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So Colossals...

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What everyones thoughts on these

My thoughts mostly Meh, don't get me wrong they do look good, but they just look like really big Jacks, apart from the cryx one and if they cost the same as a battle engine would i buy it HELL NO!

There are only battle that would buy, throne of everblight and the storm strider and none of the Colossals tempt me at the moment. perhaps the hords ones might be better

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See now, I kind of like them, they are actually more along the lines of what I envisioned Warjacks as when the game came out. Although I doubt they will get me to start playing "Infantrymachine" again, I may get the Cryx version depending on how the actual model looks.

That said, I'm really looking forward to seeing what they come up with for HORDES, which I do play as I've always felt that the Fury system addressed a lot of the issues I had with WM. Have a lot of fun playing Legion and I love the design aesthetic. Also collect Circle cause I love a ton of their models too. So I guess that puts me at moderately interested.

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Just thought i would link the troll blood colossal, which i admit looks amazing


---------- Post added at 02:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ----------

See now, I kind of like them, they are actually more along the lines of what I envisioned Warjacks as when the game came out. Although I doubt they will get me to start playing "Infantrymachine" again, I may get the Cryx version depending on how the actual model looks.

That said, I'm really looking forward to seeing what they come up with for HORDES, which I do play as I've always felt that the Fury system addressed a lot of the issues I had with WM. Have a lot of fun playing Legion and I love the design aesthetic. Also collect Circle cause I love a ton of their models too. So I guess that puts me at moderately interested.

I under stand what you say and for the most of i agree, but in the real world of money and bills and stuff i can't justify buying a single model that big and costs that much

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I under stand what you say and for the most of i agree, but in the real world of money and bills and stuff i can't justify buying a single model that big and costs that much

Heh, I used to think that too and then I went and plunked down $100 for a Lord Chompy. But I agree, it's for each individual to judge as to if the cost of an item is worth the value that item has to the individual.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Unless something's limited edition and/or flawless, I'm not interested in a single piece anywhere near that price.

NE LCB is an example of one I was ready for. Studio McVey and FW also occasionally have amazing enough minis that I'll drop serious cash on them.

Collossals? Great details, but unbelievable, too big, and, well, that doesn't make them flawless for me. It doesn't matter that I've spent more on smaller sets, or proportionally more on smaller stuff. I feel like PP got greedy. Also, I got in to WM b/c it was a skirmish game, not because it had giant minis. If the merc one is amazing, I might just pick it up.

Mostly, it feels like PP has run out of ideas, so is mostly expanding in silly directions: both finished collossals look like giant/updated versions of their factions' character jacks.

Fortunately, malifaux doesn't seem like it could support significantly larger games, so I think I'm safe from the escalation of game sizes, in this case.

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Chocobo, the images in the thread you linked to are all broken :(

As for Colossals themselves my first reaction was "I thought they'd be bigger", in all honesty I was expecting something the size of a Warhound Titan, now that would be impressive. The Cryx Kraken looks gorgeous and I might get one (giving it hentai tentacles doing nasty things to a scantily clad Haley... just because), but for the estimated UK price tag of £70 it's a massive investment in something you might never use. To tell the truth I'd rather get another 20 Bile Thralls or a unit of 10 Bane Knights and a box each of more Defilers and Ripjaws.

As for the points value I keep hearing 15 points, so definitely more than a Battle Engine making it more expensive to field, but as it counts as a Jack, the Caster makes them cheaper to field.

I still prefer the Iron Liche model though, but then who wouldn't want a Quintesson in their army? lol.

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can't say i'm surprised...

just saddened I can no longer tell people WM is a cheap investment...

prsonally, I like the idea, hoping they bring back destroying terrain as a big part of gameplay to go with these...

but I'll expect only Khador and Cygnar to have even notably impressive models... and the rest to be overshadowed by the other options their forces can field...

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I'll expect only Khador and Cygnar to have even notably impressive models... and the rest to be overshadowed by the other options their forces can field...

While I'm certainly not pleased with PP's "bigger is better" idea, I admit-- if there's one that works well for mercs, that also looks good, there's a decent chance I'll get it. I agree that Cryx and the Protectorate will likely have better models for the points, though.

Still annoyed that they toned down the original character jacks, then release super-duper non-character jacks :/

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I agree DKS that is the reason I never got into Warmahordes. I have no issue with the Caster-Kill when the game was 15 troops and 2 or 3 Mechs... At that size game it is not unreasonable to have a Caster-Kill dynamic. Though I much prefer the way Malifaux deals with it.

But when you have an army that consists of 6 mechs, 4 or 5 units of troops, maybe some Cavalry and some independent characters, it's ridiculous that one models death wins you the game. Almost every game I've seen ends up with the armies lining up, doing some maneuvering, shooting a bit... Normally taking 30mins a turn with very little happening.. and then all that fighting means nothing, as no matter how well the troops have done, the game ends with one side performing a combo to race forward and kill the opponents caster.

