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About HighTreazon

  • Birthday 06/30/1983

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  1. Check out TedPro's signature link: Check out my Index of Story Encounters!
  2. Hey underdog6750, how did the scenarios go? Any suggestions on changes or tweaks your group would like to see?
  3. Howdy all, The Tin Soldier Penrith is hosting the first annual TSP Halloween malifaux tournament on Sunday the 28th! Cost is free Registration at 10am, first games at 10:30. There will be 3 rounds based upon the story encounter located in my signature. 3 rounds, 35 soulstones fixed faction. The idea is to have fun, a couple of prizes will be given out randomly to ensure that winning isn't the main priority. Contact me on the forums if you want any further information. Cheers, HighTreazon
  4. Absolutely champ! Please let me know how you find them with your local group, feedback can only help make them better
  5. They have not yet been substantially play tested, however initially play throughs with the latest version look promising
  6. Hi the imp, not sure if you are willing to look at fan made stuff, but see the link in my sig for a halloween story encounter I have thrown together. you are welcome to use all/some/none of it to help you get a holiday story encounter going! Cheers, HighTreazon.
  7. Thanks for the shoutout boys! I have updated the scenario with your feedback and suggestions Cheers, HighTreazon
  8. Thank you to the Malifools for discussing this on episode 17! I have updated the FIRST POST with an updated version incorporating a number of changes.
  9. Howdy all, Starting this Sunday the 14th, Malifaux demos will be available at the tin soldier Penrith. From 11am come in and ask for Will. Crews available for demo are: Seamus and the red chapel gang sonnia crid and the with hunters Dr Douglas McMourning rasputina and the cult of december Come on down and say hello! Cheers, High treazon
  10. Story wise love the CCK, but play wise love the Grave spirit
  11. Thanks for the feedback! Balancing is the issue here, I did not want to have the numbers carry over as this is a friendly themed scenario and if someone goes against a beginner player in the first round they may have a huge advantage in the second. With regards to the seed gathering, I thought I put in that you can only pick them up off enemy models to prevent exactly the scenario you described. Having seed sacks scattered may be a better idea though, and you are right, table halves/quarters would likely be better than deployment zones. I kept both sides having fields in the first two so that people had a decision to make on how they split attackers and defenders, but open to suggestions on making it a single field in each, or changing it totally! Just love to play these kind of things and figured I would see if others still show interest! Attached is an update with the suggestions regarding field placement. Cheers, HighTreazon. Halloween2012.doc
  12. Having not seen a 2012 Halloween scenario come up, I figured I would have a stab at writing something. Attached is for your viewing pleasure. Halloween2012 is my own creation, recently discussed on the Malifools podcast episode 17. For those who would prefer a tried and true scenario, I have "borrowed" the Christmas story encounter from the downloads page on the Malifaux website and converted into halloween goodness! [ATTACH]8674[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8675[/ATTACH] Cheers, HighTreazon Halloween2012UPDATE.doc Story Encounter 1.doc
  13. For nico make sure you have a supply of corpse counters made up! Top of my head none of those masters place terrain though.
  14. Which crews do you have? Some masters can place terrain pieces etc which you may want to make counters for or model up while you wait
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