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The Iron Quill Contest (Possibly?)


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So, inspired by the Iron Painter contest and a thread in the Off Topic Section a couple weeks back, I was curious if anyone had any interest in a contest for writing for the forum? If we get enough interest and can figure out how we want to do judging (community based vote, bring in judges, participants vote?) I'd be willing to organize it. Personally, I think it'd be great fun, and a chance to really have all of us writers stretch our wings a little, by doing themes that get us to try stuff we wouldn't normally. Depending on how much interest we can get by the end of the week, this'll either fly or it won't. By the by- this wouldn't be something that'd be starting this month or next. To do this right, I think we'd need to give it some time to organize, and I know of at least one author who's interested who, because of life circumstances, couldn't commit to something like this until end of June, early July.

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I'll throw my quill in the ring too, but unfortunately I'll probably be really busy in August (suppose that just makes it more fun).

As for judging I would go for reader review, where they can award a grade for technical quality (structure, grammar, etc), theme and general enjoyment. Though if you wanted to also have judges with more valuable votes, then I'm sure Nerdelemental, Sholto et al, would be willing depending on how many contributers and the length of stories.

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Alright, looks like we've got some good interest in things! I'll start figuring some stuff out. Based on what people are saying, want to try for mid-August to officially kick things off? I was thinking each round to be about 3 weeks to get your submission done, and to limit things to no more than a word count of 3k, unless people want longer? Also, because I know three months is a long time, anyone want to try for a 'pre-league' idea to seen how things can work out?

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...(facepalm) Wow, I completely spaced Gencon. Yeah, we'll plan for after that. And feel free to join in! One thing that I think might be a good thing to add in for participants, however we do judging, is that participants should leave a bit of critique and feedback for any other writers. That way new writers can get some advice and help from ones who've been doing it for longer.

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I'd be interested in participating as well.

My personal feeling is that just like the Iron Painter, you give a mystery theme that has to be incorporated, perhaps a generic piece of art that the story has to be based on, or a phrase that has to begin the story, similar to NPR's 3 min stories.

Given how many people might be interested participating, keeping the reading time short will be critical, as well as forcing more skill through, as it is much harder to write a very well crafted story that can be read in 3 to 5 minutes, than one that can be whatever length.

Just my thoughts, and very interested in seeing how this turns out, great thought edonil!

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