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I don't think Warmachine has been "skirmish sized" for a while now. They're always plugging for larger and larger games and a Press Ganger I know told me how funny it was that Privateer now believe the size of the average game is currently between 100 - 150 points when everyone he has ever seen play the game seem to play at 35 - 50.

The size creep has been going on for some time though :(

Sometimes I am glad i play Malifaux, we tend to stick to 25 - 35 points since we're slow playing it and you can do most things at 35ss (well, unless it's my full Teddy Bear Picnic Dreamer Crew which has 5 Teddies now).

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Truth be told, the attraction to Malifaux for me is two-fold: first, the size of the matches are very manageable. The average game we play at home is a 25 or 30 SS scrap, which means we can play a match on a weeknight without playing past our bedtime. And second, the fact that the simple "kill your opponent's models" objective is the exception and that you're usually playing far more tactical encounters is way more appealing to me. Although sure, it IS fun to occasionally put down your opponent like the rabid animal they are. ;)

I won't deny that the Colossals look kinda awesome, but I'm content with the scale of Malifaux. It seems, well, manageable by comparison.

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I don't think Warmachine was ever planned as a Skirmish game, I just think Privateer press was a small company and they had growing pains. So things came out pretty slowly.

I remember pre-Prime when the game was just the box sets and quick start rules. Most people then thought it was going to be a caster, a bunch of mechs and maybe a few guys, Then Prime came out and we saw squad mechanics. That was the point when I knew the game was going to grow and not be what I hoped.

Personally for the game Warmachine is I think Colossals are fine, even cool. I like big robots and I can't wait to see them stomping around in person(I heard a rumor recently that they might be at a con coming up very shortly on display)

As far as Malifaux and size creep go. Its just not possible given the current rules system. The fate deck mechanic only really works with a certain amount of models. I think Malifaux will continue to expand with options and cool game mechanics that change the game(like Henchman and Avatars) but don't increase model counts on the board.

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Having always been on the verge of getting into Warmachine, I would say I'm ok with the concept of Colossals. My problem is two:

One: They don't look very imaginative, infact quite conservative. It's a rare thing indeed for me to think something needs more guns and generally "bigger, better, more badass" which is a mentality I usually detest, but these models look rather timid compared to the words that PP attach to them. It would have also been nice had they not just been bigger warjacks but possibly impact the game in some way, kinda like Avatars in Malifaux.

Two: Increasing the scale of the game is fine, I like the idea of taking a small army, as the game is centred around an international war with the Warcasters being some of the most high ranking commanders their nation has to offer. What I don't like is that their attitude to sculpting and releases does not reflect this. No sooner has one expansion been released with the shiny badge of "bigger better more badass" another is peeking it's head on the horizon, all the while basic foot soldiers have repetetive sculpts and poses.

They seem to continue to build momentum but they don't look behind themselves before they rush forward.

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Really? If so, it's one more thing adding to my feeling how out of touch they're getting. For anyone who doubted whose footsteps PP's following...

huh... all the time i was a Pressganger, I never got that impression (nor saw it stated)... quite the opposite... with more events thought around the 35-50 range, than over...

part of the big more to MK2 was moving away from multi-caster games...

but then, I left the PG community because I couldn't keep up with the latest-and-greatest...

IMO, the game still holds its own at skirmish level (25 points) and I expect colossals to be functional at that level (tho they'll most likely be center stage...)

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Oh, I still like WM and play it on a semi-regular basis. I just feel like, since around mkII came out, PP's been moving in a direction I don't enjoy, or at least I've been noticing what I don't like about the company.

And, yeah, the release schedule is intense. There's just too much stuff for me to care any more: I run the pieces I have, and check my opponents' cards if I don't recognize stuff (obviously not a tourney-goer). Frankly, I'm a little worried Wyrd will go this way, because, while there are fewer things to buy, they tend to be much more complex.

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I agree DKS that is the reason I never got into Warmahordes. I have no issue with the Caster-Kill when the game was 15 troops and 2 or 3 Mechs... At that size game it is not unreasonable to have a Caster-Kill dynamic. Though I much prefer the way Malifaux deals with it.

But when you have an army that consists of 6 mechs, 4 or 5 units of troops, maybe some Cavalry and some independent characters, it's ridiculous that one models death wins you the game. Almost every game I've seen ends up with the armies lining up, doing some maneuvering, shooting a bit... Normally taking 30mins a turn with very little happening.. and then all that fighting means nothing, as no matter how well the troops have done, the game ends with one side performing a combo to race forward and kill the opponents caster.

Actually I really like caster kill still ending the game. That means even if you're getting trashed you stand a chance. Protect your king.

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