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Iron Heel: The Miss-terious Ms. Lynch

Iron Heel

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Hello all,

I love the Miss Terious models (except for that itty-bitty newborn head) but I don't play guild.


I don't hate the Lynch model, but I'm not too excited about him either.

And what do you get....


I stole the head from the more buxom Beckoner. I think it is a "little" on the big side relative to her shoulders but her hips are actually fairly wide (not really seen in the pic) so I think it looks okay. Also, minis companies have made big-headed models for decades to allow for more facial detail so it looks a little more normal than it might otherwise.

I'd have gone for slightly a smaller head...but we have pretty slim pickins thus far. I also tried a rail worker's head but it was not too far off from this one and was much less feminine.

I clipped her axe and will connect the magic smoke to her unseen hands.

The items are not fixed to the base yet so I'm still able to do some repositioning.

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Thanks all :-)

It will be a while before I get paint on her, but I will surely post once I do. I've not even worked out a color scheme yet.

I had the idea before the figures came in; I wanted to get this together and be the first poster on it though...copycats! :Powerful_Puppet:

The big problem now is that if I want to bring two beckoners, the second one will have a zombie or skaven head! :Paralyzed_Puppet:

The elevated area is two pieces torn from a thin cork placemat then stacked.

This thread shows my Kaeris crew which have some cork basing: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?30357-Iron-Heel-Kaeris-Crew&highlight=Iron+heelKaeris-Crew&highlight=Iron+heel

Edited by Iron Heel
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The box has an extra fem head for the illuminated, but it would not be suitable.

I've been reading posts on glue and I think that super glue I used on this model went bad (it used to be an easy-flow liquid and is not goopy and stringy). It was not holding well on this figure and took forever to set. I hope that the glue holds; I'd have to have to come back at it after it is painted.

---------- Post added at 12:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 AM ----------

That... Is just fantastic. Simple but even more genius because of it!

Thanks. Some of my most successful conversion work have also been the simplest...like my Killjoy you see as my avatar.

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  • 3 months later...

I think I know where my second Miss Terious is going... Nice idea.

After my current campaign, in which I am locked into Neverborn, I am planning on running an all female Ten Thunders crew. Right now, my brawls would be with Misaki and Mei Fang as masters with their totems, the two female Torakage, Yamaziko, and Oiran to fill points. Mei Fang is kind of wasted without constructs so a Ms. Lynch would be kind of cool.

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Now I want a second Miss Terious. :(

I will blatantly steal this conversion one day. Indeed, I will.

Feel free...The only bummer is that you end up with a headless beckoner. :Sad_Puppet1:

Regarding updates, I've assembled, primed, and undercoated the following

Ms. Lynch


Depleted x2

Illuminated x3

When I do up a beckoner that will be 35 pts

I've not really gone much further since I can't settle on a color scheme.

In the meantime, I'll be putting some more work into this crew: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?33334-Iron-Heel-Carnival-of-Doom!#post423450

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*double checks* It's not just her head. The whole model is ridiculously tiny next to the Beckoners.

Yeah. The size/scale variance in the new plastics has been a bummer for me. Of course, Kang should be big as he is a brick and such...that is not the kind of thing I am talking about. It seems to me that certain figures should be on par with eachother like Ms. T should be of a size with Mei, the beckoners, etc. When that doesn't happen then it is a problem for me. Ms. T's body with the beckoner head (I used the pony tailed one) does have a little bit of a "Bratz" thing going on, but not too much beyond what we've been trained to think looks normal in miniature (big head for one).

Ms. T and the other beckoner head


Ms. T and Willie (they don't even look like they came from the same company)


As a person who has no experience with doing 3D renders, I assume that one can alter their size/shape without a ton of effort. If seems to me that Wyrd could have done some more QC on scale...but I know that many others are not nearly as bothered by it as me.

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As a person who has no experience with doing 3D renders, I assume that one can alter their size/shape without a ton of effort. If seems to me that Wyrd could have done some more QC on scale...but I know that many others are not nearly as bothered by it as me.

Right, like print a test run and go, Nope, too small. Increase the "font size" by 25%, or something on par with that.

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