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Everything posted by WombatJ

  1. Here's another. It's a campsite built for a perdita crew making their home in a red desert. Thundernuts from the ltc site has some more terrain built for that board. More pics and a tutorial available over there - http://blog.livetocrush.net/2013/02/02/4230/
  2. I agree completely. I think if you go with a darker brown, even one with some dark red in it like I think charred brown is, for the shirt and shoes it'll really bring a lot more balance to it. I'm also thinking maybe drop the stripes on the pants, but that's personal preference. For the freestyle pattern, I think it looks pretty good. I think you could go smaller (the size of your smaller designs is a good size, to me) and a bit sparser, but if you don't feel like it, I think you could just stay the course and it'll come out looking pretty good. Edit: now that he said that about the gloves I think I agree too. It looks like McMourning is putting on a fresh set of gloves, it looks a little odd for them to have that dried/old blood look on them. It's a well done effect though.
  3. Hey superpals, got some more pieces hot off the presses for ya. I dunno if you can call them terrain, but they're definitely special! Soulstone bags! Another extremely simple to make piece of special terrain. These are done in the same styling as the soulstone veins. These are pretty thrown together, you could certainly spend more time getting all the detail straight, but the concept is there and for a couple markers you won't end up using all the time, I think these look pretty solid at tabletop quality. Check out the full tutorial and post at the site - http://blog.livetocrush.net/2013/01/19/malifaux-special-terrain-tutorials-mountain-soulstone-bags/
  4. Haha, geek out at will, this is certainly the place for it. What I'd heard is that almost all soulstones are white, and there's rare ones that are colored, that's good enough for me. This is apparently a very rare soulstone vein, even more worth fighting for! Thanks for the comment, I definitely tried to theme it as "McMourning"ly as possible, so it's good to hear that I pulled it off. The one post facto problem I had is that the person I gave it to has changed his basing style for McMourning from the cobblestones he has on some of his other ressurectionists to a tile flooring, but that happened after my personal deadline to get these done, so nothing I could do. Anyway, it should still fit pretty well. As for the griminess, it's really amazing how quickly it goes from a shiny new, bland, lacking-character piece of terrain, seen here - (and more WIP pics at the tutorial - http://blog.livetocrush.net/2013/01/05/malifaux-special-terrain-tutorials-morgue-torture-room/) to the clearly well lived in, well used, and unsanitary (all good things, for resurrectionists, if not for us) operating theatre from the OP - And all it takes is a bit of brown and red washed over the top. I do worry about going overboard on the goriness sometimes, but I couldn't help myself on this one, it just calls for it.
  5. Gah, I just thought of another cool idea for a soulstone vein. You could make one piece of terrain that's large and relatively vertical, like some kind of mountain face or a butte or something. On the side of it you could make some jutting out gem structures, and this whole piece of terrain would just be treated as severe or impassable or whatever. Then, you also create a fully separate 2"x2" piece of terrain, which is just a flat piece of ground meant to be butted up against your butte and then used as a soulstone vein, basically to mark out the area where you could successfully mine from. The best part of this post-work idea is that I gave that previous soulstone vein away, so there's a chance of me actually making this at some point (since I don't have my own ss vein to incite apathy). Here's a crappy picture, in case my crappy description didn't work - If my crappy picture doesn't help... I dunno, I got nothing for ya. This could make a really interesting match if placed as a centerpiece, with not just one, but TWO soulstone veins attached to it.
  6. Yeah, unfortunately I'm mostly on the "bits of cardboard" type situation as well. I finally decided it just wasn't cutting it. This stuff really isn't that hard to make, and it looks a million times better. I'll be making some non-special terrain as well soon too, but couldn't resist adding another dimension to the game with these pieces.
  7. I'm working on making some cut outs below my terrain which I think will make using terrain easier. I'm not sure if it'll kill the suspension of disbelief. Until then, since this is at most 2"x2", I felt like I had to make it basically a flat surface. I initially wanted to make crystals protruding from a boulder, but the rules say that the model needs to be completely within the terrain, so simple and flat was the way to to. Thanks for the comments guys!
  8. Got another one for you guys. This one is supposed to be a soulstone vein, very quick and easy to make, especially since the rules force it to be so small. I know soulstones are generally white, this vein is blue, in an attempt to match with a Ramos crew's lightning (though I think the person it's for may end up using a different scheme anyway, oh well). Tutorial over at live to crush. The main pic I got here is a little overexposed, so you don't see the subtle differences in rock color as well, but you get the idea. Also it helps me see a couple messups I made, but I already gave the piece away, so oh well :/.
  9. So a couple games back me and my co-gamers were talking about how we never use special terrain from the book. We threw some random pieces on the table and tried some rules out. Long story short I decided to make some terrain pieces specifically for use as special terrain. The first one is intended to be used as a torture room (+ soulstone for a kill in the terrain) for dr mcmourning. It's a Victorian style morgue operating table. Let me know what you guys think. Also there's a full tutorial on how I did it with close ups and whatnot over at Live to Crush - http://blog.livetocrush.net/2013/01/05/malifaux-special-terrain-tutorials-morgue-torture-room/
  10. You can see all his loaded judge pics here - http://gallery.livetocrush.net/index.php?cid=261#judge . From the WIP one it appears to be sculpted from brown stuff.
