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When the Model feels horrid, what do you do?

Kael Hate

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When the Model feels horrid, what do you do?

A. Find a proxy from anothers Range and buy the Statcard

B. By the Wyrd Figure and leave it to the side and Play with the nicer looking proxy.

C. Don't play the Figure even if you like the theme and rules

D. Look at a 50-100% conversion.

I want to play a new Master and crew but the figures required for that crew by Wyrd, I just find Horrid. There is no Alternate sculpt and the current model disgusts me so much I'd be maiming more than 50% of the figure to conversion. This not a hatred against all Wyrd Figs, infact I like the figures I have and chose most of them because of the figure first.

Let me know how you feel and what you would do.

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I have to say I'm a bit curious as to what you find so unappealing, I honestly don't think any Wyrd model I've seen could be considered horrid, much less a whole crew.

as to your question though, as a modeler and painter first and foremost, I'll convert a model if I think it'll look better (to me personally.) Don't proxy either, for pretty much the same reason.

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Your poll left out the option to play with the model anyway.

Personally, I do not care how a model looks. I play this game because the ruleset is fantastic, and it is fun to play, not because the models looks good or bad. The game would be just as fun for me if we were playing with empty bases with a name on them.

While I acknowledge that it is different for you, and that is perfectly fine, I just wanted to point out that your poll is missing what I consider to be the best option by far.

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I care a lot how models look, but I also care for the uniform look of the crew.

I've chosen conversion above, but most likely I'd just buy the official model and try to paint it so that it looks better to me. There are Malifaux models I don't like, but I don't think there's a single model that would be too repulsive for me to buy (maybe Steampunk Abominations, but that's not because they are bad models :D).

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I have to say I'm a bit curious as to what you find so unappealing, I honestly don't think any Wyrd model I've seen could be considered horrid, much less a whole crew.

Ditto. I do proxy Dreamer and LCB, however, but I can't say I don't like the original models. It was more of a thematic choice.

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I dont get the problem frankly if I dont like the figures I dont play the crew or the army or whatever you call it & I would hardly call any of wyrds models horrid but then I have been a wargamer for over forty years and have seen truly horrid stuff in my time I would post pictures by you cant image link mental scaring yet...

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Playing the game is not the Issue. Using a Model that you have a problem with is. Some have said, play the model as is. But in this case it is the thing I wish to resolve. To enjoy a game I have to enjoy the components individually and as a whole.

The Model is Leveticus. I looked at his art and felt appeal, but seeing the figure turns my guts. I avoided him because of that and now when coming back around to expand my groups I'm met with the same horrid figure.

Even thought to myself, "with a head that is about as appealing as a Hatful of Assholes, no wonder he wants to kill himself every turn."

I Looked around and saw Warmachines Asphyxious, and feel its much stronger in look to what the story and rules feel to me but its a bit dirty to use another companies models when there are dedicated models for it.

Leveticus is my is my issue but there are other persons that won't play because of their own reasons too. Apparently Zoraida and some others showing too much flesh can step in on religious grounds. I can't fathom why its ok to commit voodoo and raise dead in a game but showing flesh is a problem but its something that has been said.

Sidenote - Some Religious persons have told me that the act of drawing a card is tantumount to witchcraft and the only reason they can't play the game. I'm looking at a phone app to get them around the actual act.

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Im surprised, but i actually like all those flowers, and a lot of the pink:P

And, if you don't like it id say convert it, if your just playing at your own club however, then buy the card and use the models you like to represent it, and don't go to any tournaments with the model. Your still investing in Wyrds game and models, just not that specific one or two, and if it lets you enjoy the game more, you may expand again later on with more of Wyrds models you like, so its a win all around for everyone imo? :)

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I will say that the face on Leveticus is very.....,stylistic, lets say, and I have to agree that it might not appeal to everyone. Art and all that.

Aside from a simple head swap (which is what I would do if I was in a situation similar to yours) you could hold out for a little bit and hope that there is an alternate Leveticus released, as it seems they are resculpting the Masters from the first book.

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Playing the game is not the Issue. Using a Model that you have a problem with is. Some have said, play the model as is. But in this case it is the thing I wish to resolve. To enjoy a game I have to enjoy the components individually and as a whole.

Well then the options in the vote are for you, whereas since it's a public vote, I think quite a few people would just get on with it. As a side note, I love levy :P

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The Model is Leveticus. I looked at his art and felt appeal, but seeing the figure turns my guts. I avoided him because of that and now when coming back around to expand my groups I'm met with the same horrid figure.

Have you seen the unpainted figure? Or another paint job?

Some of the pictures Wyrd publish for their models don't present the figures in their best light, and they are always a single interpretation.

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Have a laugh about it and just play it.

I used to think Johan was the worst but then I understood him. He is a poser trying to impress the showgirls. His taken off his shirt to show off his ripped physic and his got this ratty old cap he thinks makes him look cool.

He is a joke and then he smashes you with his hammer of Thor.

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Honestly, I go look for a proxy. Granted, I've only had to do this once or twice, but still...I grab a proxy, and just accept the fact that I won't be using that piece in true Gaining Grounds rules. I've done it with Sybelle and the Shikome. But, there's also lots of times I'll bite the bullet and do it anyway. It depends on if I want to play that model if I travel around. For friendly games, no one cares. And locally, none of us have ever cared about proxies ever in any game.

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