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So I have been playing Warmachine for about a year and some friends I have been playing with are involved in Muse on Mini's Crutch Free 2012. http://museonminis.com/crutch-free-2012/

I am still a little too new to the game for this but I was wondering if anyone was interested in trying this out with Malifaux. Now I realize that this is horribly timed with GenCon right around the corner, but I think that makes it that much more impressive.

So I will start. Last year at GenCon I placed 6th in Master of Malifaux with Leveticus. I will not run Levi this year at all, and if 15 forum users join me I will drop Alyce as well (I crutch on her pretty hard with Ramos).

So...Who's in?

HopelessHeretic: Leveticus

Dunce002917: Watcher

Rancor709: Von Schill

Gruesome: Von Schill

LordZombie: Von Schill

Mike3838: Kidnap

011121: Thwart

marshimartian: Neverborn

Nilus: Bodyguard

Edited by HopelessHeretic
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I don't mean crutch in a "this model is overpowered way." I just rely on Alyce so much that she dictates how the rest of my Ramos crew is built. For example Nekima is not a crutch unless you cannot or will not play Neverborn/ Lilith without her. Also this should not be a give up the faction type thing (unless you want it to be.) It also doesn't have to be models you could say give up kidnap for instance (and hats off to you if you do.) Just have fun with it!

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Yeah, crutch doesn't mean "overpowered" necessarily. It's basically an honor system where you decide what model/models you rely on too much (a good indication would be you bring that model to every game you play when you play that faction).

Its a concept to make people climb out of whats comfortable and force yourself to use things you normally wouldn't.

Edited by Sevorin
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If you don't already use Von No-Skill in your Rezzer crews, banning yourself from using him is kinda like giving up self-propelled flight for Lent.

Maybe you always throw a Belle into your crew? Maybe it's the Dead Rider you can't live without? Maybe the Grave Spirit is an auto-include? It's an individual thing, look at your own lists.

I hereby pledge I will not choose Kidnap the next time I play as Neverborn in a singles tournament.


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There are very few things that i auto include now a days. Ive been playing a lot with bete but before that it was a lot of dead rider. So ive been on a heavy book 1 kick recently but mixing it up. So may try a boys nightout list for aseamus next game no girls allowed unless they pick them up.

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If you don't already use Von No-Skill in your Rezzer crews, banning yourself from using him is kinda like giving up self-propelled flight for Lent.

I disagree.

Continuing to resist the constant stream of arguments for his inclusion to increase the competitiveness of many rezzer lists is not always easy.

Especially when you face another rezzer and watch him help smash your face in...

He is a CRUTCH for some and for others, he is a Siren's alluring call... beckoning us towards his sharp rocks of versatility... always beckoning... calling to us... calli--- wait, what were we talking about?

And for the record... Rotten Belles are my closest thing to a crutch and there is NO CHANCE I am not playing them...

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