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Hardest Master to master?


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Would have to agree that Leveticus has one of the more difficult playstyles to really wrap your head around and Master.

It is also pretty much universally agreed (on here anyway) that Marcus is one of the most difficult Masters to consistantly win with (Though I see him played very rarely in the local area, when I have seen him he was fairly competitive so am not completely convinced).

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Levi and Haemlin seem like they have the hardest playstyles to get down, maybe pandora as well. All three play weird, either counter intuitively (Kill me, I like it!) or using mechanics that you mostly don't see elsewhere (I make you insignificant so you can't fulfill strategies, or morale duels for fun and profit).

as for weakest? Well all the henchmen seem a tad on the underpowered side to me (maybe not Von Schill and Collodi) but that may have more to do with the restricted troop selection than anything else. I've personally sucked with Ophelia every time I've tried her, but I've played against the dreamer mainly...

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as for weakest? Well all the henchmen seem a tad on the underpowered side to me (maybe not Von Schill and Collodi) but that may have more to do with the restricted troop selection than anything else. I've personally sucked with Ophelia every time I've tried her, but I've played against the dreamer mainly...

Well that is probably why you think Ophelia is underpowered. Against most other crews she is like a more powerful version of the Ortegas (you'd be surprised at how much damage the little guys can generate)

And VonSchill is definately not underpowered.

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Well that is probably why you think Ophelia is underpowered. Against most other crews she is like a more powerful version of the Ortegas (you'd be surprised at how much damage the little guys can generate)

And VonSchill is definately not underpowered.

I'm willing to believe that that's the root of my problem with Ophelia which is why I mentioned it, although it seems like any force that can force terrifying checks (which is really anyone with the right build) will just eat her crew alive. Wp they suck at.

Von Schill seems pretty tough, although the lack of troop choices again seems pretty limiting. Freikorps seem pretty hard but I can't believe they're capable of handling all eventualities

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Von Schill seems pretty tough, although the lack of troop choices again seems pretty limiting. Freikorps seem pretty hard but I can't believe they're capable of handling all eventualities

Von Schill has access to all the mercenaries, except Sue who won't work for meanies like Von Schill. So you have Taylor and Johan if you need magical weapons, Jack Daw and Hamelin if you need control etc. He has the best toolbox of any of the Henchmen.

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I'm willing to believe that that's the root of my problem with Ophelia which is why I mentioned it, although it seems like any force that can force terrifying checks (which is really anyone with the right build) will just eat her crew alive. Wp they suck at.

Yep terrifying definately sucks to face with pretty much any gremlin crew (or any morale duels for that matter, at least until Avatar Some'r is in play).

Von Schill seems pretty tough, although the lack of troop choices again seems pretty limiting. Freikorps seem pretty hard but I can't believe they're capable of handling all eventualities

He is surprisingly handy with what he has got.

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I find that Von is a great choice for a master at the 25 point level, he and his 'corpsmen are fantastic for their points, and anything they can't do he can take a merc that can help. He and everyone he takes is just worth their ss.

For Hardest master I would have to say Levi, learning placement and how and when to kill off levi while positioning your waifs and setting yourself up for next turn is very difficult and requires a lot of for sight.

Besides Levi I'd prolly go Hoffman, Kirai, Colette, Hamlin, Dreamer as difficult.

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I say them simply because they have all of their playstyles and game manipulations, Hoffmans trucking around with his constructs, learning when and where to bounce around Colette and when you need to be converting resources as opposed to manipulating model placement, Kirai with takeing wounds summoning placement and Senshin management, Hamlin with his rat tricks and just nailing when to use them best, and Dreamer simply learning when and where to catapult. Levi and the book two masters are crews that I look at and would not really suggest to new players.

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I only have Pandora and Collodi, but I have to say they have been very difficult to use. I've yet to win with Collodi, but I havent used him much. Having hemchmen with 2-3 wds sucks lol. Pandora is a double-edged sword. She rapes face when she works, but can easily be squished if something goes wrong. And if she isnt with her crew, then the damage output is very limited...

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I have to agree with the apparent difficulty to win with Kaeris and Molly. Their crews just look a little under-powered at the moment. But if the rumours about book 4 are true, and we get more Special Forces . . . Well that will definitely help those 2 out, and give Von Schill a more Freikorps based crew that is good. And Collodi and Lucius have a nice selection of good things anyway . . . but who doesn't want variety.

Hardest to learn has to go to anyone with weird mechanics, not just Lady J-esque face mashing.

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I sort of feel the opposite way to the main thrust of what everyone has been saying. I personally think the least complicated Masters are the hardest to play.

The more complicated masters take slightly more effort to learn all their tricks, sure. But once you've learned those tricks, you can do whatever the hell you want, easily. You feel like you have the necessary tools to complete whatever strategy the game throws at you.

By contrast, the "simple" Masters - generally the straight-up face-smashy ones like the Viktorias or Lady Justice - are only simple to learn because they have basically no tricks. Sure, they're great at smashing face, but hardly any part of actually winning the game is about smashing face unless you happen to draw Slaughter. When you have a crew that can only do one thing, working out how to make them do everything else is the bit that actually makes them harder to master than the crews who can do everything.

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