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What was your first mini?


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Well here is my first model painted ever, I started war gamming 8 years ago with flames of war, I could never bear to repaint the tiger it was my first.


Here is my first conversion, I made a puppet army that mirrored my favorite Guild force!


Here is one of my more current conversions, i made this before the taxidermist was released, I gave it to my bother as a gift


For my latest painting project check my hoffman post


This is a fun thread.

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First wargaming fig would probably have been a 2nd ed 40k gretchin... lost in the mists of time... first fig full stop, pass, was painting airfix and plaster cast stuff from quite young

First Malifaux fig painted... Completed, probably McMourning which i've since traded off and got another one to have a crack at :) and alongside him 3 Necropunks and a Flesh Construct all painted at much the same time

First malifaux fig i put brush to would likely be my sorrows for pandora, but i haven't actually finished them yet...

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And extra points to dsmiles,..

1 pt for actually still having your first model,..

1 pt for actually being honest (and brave) enough to post it,..

and 1 extra point for being the "first" to show one that is actually that bad,..

And for those of you who may be reading this thread, and feeling unsure of your own talents, I say,... take a good look around this thread. Many of the people here are fantastic artists. We range from people like myself (maybe the upper end of mediocre??),.. all the way to super fantastic golden demon quality winners.

But the point is this,.. none of us,.. (not even one), started out as a "Picasso" or a "Rembrant". So if you are feeling like you don't measure up,..just stick with it. It may be a slow road, but in a few years, you'll look back and be amazed at just how far you've come.

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But the point is this,.. none of us,.. (not even one), started out as a "Picasso" or a "Rembrant". So if you are feeling like you don't measure up,..just stick with it. It may be a slow road, but in a few years, you'll look back and be amazed at just how far you've come.

Oh I don't know, I reckon my early work was quite Picasso - eyes all over the place, odd colours and wierd shapes! :P:

But you're dead right there, after painting for a while I always fish out an old model, look at it and go 'wow, that's what I used to do?!' Then it usually gets a bath in paint stripper, and a few years later we go through the whole thing again...

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see, I'm a bit different. I am actually proud of what I did and could do at a certain point in time. I always keep my models as they were when I painted them (maybe possibly some minor corrections to the wear and tear of gaming - fixing broken paint etc..). sure, I am aware that I could do it better nowadays, but I just don't do it. it may sound a bit pompous but it's sort of a testament of what I went through to get here...

but yes, I agree, none of us were masters on our first mini, and Webmonkey, you make a great point and I especially like the fact that you waited until page 3 to make it..

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But the point is this,.. none of us,.. (not even one), started out as a "Picasso" or a "Rembrant". So if you are feeling like you don't measure up,..just stick with it. It may be a slow road, but in a few years, you'll look back and be amazed at just how far you've come.
You can only say that because Jabberwocky hasn't shown up yet. Dude was born with a paintbrush in one hand and a mini in the other. :P
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You can only say that because Jabberwocky hasn't shown up yet. Dude was born with a paintbrush in one hand and a mini in the other. :P

Eww that sounds painful for his poor mom.

Hmm first fig Cybertronic Chasseur for Warzone well first fig except for a unit where the only "paint job" they ever had was Matt black undercoat and a rough yellow smily face on their gas-masks.

First Malifaux? If you mean finished, none. Started my first to receive a lick was my Guild Hunter construct but not complete yet.


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First painted mini was a GW skaven clanrat ~10-15 years ago. It was a total mess. If I ever find it again I will post pics but I feel like I may have painted over it at some point (not smart).

I remember spilling super glue on my hands and how awful it was back then due to lack of coordination and patience. Every once in a while I end up with some on my fingers now, realize that it's not that bad at all and then I start to wonder how much I must've actually spilled on myself before for it to get that bad. I also remember learning that your first response to super glue should not be to rinse it off.

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Well I was about 6 when I got into miniatures so.. not sure what the first model I got was.

The earliest model I can remember is the Space Marine Chaplain on bike, I lost a piece in the car moments after buying it and then attacked him with paint (his corpse is in my attic). I remember being giving a handful of models before then by my dad but neither of us can identify them.

My first Malifaux models were Seamus and Perdita's box sets even though I was supposed to have received Perdita months previously.

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Cough it up. I was 9 when I painted that green thing I posted, surely you can remember.

Your ork is actually pretty good (for 9 at least), I didn't start painting "seriously" until I was 12, and before I had the good sense to not paint my models I did something more akin to finger painting.

Unfortunately I'm at my term time address, far far from home and the discarded pile of my early work.

But yes.. very unfortunate... =] :| =[

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Your ork is actually pretty good (for 9 at least),
Thanks, but is that what it is? I always thought it was an ogre of some sort. I honestly don't know, I don't remember ever reading the blister it came in. I do know that it was a Lord of the Rings-based miniature, though, because I bought it at the same time I bought a Ringwraith (who has since been re-painted...more than once), and I believe it's from a line of 20mm minis.

(I actually have a bunch of minis from that time frame, but they're all in line to get a Simple Green bath and a re-paint to match my current skill level. The Lich King and Grateful Undead that I submitted for Rotten Harvest were also from the same era, and got re-painted just for the contest.)

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My first painted mini was a 25mm Elf. Not sure which company, might have been Ral Partha or even early citadel. He hung around for ages but haven't seen it in a long time now.

Next up was a Orge Mage for my D&D character, still got him somewhere but his sword hand has fallen off. Will try and dig it up and photograph it.

Next was a few metal WHFB Orcs just before they released the plastic ones.

First Malifaux figures were 3 sorrows, which embarrassingly enough are still the only ones I've completed.

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Your lack of completed Malifaux minis is no more embarrassing than my addiction to minis. I'd rather not go into detail about it, though.


Yeah, well, that's half the reason why I never get anything finished.. keep buying new minis. It's a new years resolution to complete a crew..

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I think I may have a problem (admitting is the first step...)

I have one of each Puppet Wars box (including Viktoria, Hooded Rider and six teddies) a large Seamus, Perdita and Marcus crew, the Eden Resistance box, Warmachine Cygnar starter, a Skaven army, two Kingdom Death minis, three Studio McVeys, four random LEs, NE LCB, two NE teddies, Dead Justice, Miss Pack, Miss Demeanour, Gremlinette, as well as various other odds and ends.... none of them even primed (many unassembled). Most of that is just from the last year too..

My first ever minis may have been poorly painted but at least they weren't naked.

Painting Gods give me strength!

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Your lack of completed Malifaux minis is no more embarrassing than my addiction to minis. I'd rather not go into detail about it, though.

Maybe we should start a self help group,.. :alcoholic

Hi,.. my name's Phil,.. and I'm a mini-holic,...

It all started out simple enough. I was just painting figs once or twice a week, with some friends. Just to be cool,.. you know,.. at parties.

One fig turned into two figs,.. two turned into four,.. and before I knew it, I couldn't stop,.. I was painting figs every day!!

(to be continued,..;))

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Maybe we should start a self help group,.. :alcoholic

Hi,.. my name's Phil,.. and I'm a mini-holic,...

It all started out simple enough. I was just painting figs once or twice a week, with some friends. Just to be cool,.. you know,.. at parties.

One fig turned into two figs,.. two turned into four,.. and before I knew it, I couldn't stop,.. I was painting figs every day!!

(to be continued,..;))

But here at MA with our 7 point plan we can help you get your life back. You just have to sublimate your urge to buy and paint minis with something more socially acceptable like scotch.

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