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Kaled's Malifaux crews


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  • 4 weeks later...

Afternoon all,

I've been working on these for the last few weeks and have finally finished my Tara crew.

First up is Tara, Herald of Obliteration...


Then there's Karina...


The Nothing Beast...


And finally, the Void Wretches...


I'm working on a couple of Waldgeist next, but have also ordered some Ronin, Bishop and a Desperate Mercenary to join Tara's crew. I'd quite like Killjoy as well, but think I'll wait for the plastic version.

- Dave

* I say finished - the paint was barely dry before I ordered a few reinforcements...

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Wow that's an incredible Nothing Beast! Please share how you did it.

Thanks! I started with a grey-green mix which I washed heavily with black. I then added in increasing amounts of GW's old Rotting Flesh and almost drybrushed it on for speed. After lightening it considerably I again washed it all black to smooth it out a bit. Then I highlighted much more neatly adding in yet more Rotting Flesh, and then Dheneb Stone for the top layers, and finally white for the very highest layers. Basically I was just building it up in layers getting lighter and lighter. I'm really glad you like it - it's not quite as smooth as I'd like in places, but overall I think it works well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't updated this thread in a while, but I have finished more models over the last few weeks. First are the last few members of my Tara crew - Bishop, two Ronin and a Desperate Mercenary...





I then painted a couple more models for my Lilith crew. I'd never liked the metal Waldgeist models, but when I saw the new artwork for M2E I was so disappointed that I immediately ordered the metal ones - and I'm glad I did, they're such good models when you see them in person.


Finally, I bought a Kirai crew a while ago, but only got around to painting Jaakuna Ubume as she was the only one I had a base for (I'd ordered bases for the rest but they never arrived).


I do have all the bits I need to make bases for the rest of the crew, and they'll be the next crew I paint, but first I have one more model for my Lilith crew - Nekima...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Evening all,

The other evening I finished the last model for my Lilith crew (for now at least) - Nekima...


She will probably be my last Malifaux model for a while as I plan to paint a few Fairy Meat* models next, and then I want to do some modern day zombies and survivors for 7ombieTV. Once they're done I'll be back to Malifaux as I still have a Kirai crew that needs painting.

I also have a Miss Step who'll probably join either my Colette or Rasputina crew, but I'm not sure whose basing scheme I should use. Has anyone got any thoughts about whether she's more likely to see use with one crew or the other?

- Dave

* The 1:1 scale game of cannibalistic fairies!

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Thanks everyone. :)

I'm wondering if I could do Miss Step on a base with wooden floorboards and snow so it fits with both Colette and Rasputina - maybe try to make it look as if she's stepping over the threshold of a door and show has blown in behind her...

Nekima's skin was base coated with a mix of Tallern Flesh and (Codex?) Grey, then washed with a Flesh Wash, before highlighting by adding Dheneb Stone to the original mix. The idea I had for the Nephilim was that they'd grow darker as the aged, so the tots had light grey skin, the young had medium grey, and the mature had dark grey. Nekima, and more especially Lilith, look more human, so have a more human skin colour but it still has some grey in it to fit with their brethren.

Her wings were done with a base coat of very dark brown, to which I added Tallern Flesh and kept lightening the mix, doing loads of thin layers to get a smooth transition. I think I added a little Dheneb Stone for the last layer or two. By a happy accident, the matt varnish has made the finish shimmer ever so slightly, which makes for a very cool effect (but one that doesn't photograph well) - my wife says it gives them a look of slightly moist leathery skin, which is perfect - I just wish I knew how I'd achieved it!

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The idea I had for the Nephilim was that they'd grow darker as the aged, so the tots had light grey skin, the young had medium grey, and the mature had dark grey. Nekima, and more especially Lilith, look more human, so have a more human skin colour but it still has some grey in it to fit with their brethren.

An excellent plan. And very well executed.

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  • 4 months later...
Afternoon all,
I've been a while since I painted any Malifaux models, but I've finished two this weekend - a female Flesh Construct and Rafkin.
First there's Rafkin the Embalmer...
I've always wanted a 'Bride of Frankenstein' model and since I couldn't find one, I decided to make my own.  Underneath all of the ProCreate is a female mummy - Omrose from the Damsels of Darkmyre Kickstarter* - I added a slightly modified head from a GW zombie and the rest was sculpted.  Turned out rather well I think! :)
 - Dave
* I can only hope the other models in the range were better quality - I was not impressed with the sculpt, casting or the quality of the resin, but she did the job.
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  • 1 month later...

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