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Cheated Fates Radio Second Episode is out for consumption


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McMourning is my recommendation; at the moment the Viks Avatar is seen as a waste, whereas McMourning's does not suffer so that's certainly a consideration. McMourning also doesn't look like Jedwood. I like to think that his model also have more options within his own faction, he doesn't suffer from having to get TO his enemy as much as the Viks, and hell if you're getting Sue or McTavish you can shrug off Nurse drugs ;D

Suggestionwise: I would definitely discuss the very specific tactic of attacking your own models, for new players. This is something not very common at all with other games, but with the ability to deny grudge, or gain body parts/corpse counters, push or pull your own models with effects, attacks or spells, Obeying your own models, dropping blast markers on weak models to auto damage enemies. You could easily dedicate a lot of time to discussing how it works and why to do it~

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Huge improvement on Episode one. Very enjoyable.

Adding music and having broken your cherry sounds like it's made all the difference.

Would be cool if you could find some slightly more subject appropriate music though. What you have is functional, but it sounds like a local TV news bulletin. It'll do until you can get better. You really need some cackling to introduce the H.A.G. if nothing else...

That said, the bit of music between the Outcast segment and the "Five good minutes" was pretty cool and had some atmos. Make that your theme music?

Keep it up fellas.

Edited by fishtank
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I enjoyed this one - Malifaux is attracting some top-quality podcasts, it seems :) It was a long listen, but I like that, since I usually stick a podcast on when I am painting.

I enjoyed the love for Philip Tombers, and I live in hope that one day someone will sculpt him in a baby carriage :) Dangerous Beans has already done the Necrotic Machine with a pink bow on top, so who knows?

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Thanks fishtank. Yeah the music is temporary and I'd love a creepy intro for the hag since I love big momma z. Prob will swap out the newsy sounding one with a different temp one. Had a couple ppl not like that one in particular. Thanks for listening and giving us some feedback!

Sholto: thanks a lot! Yes I would love a Phillip tombers in a carriage. Maybe that can be Molly's alt!!

Edited by OtherSpencer
Auto-correct hates me.
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Hey, saying "Good work!" is the easy part. Thank YOU for the time, effort and talent, and for promoting my favorite game.

Definitely second that line of thanks :)

---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 PM ----------

@malandres file size should be fixed next show. And I'd love to go to the uk for some games and some fine stout. Just have to have the funds and opportunity.

That would be very fun, especially the drink, because after going across the pond I can safely say I did not enjoy your beer...was too sweet :(

Well let's now find an opportunity to get over here then we'll deal with funds after haha....always money for hobby

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Thanks Ravenborne the fluff is important to us and we know that often a lot of new players will want a good story to go with the minis as well.Well be transitioning into some more veteran friendly stuff shortly we just wanted to build the frame work for newbies first off, and then get into some more meat.

At Jack Russel, your completely right with Philip, I went too fast on his story and it jumbled when I was talking about it. Some times the work don't brain right.

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It;s kind of a lesser thing so I don't really think it matter too much. But more importantly could you give me a shout out on the tournament segment? I'm not running a tournament but I;m trying to get a malifaux group up and running in a small club called "The Cube" in Nuneaton (uk), It's open gaming all day and there are 10+ boards (not great terrain though) but if anyone wants to come down I'd give them a game or run a demo, I'm trying to get people to play it at the moment and apparently people get interested if they see a game going on.

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