...but they're not assembled yet. I have a Seamus that isn't painted yet but only intended for Demos if I ever give any. I have Ophelia and the kin, but they're in my cabinet, not my case (and they're COPYING the Guild...). I have a ViksCorps crew I bought on a whim. They're not painted yet either.

So when I play it's pretty much ALWAYS Guild in some form. Think I'm only missing one thing from book 1 (Governor's proxy), a couple from book 2 (Guard Captain, Drill sergeant, Lawyer) and Pistoleros+aDita from book 3. The rest is painted and ready.

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Just started playing this year, and went on a tear with Perdita and Sonnia initially. Took up the mantles of Ramos and Kaeris for a few games and got stomped as I spread out my master experience, so I put them aside and haven't picked them up again since.

Full time guild player here. Own every figure but the avatars (only have Sonnia's), 1 totem and the Pistoleros.

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