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Viruk's paintlog


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I tried it on Golem's base and some of the paint stuck to his fist so it looks like small parts of ice are attached to it. Not the effect I'd originally intended but I guess it makes sense since he's just put his large fist into the water covered by ice. Also, when applied in thick layer the paint cracks more unevenly and the chunks of ice are more irregular.

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The best color scheme for Rasputinas clothes I've seen. Love your ice people as well.
I'm still not sure I like the cowboy guy Wendigo is about to cannibalize... if I ever get the mini I might replace him with something else.

I've seen two of your crews in real life recently and I must say they look even better in person (I'd say in the flesh - in the paint seems like bad English).

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Yeah great stuff. Interestingly enough I have also gone with the cracked ice base on raspy, my wendigo and my acolytes just with build up cork bases. It just makes he crew look a whole lot more united if it's a constant theme.

Can I ask out of interest how you do the black/grey on raspys cloak? Maybe it's my own fault for trying to use washes with the dark colours but I can't seem to make my grey and black clothing look striking. Do you just build up the layers and ignore using washes or have you found a good recipe for it?

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I started with black basecoat and applied a few highlights of (don't remember the exact nami,it used to be called chardon granite). At first I mixed it with black and then gradually worked up the highlights so that the transitions were smooth.Then I started adding small amounts of grey and finished with a very light drybrush of pure grey. After that I applied light glazes of black wash mixed with blue

Hope it helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, now that the painting competition is over I can show the stuff I entered.


Nico and his crew:






And Fuhatsu ( I had originally intended to enter him in the competition in the diorama category (the piece needed to have at least two models) but the admins suggested moving it to single category. And since Killjoy had already been there, this one has to stay put. ):



For more pictures and some comments click here.

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What the..?!

I don't remember seeing that Nicodem crew in the competition at all. It's an awesome paintjob and I'd surely remember it.

Beautiful Killjoy. That bloodspatter perfectly fills out the large mini (that could look boring without it) and even looks artistic in a way (Dexter Morgan way).

I'm not too keen on the Fuhatsu mini itself (nice looking armor though).
He looks just too goofy for Ten Thunders (and actually reminds me of Goofy himself).
I'm probably going to convert a bandana on him if I ever get him.

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This crew was painted for the Burned Offerings contest, the one that you saw in Croatia was either McCabe or Dreamer.


I agree - Fuhatsu does look goofy and I see your point. Personally, I like this aesthetics and the "crazy" feel about the model but  can see why it may bother others ;) 

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Definitely remember the Nicodem crew because it was one of the ones I had trouble deciding on; it was in my top 5. And I definitely voted for that Killjoy! His shading on his skin, the cleaver, and the base are all so well done.

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