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Viruk's paintlog


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Beautiful blends Viruk. Especially on McCabe's mount. One suggestion: the mount's eyes have a large area of white showing which is expressive, but seems a bit out place as generally the visible parts of horses eyes are almost only the dark iris and pupil.

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One suggestion: the mount's eyes have a large area of white showing which is expressive, but seems a bit out place as generally the visible parts of horses eyes are almost only the dark iris and pupil.


I'd second this - human looking eyes on horses looks exceptionally creepy but that may not be the look you're going for? Other than that I love the whites/creams/beiges you're using. They look fantastic.

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Thanks for the comments guys, they're all appreciated!


@QUICHE, WINGS - so basically what you're saying is that it looks like this 



I see your point now that I've googled some images for reference. Thank you for drawing my attention to this mistake as I wasn't really aware of it. I'll repaint these.


@MISTER FERAL - the Wastrels are some of the best miniatures released by Wyrd that I've even painted and I agree - it's a shame thyy aren't available separately.


@zFiend - Sonnia's crew is up next. I've pretty much finished painting more than half of it and expect to be ready with them by the end of the month.


@SpiralngCadavr - cactus bits are from a boxes set released by Pegasus Hobbies. You can find it on ebay, at least that's where I got mine.


As I've mentioned, part of Sonnia's crew is now painted. Here's a model that I love and hate.




For more shots and pics of the new plastic Sonnia and her totem, be sure to check out my blog (I know it may seem like shameless advertising but I don't want to turn this thread into a comic strip so I try to keep just a few pics here). 


Next up is my favorite from M2E wave 1 miniatures - Mr Samael Hopkins. Pics coming soon!

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Holy ducklings! That Sonnia avatar is amazing. Love the fire! i'm very impressed :)

Samael looks really good too. i like that the colour scheme manages to feel varied even though everything is pretty much brown or grey :) Looks great.

Is that a cute little chameleon or a squid or something on the base? ^^

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