  11. That's perfect! The only time to use it is when you made it to an objective, want to interact, but would rather play defensively (With dug in) than take the move for 3" anyway. Using stance let's you dig in as well for super extra hardiness. Thanks guys!
  12. Un-intuitive, but that's what I was getting from the rules, so thanks for the confirmation. Ok, now I have a followup: is there some (1) action (not requiring being engaged) that I can take to free myself out of it? It seems like there could frequently be cases where I'd rather be able to save my "dug in", over just having another 3" of movement, but the only (1) actions I can think of that don't require being in combat are pass and walk, and obviously they don't break it.
  13. Hey guys, I think I'm missing something blatantly obvious, but I just wanted to get this cleared up. The molemen have tunneling, which makes them insignificant until the spell ends. The spell ends when they take an action other than pass or walk. Now take an example like the strategy "Destroy the Evidence", where insignificant models cannot take the interact action to do this. What's the deal? Can molemen just "choose" to stop tunneling? Or can they start taking the interact which immediately ends their tunneling so they can complete it? That seems unlikely per RAW. My only other option is that I'd need to take a separate action just to end tunneling, like wasting a 0 action to dig in before interacting. That's why I'm thinking they must be able to just choose to drop the spell, but I can't find any backing for that, and my internet searches have turned up fruitless. Thoughts?
  14. Hey guys, Got some more done for our next month of ToP. I did the 3 mechanical doves up in red black and ivory. Let me know what you think. More info and pics at the post and the gallery.
  15. Some finished pics of the two - More at the post and the gallery. Let me know what you think. I can get the pictures to focus, but this time around when I did that I was having a lot of problems with light balance, because of the dark background, I think. With the white background I was having trouble getting things to show up. So anyway, I'm trying to figure this camera out still. Thanks, WombatJ
  16. Good job painting these guys, and I love the no-nonsense green you've selected as a main color. It really works well here.
  17. Ah yeah, I kinda forgot about units after not having played that game for months... still, the truth is somewhere in between. you don't actually have a separate card for every distinct model, but, for example, if you have 2 choirs, you would have 2 cards. They would also include several cards for things like lesser warbeasts that you might have multiple of. They're not going to cover every situation, but a faction deck for malifaux could cover a broad sweep of what you would want. There could also be a description of what's inside the box so when you order it if you want extras or out-faction models, you just order those too.
  18. Nah, in WM/H you want a card for each model that you have so you can keep track of life. Their faction decks generally included several of models that you might have several of.
  19. So I dropped the color scheme. I liked it a lot but then I came up with something I liked better. Here are some WIPs of my first Performer and Mannequin - A couple more pics and much bigger ones at the site. Let me know what you think!
  20. Hey guys, I've got some updates on this crew. I'm probably switching over to painting my Colette crew first, but I'll still be working on this on and off, and I got a couple things done. I did the Dreamer and a Daydream, and have some WIP pics of coppelius. I changed coppelius' scheme to be more scarecrow-y and the red demons are switched over to gray stone gargoyles. Anyway, here they are - More and bigger pics at the site and in the gallery. Let me know what you think! Thanks, -WJ
  21. Lol, not quite what I was going for. These were actually all just photoshopped, desaturated to grayscale then overlayed with color. I'm going to post up pics as I paint, but these were just to get an idea if the color scheme works. I'm glad you like it!
  22. First painted mini was a GW skaven clanrat ~10-15 years ago. It was a total mess. If I ever find it again I will post pics but I feel like I may have painted over it at some point (not smart). I remember spilling super glue on my hands and how awful it was back then due to lack of coordination and patience. Every once in a while I end up with some on my fingers now, realize that it's not that bad at all and then I start to wonder how much I must've actually spilled on myself before for it to get that bad. I also remember learning that your first response to super glue should not be to rinse it off.
  23. UPDATE 3/2/12: Pics of painted mechanical doves at the 7th post. UPDATE 2/4/12: New pics of the performer and mannequin all finished, check the post lower on the page - here. UPDATE 1/15/12: New pics of a WIP Performer and Mannequin with a totally new scheme. Check out bigger pics at the site and let me know what you think! -WJ _____________________________________________________ Hey all, recently I posted in the miniature matters forum about starting up a Dreamer army for a Tale of Painters me and a couple buddies are doing on our site (Live to Crush). Basically we're trying to get a 35ss army painted in the next four months. Long story short, I'm switching to Colette (details on site). I'll post up some painted pics here when I get them done, but I just put together a handful of the minis yesterday. I mocked up a couple quick pics of the color scheme I'm thinking of using, and I was hoping people could take a look and tell me what they think. I think I'm going to take a stab at some small conversions on Kaeris. Mostly I just want to try green stuffing some fire and painting it OSL. I'm going to try to take pictures all through the process and put up a tutorial if it turns out reasonably well. Bigger pics of everything on the site. Let me know what you guys think! Thanks, -WJ
  24. I don't know why but I love seeing normally non-ghostly models painted up in that ghost/spirit/weird glowing monochrome paint scheme. I like your normal sculpt Candy a lot. I feel like with Lelu/Lilitu if you had chopped off their horns, and maybe the top knot for lelu, they would've fit with your army better. That would've taken away most of the "demon" look that wasn't fitting to my eye. Really good job with these though, a solid idea well executed.
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