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whats your favorite crew?


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Does anyone have any thoughts on getting a new crew just to use there avatar? I have had my on sonnia since I saw hers!

Yup..I keep getting tempted by Zoraida, simply because the avatar looks stunning and a dream to paint!

So far I have resisted but come January when they are released I may not be so strong!

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I started out with Seamus couse I loved the models. But it was so seriously NOT my playstyle I stoped playing him and picked up Pandora.

I love the models (but then again I love most Wyrd models) and I like the U can't get me and suffer a headache as a result style of playing.

Second place is for the dreamer. The abilty to just put him an the board and say "ok thats my crew" is a nice one. And he takes a lot of finesse to master. I love crews with a steep learning curve.

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For shear fun, the Gremlins win hands down.

I do love Lucius though, there is something about his crew that I enjoy, I think it is the whole bad guy disguised as the good guys thing.

And of course, I've now joined the dark(er) side and started the Hamelin crew I wanted since book 2 came out. I let the hate die down a bit, but his avatar art made him a must have.

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Probably my favourite all round is Ramos... just an awesome theme and aesthetic

Aside from Ramos, probably McMourning as he has an awesomely fun playstyle, only just ahead of Kirai who has a nicer look, but as i got my entire Kirai crew pre-painted i just don't quite have the same attachment to it... one day i'll rectify that by stripping them down and painting them myself

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one day i'll rectify that by stripping them down and painting them myself

I would recommend selling them to someone who is not inclined to paint, and just buy a new set with the proceeds. My plan once I have all the crews I want painted, is to sell the first ones (perdita) and buy her again.

PS. My favourite crew so far is my Vikkies crew, but now I am painting Lucius so we'll see...

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I would recommend selling them to someone who is not inclined to paint, and just buy a new set with the proceeds. My plan once I have all the crews I want painted, is to sell the first ones (perdita) and buy her again.

Actually, i hadn't thought about that... may have to

Keep your eyes on the trading forums if you're interested in a complete Kirai crew or a Seamus setup :)

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Based on models, as are all my force choices in all the games I've played:

1) Lilith. Werner Klocke. That is all.

2) Dead Justice. Thematically wicked, and twisted, characterful sculpts.

3) Lady Justice. The Lady (and her alternate) and the DM's just rock.

And I imagine after I put the Nightmare Chompy and Teddy together the Dreamer may make the list.

Edit: Just remembered, always liked the Belles but was "Meh." on Seamus and "Eh." on Sybelle, but with the Alternate Seamus (which I really, really like) that throws the Redchapel Gang into the I'll be adding these down the line column too.

Edited by diehard
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@disturbed i want leveticus for his avatar mainley because i like the thought of having him with the riders like the horsemen of the apocalypse also i love the rebirth cycle element and his story in wyrd chronicles three is amazing

@eagle i love crews with a steep learning curve aswell i own Colette and sonnia and im starting wih hamlin and leveticus for christmas and these are my four starting crews so fun times losing ahead for me but if i "pull my finger" out and have alot of games try new things ill be good with all four of them and by the time im good with those four ill probably have three other crews ready for fine tuning

also my favorite crew is Leveticus and hamlin for me love the SPA's and rusty alice and hamlin is just so awsome the stolen are cool hamlin is cool my favorite anuimal is the rat and i had a bull terrier called nick who died the other year before i got into malifaux so its a model with centimental value7

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She had me at "hello". :smugpuppet1

Then she made me buy a large chunk of the Malifaux range (as in about 6 crews and who knows how many other minions) to use with her,

...and then she kept me interested in her with the sheer flexibility and variety that her playstyle offers.

Zoraida is the best.

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I don't have a favorite out of the box crew... not really any way. I play Guild and like to mix and match across the board.

See, I love Perdita. She's my favorite master. Then I like to throw the Judge into the crew... and maybe witchling stalkers... or Death Marshals... if I need range I go for Austringers... but Nino is good too. Santiago and Francisco are awesome, but I also like Sam Hopkins...

The Guild is one faction where it is advantageous to have them all... you never know what might work well. :)

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