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A note to Wyrd


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I would really like to see 30mm and 40mm black bases without the slots produced. For those of us that custom base our minis (which seems to be a large portion of players), we don't use the slots or the tabs on the bottom of the minis themselves.

Slotless bases would make doing your own bases much easier, and I know, personally, I would buy slotless exclusively over the slotted bases, as would many other people I'm sure.

I know there's a lot of people on the forums that would like to see the new translucent, colored bases done slotless (and smooth on the underside would be nice as well). I would actually consider buying them if I didn't either have to purchase additional inserts or deal with the odd look of a partial slot left to deal with.

Just something to think about. Thanks :)

And for everyone else, if you agree with me, say so and maybe Wyrd will give us this small convenience. (And I suppose if you don't agree this would be the place to say so as well...)

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I understand that covering the slot isn't really a big deal. It's just a minor thing I thought I would bring up in case no one had thought of it.

I do understand that from Wyrd's side of thing they would have to make new molds and I'm sure that's not a simple thing.

I just don't see what it would hurt to have the option of buying bases slotted or solid. That way the people that prefer the bases as is could buy slotted bases, and the rest of us wouldn't have to bother filling the slot. (And with the new translucent bases a no slot option would be especially nice).

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Me either. I just cover it with masking tape. Once you sand and flock it it is invisible.

One small "problem" here is that plastic glue doesn't bond to masking tape (or wooden match sticks, who has those anymore :).

I know it's not a huge issue, as you can switch to superglue, but slot-less bases would still be nice.

Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not going to complain if it doesn't happen or takes long to come out, but I just wanted to throw in my support for the idea and note one small reason why it would be nice.

FWIW, one thing I recall that GW did back in the day, was to have the slot but have it covered over by a thin layer that players could cut out if they needed the slot or could leave uncut if they didn't. This might not be as aesthetically pleasing on the clear bases, but would certainly work for the opaque bases and might be easier to rework the molds?

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One small "problem" here is that plastic glue doesn't bond to masking tape (or wooden match sticks, who has those anymore :).

I know it's not a huge issue, as you can switch to superglue, but slot-less bases would still be nice.

Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not going to complain if it doesn't happen or takes long to come out, but I just wanted to throw in my support for the idea and note one small reason why it would be nice.

Thats fair. There are as many ways to base a model as, well, I guess as there are modelers. I personally completely build and paint the base and then pin the finished model to it as the last step. As a result, I couldn't care a bit about the slot. However, I understand how it could make a bigger difference to other people's basing techniques.

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One small "problem" here is that plastic glue doesn't bond to masking tape

I don't cover the entire base, just the slot and maybe a cm around it....I cut it with a razor. Most models have a big enough stance that they can fit on there with no problem. But I get your point and agree with Cadilon that these things make different impacts on different modelers. I certainly wasn't trying to say my way was the best way...just stating what I do. Which I also do even with a lot of models with tabs...so many times the tab isn't as long as the slot.

Having Nathan come on even just to say they would entertain the idea demonstrates yet again how they listen to us. And a big reason for my loyalty to this company.

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Having Nathan come on even just to say they would entertain the idea demonstrates yet again how they listen to us. And a big reason for my loyalty to this company.

Yea, I certainly didn't expect that sort of response. It is awesome that they at least seem to browse their forums.

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