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Vote! Which Ten Thunders captures your interest the most!

Jonas Albrecht

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Well, in reverse order these are my crushes!

3) Mei Feng...her playstyle intrigues me, and the minis are pretty hot too. Plus though I shouldnt admit it in public, I do have a soft spot for the arcanists...

2) Misaki....beautiful imagery, models and a pure 10T master so something a little different.

1) Lucas McCabe...Guild..Guild....Guild...need i say more, except i keep thinking of a twisted Indiana Jones when i read his description lol!

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Really, getting a Dragoon for Guild is awesome enough, but I'm insanely curious as to what this "customization" element is, and what Relics McCabe has access to. I note that each of the Masters mostly have a playstyle that is both somewhat familiar, and very unique. Mei Feng uses her crew as stepping stones, like Colette, but she's a melee fighter whose attacks move her through her crowd. Yan Lo might sound like another summoner, but Izamu's card hints that his Master will gain buffs from the deaths of his crew, and perhaps the ability to bring them back into play. Jakob Lynch sounds a little like a grow list, but with a totem that does the fighting.

Pretty spot-on, there. McCabe's relics are pretty cool. Essentially you can buy one or two useful abilities from a list. And he's not the only one who gets access to some customization, he has some friends who get to take a relic as well.

Mounted and unmounted versions (so 2 versions of a Master), or does he have dragoon rules?

We've actually seen artwork for two versions at this point :)

Edited by NeuroFire
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