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Really digging the Sorrows and the Poltergeist.

How did you find it painting Kade and Candy?

They were fun to work with but dur to their diminutive size they took much longer to paint, especially the faces.


Does Kade have any green on him? Because he looks a little out of place compared to all the others (although the purple rugs do tie him in somewhat, the green is just more prominent)


Great paint job!

Yeah, it was tricky to incorporate green into Kade as he's obviously different than other models from the crew but I used the same shade of green on the eyes of the little teddy that is nailed to the floor.

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I've read your entire thread over the last couple of days and have been completely bowled over by it. So many inspirational figures.

For the most recent crew I really love the almost cartoonishly vivid purple and gren contrasting with the more muted tones of everything else. The 'skin' on those spectral models is horrible (in a good way).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, glad I'm not the only one having trouble getting my male set vertical... sorry to see yours suffering from the same problem.


I like the female one's paint job better, but I think the elbow starts a bit high (seems like the shoulders would be more slanted in favor of the brilliance sideif it did), and the guy feels more natural, probably because there's less difference in scale between the kits. Nice use of that old sprue (yeah, you were right, also packed with CSM basics), and I think both add some strong character, though the option of 5 Illuminated is pretty mean...

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Hey, finally decided to check your painting thread! (I have been busy, you posted on mine in June! T.T) I love that teddy. Beautiful eye glow effect.


Also, Damn dem colours! (the Pandora crew) - I love the way the sorrows actually seem to glow. As always, it's marvelous to see someone who can juggle drab realistic colours with over-the-top comic/cartoonish style colours!


I can't seem to get a link to your blog to work... Has it gone down?

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Thanks for all the comments guys, much appreciated. I always enjoy reading feedback from fellow hobbyists. 


In the meanwhile I've completed two more models using TTB bits - meet Lelu and Lilitu:




As always, bigger pics and some ramblings can be found on my blog.


@Clawz - I changed the address of my blog to http://www.whatthefaux.net/

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks,I'm glad you like them. I don't normally use such vivid colors so it was a new experience.

These are Wyrd Orphanage base inserts, cast in metal so they add some nice weight to the mini.

@SC - I painted six of them in total (see previous blog entry) so I wanted some more variety.

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So many options with the new Silurids. Glowy one is my favourite.
Their bases look like Zoraida decided to move into someones house.

Do you base your whole factions with the same theme, because I've seen your Dreamer and those bases complement each other. Just as I remember that your new Dreamer is extra rad. Love the something is under the carpet stuff.

Also Godsmack made me go listen to some more Godsmack :D

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Well spotted! That was my thinking - Zoraida and her minions moving into an orphanage. And bringing some swamp along with them :-)

I try to keep the bases more or less coherent throughout the whole faction but try to add some twist like mud and other swampy elements on these.

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I tried to do keep my Ressers bases coherent as well, but some Asian stuff and Tara from the desert sneked in.
I'm trying to wrap my head around it.

Pinning and having alternate bases would help, but my Ama no Zako just wouldnt cling to the base if she wasn't glued on with the pin because of her size.

Also wanted to mention that I hated the concept art for the new Zoraida, but you and some other people I've seen on the forums made the mini work. It even doesn't have to be a smart base or a conversion, competent paintjob changes everything.
I'm starting to belive that there are no bad minis. If a real artist puts some work and imagination into the mini, it should work!

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Also wanted to mention that I hated the concept art for the new Zoraida, but you and in some other people made the mini work.

I'm starting to belive that there are no bad minis. If a real artist puts some work and imagination into the mini, it should work!

I almost completely agree (we must make an exception for Huggy ;) ).


I've tried to keep the bases coherent for my Guild too but ended up sing wasteland theme for Perdita and Cobblestones for McCabe. While the colors are still a bit similar, there's a noticeable difference. I guess sometimes you just can't help that.

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  • 2 months later...

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