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A Special Announcement for All Aethervox Listeners!

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Awesome new podcast - I'm hooked already!

Does anybody want to buy my entire Malifaux collection? If I get a reasonable price for it I might be able to afford a single squad of dudes in big metal armour!


PS. Your rockier version of the Aethervox theme tune kicks ass!

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You did. I was genuinely disappointed until I heard the "new" theme song. :-P

And by the by, you wanna sell models, GW? Next edition of 40k? Ditch "There is Only War".

Warhammer 40,000.


All Over Everything.

Yes, they need to finally release the rumored Undead sub-faction, the Skull Counts of Skullovania, who reside in the Skull Towers off the coast of Skull Lake in the Skullshires region...

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I can't believe how many times I was April firsted this year.

Mission accomplished indeed!

Now if think geek can just be convinced to make that cool spell casting hoodie...

My understanding from some people I know who work there is ever since the Tauntaun sleeping bag they always have a plan on how they would implement there "April fools" products for real. If there is enough interested then they will try manufacture it. Personally I want the hoody and the Akbar billy bass.

---------- Post added at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:05 PM ----------

Warhammer 40,000.


All Over Everything.

My group has a theory that you can tell which army will win based on how many skulls are on the models. Its just as accurate and even quicker then Math Hammer. Although you do need to pull the models out of the case to do it.

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Just finished listening.

A masterclass April fools.

So many jokes but I especially loved; all the marine chapters 'men in big metal armour', the skull jokes and going to the store, and not knowing you actually Needed a baneblade! LOL

And the Music really set the scene for some epic games.

Now I must go and get my 'I only play 40K' playing friends to listen to it ;)

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Reading the replies has cooled me off but thought you guys had better heads on your shoulders. 15 mins to get that message across.. we know, we know skulls, kids, Dice blah..

Think you succeded in notching our Malifaux meta a notch in the wrong direction.

Seriously disappointed, if anything it was the lack of episodes provided in the last few months which placed it as a dinosaur amongst mammals.

You did a great job with the eps and a horrible way to finish.

April fooled yourselves

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Zero, the episode was never intended to be a GW bash. We thought it'd be fun to do an April fools episode, and cancelling the show seemed as good a gag as any other we could think of. When trying to think up a fake reason for the fake ending, Julian suggested that we could have quit malifaux because we'd discovered 40k. From there it was a short hop to presenting some of the perceived 40k negative stereotypes as positives.

For the record, Julian and I are planning to try a game of 40k in the near future (something neither of us have played for a long time). Julian has amassed an ork horde while I have been slowly founding an IG regiment.

Not really sure why anyone would be upset/angry about anything we said. Maybe some things were more accurate than some folks who take their toy soldiers too seriously are comfortable with?(Some folks refuse to believe that techpriests are actually swearing and hitting the computers when they do their rituals)

And for anyone who still seems confused, the show isn't finished. I recorded a Seamus tactica last week and have the next wtf and story segments awaiting editing. We should be recording the main part of the episode this weekend (my exam finals have delayed us by about a week) :)

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cheers for the reply, it probably didnt need the bashing which ultimately what it was, but my main gripe was i just dont think it needed 15mins worth.

i am a firm believer that you should keep your dignity and focus on bettering yourself and Dragging other people/games/issues down doesnt bring you up. In the spirit of a joke i dont think it worked, others will disagree im sure.

Now some background, as for The Aethervox i do love the stories, discussions and most tactica.

for me, i was one of the first ones to comment on your show on itunes and have been listening since ep 1. i have been working hard for the community running tournaments, and slow grows and leagues and have another tournament next week.

I do enjoy Malifaux and growing the community, just dont want it to be seen as GW bashers and its probably my feeling of The Aethervox becoming a good and reputable Malifaux podcast which gives more weight to your opinions.

All in ALL, More Aethervox and less of this s%^t :P

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