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Welcome to the game. The first two that come to mind are Zombie Chihuahua and Canine remains. Are you using him more as a summoner or melee? Its always kind of fun for him to toss out a Rogue Necromancy. Haven't used him but you might give Rafkin a look over too.

Just my $0.02.

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If you end up going the Rafkin route, then you'd want to get a blister of Guild Autopsies as he can summon them and they make a good ranged addition to a McMourning crew. +1 to the recommendation of Canine Remains and if you haven't already, his totem the Zombie Chihuahua is also a cheap must have.

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Good to hear you've ordered some rotten belles. They are *VERY* good for their pointcost. Grave spirit is also very good, but at the cost of the chihuahua.

I like canine remains with Mcm, but they die fast. Very fast. I might put a punk zombie or two, In my experience, they pair very well with belles.

Take it you've got a fleshy construct? Maybe get a second. Even when using Mcm as a combat master, you'll often have enough parts to summon one, or two, flesh constructs over the course of a few turns.

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Can't go wrong with Belles! I've had fun with Rafkin as a mini-McMourning, can't get my head around Sebastian though, my playstyle is fast and aggressive so I find he always get's left behind. He'd be a nice little tank if you were going down the summon-y route though.

Otherwise I always bring a Hanged who can tank and keep up with float, and he's a wonderful target for MM to Scalpel Sling to if he needs a speed boost or to push out of trouble (plus a body part and said Hanged will only take one wound on a minimum damage flip).

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Whilst you may lose the option for the good Doc's specific totem, I found that the Grave Spirit attached to him makes him an absolute beast in combat. Adding the Armour +2 combined with his already crazy self healing ability makes him a mean, scary Doc in close.

Punk Zombies are always a good bet as well, Bette is fun and Sebastian can either rip face in combat or bring some puppies to play with.

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Whilst you may lose the option for the good Doc's specific totem, I found that the Grave Spirit attached to him makes him an absolute beast in combat. Adding the Armour +2 combined with his already crazy self healing ability makes him a mean, scary Doc in close.

Doesn't the grave spirit only give armour to the undead?

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I've found a very potent 25 ss base to be:

Zombie Chihuahua

Canine Remains

2 x Crooked Men

2 x Rotten Belles

Convict Gunslinger

The Chihuahua and Remains get carved up into body parts the first turn (netting enough body parts to make a Rogue Necromancy), The Crooked men, Belles, and Gunslinger make up the core fighting force. Taken together, they are very nice at isolating and ambushing enemy models piecemeal. Lay out shafted markers, lure an already-activated enemy model into the shafted markers (and into range of the gunslinger), lay waste with the gunslinger if anything is left.

At 35 points I often add Bete Noir (if the opponent has a kill-your-own-models-and-summon-stuff type crew) or Jack Daw (if I'm feeling competitive), or something strategy-specific.

I think in general, McMourning does his own thing separate from the rest of his crew; he doesn't have lots of synergies. Generally, whatever would make a good stand-alone Resser crew will fit well with him.

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For me the core models to have in the case to go along with the Doctor would be:


McMourning's Avatar

Zombie Chihuahua

Von Schill (Never a bad bet, if a little predictable!)

4 Canine Remains

At least 1 Rotten Belle

3 Night Terrors (Probably the best Resser models for grabbing objectives)

For summoning:

1-2 Flesh Constructs

Rogue Necromancy

I won't necessarily use that many dogs, or the Avatar in every game, but I definitely want the option. The summons are the for obvious reasons.

Models I then use as the situation depends to support Doug would be:

Crooked Men


Bete Noir (works well with Canine Remains and Drowned)

Convict Gunslinger

Additional Canine Remains or another Rotten Belle

Perhaps more telling is what I don't like:

Sebastian is ok, but I don't find he does quite enough point for point (his Cb is just a little too low for me), unless I bring a huge amount of dogs, which I wouldn't consider very competitive. Guild Autopsies are...well, I think they're terrible, so I don't use them. Punk Zombies are ok, but they're fairly one dimensional and work better when summoned, so I tend to go for something else.

As other people have mentioned, McMourning pretty much does his own thing and doesn't really rely on his Crew. The advantage of this is that you can select other models based on their innate strengths and select them as appropriate for the game ahead.

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