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whats your favorite crew?


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well i have fallen in love with wyrd and malifaux.

But this gives me a very minor problem, im running on three full crews right now and i want to pick up another this weekend. but every crew just seems so amazeing so im haveing trouble decideing!

so my question goes out to you all. Whats your favorite crew?

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3-way tie between Somer, Ophelia & Nicodem.

The first two is easy... Hello, my name is Borzag and i'm a Goblinholic :) I love the little evil green buggers. Back in the day I had a full army of Warhams wolf riders, and a converted undead greenskin army. Now it's just a Goblin BB team, a Necromantic BB team converted from Goblins, a Rebel Grot Gorka gang, some random Goblin minis for use here & there, and my main in WoW is a Goblin Hunter. It's a thing with me.

Anyway, I saw the Bayou Gremlins a few years ago and fell off my chair laughing :) I absolutely loved the whole redneck aesthetic, which fitted Wyrd's little green buggers to a tee. So when Mali came out I grabbed those off the bat. Ditto with Ophelia.

Nicodem on the other hand... to me, his box set is everything that IS Malifaux. Magic, tech, victorian horror with a dash of the exotic... colour me interested. Combined with the fact that he's easier to get working than Somer had me sold. Plus Mortimer is hilarious.



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all very cool ive honestly considered almost every crew posted so far. And please keep them comeing i love hearing everyones opinions on the differnt crews. :3

and well I have ramos, lady j ,and von schill and I loved painting all of them and gamewise i just cant get over how fun ramos is to play. Ive been useing lady j and ramos to run intro games for the last month or so and have been even considering sighing up as a henchman. I figure at the very least it might get a few more people at my local shop to get really pumped about my upcomeing tournament/

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In general the whole range is very cool. So what it comes down too for me is what I have thats painted best. And its kind of mishmashed atm.

My seamus, and aSeamus came out beautifully

But that the same time... my canine remains are probably my best painted mini's... and theres lots of them... ... probably my seamus crew, the night terrors have a nice ghostly blue paintscheme which turned out nicely too.

oh...and my convict gunslinger i jsut finished is pretty spiffy too and he fits nicely with my seamus crew.

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i absolutly adore the Colette box so nice to paint pinks purples and yellows the models are nice and i just love em i also start playing with my hamelin crew on christmas day lagley due to it being a christmas present and i want another crew sonnia i love the fact thatr the sonnia model is smoking and i love her back story from wyrd chronicles number two the witchling stalkers are just awsome they have alot of character and im not particularly keen on sameal hopkins i feel as though he needs a cape so im going to model one on there i hope it goes well hope i helped


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There is a four way tie in my heart for the following crews:

Lady Justice: Just love the models, the ideas behind them and can't wait for the exorcists next month. The death marshals are some really sweet models, and the whole crew seem dynamic.

Seamus: Gotta love the madman and his belles. Wasn't a fan at first, but having seen the avatar seamus and the belles up close...I was swayed!

Colette: well, who wouldn't want to paint some showgirls?! The opportunity to step away from the gritty world of Malifaux and paint something a bit brighter is what swayed me...and the models are superb!

The Dreamer: He has his critics but you have to admit the range of models he can use are some of the sweetest sculpts Wyrd have done...plus the whole nightmare thingy has me hooked...plenty of ideas for paintschemes for this crew!

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My favorite crew?

Well, I had the most fun painting the Viks. They're all so unique.

Thematically, Raspy's crew is my favorite.

Playstyle-wise, I have a weak spot for Sonnia and her Witch Hunters. Even more so, now that I have aSonnia waiting to be painted.

I think that once Leveticus' avatar is released (and I pick up the Four Horsemen), he'll jump up to the favorite in both the painting and theme categories.

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Even though I'm still painting my first crews (the ones in my sig) my favorite by far is Seamus although I had to re-paint him ones due to a varnishing accident.

That same accident has me on average painting every RedChapel Gang member twice, never try to use the last little bit of varnish out of a spraycan.

I also like McMourning a lot but seeing the miniature in person was a little disappointing as he's so small compared to Seamus and Nicodem.

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I am known for picking up new minis before the paint dries on my old ones. I have been playing and painting Kirai the most. I love her swirling spirits and summoning style. It keeps my opponents on their toes. Even when there are only a handful of seishin on the board my friends know the destruction she can summon! Also, being summon heavy lets me alter her style quickly. Do I want Gaki to eat some H1s, Onryo to munch some low WP minions, Shikome to just wail on something? My typical small point game (25) is Kirai w/ 4-5 Seishin, 2 Night Terrors and Datsuba. I am planning to add in a Desperate Merc next time.

I also have in various stages of built/painted: Lady J, Ramos, Rasputina, Collette, Lilith, the Vikis and von Schill. With plans to get Criid, Zoraida and Collodi! Give me a year and I’ll probably have them all 0_0.

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I play Ramos because I love the steampunkness of the models. Steamborg is just so cool. Electrical creations are really funny looking, and the Brass Arachnid looks like my granny's old boiler. Just love them! And I love the fact that Ramos is a Union guy...

Fluff-wise, it's a tie between Seamus (dead hookers, right?) and Von Schill (I love the way he flipped off the Governor :) ).. As far as the models in those crews are concerned, I give a little advantage to Seamus (dead hookers, again..). And there is the quote (that most of us have got hooked with): In Malifaux, there's no problem you can't solve without sending a few dead hookers at it.

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It seems like everyone likes seamus but I dunno he just doesnt do it for me. :/

I like him but im not a fan of his crew so mutch. It just seems like a few to many things going on there. But I love the new stuff that he got with the new book! So he is looking better :3

Does anyone have any thoughts on getting a new crew just to use there avatar? I have had my on sonnia since I saw hers!

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well i have fallen in love with wyrd and malifaux.

But this gives me a very minor problem, im running on three full crews right now and i want to pick up another this weekend. but every crew just seems so amazeing so im haveing trouble decideing!

so my question goes out to you all. Whats your favorite crew?

What time is it?

No, seriously, I'm in pretty much the same boat as you. I started with Rasputina, quickly picked up Ophelia, followed her with Collodi, Ramos, Marcus, Zoraida, Kaeris and Molly. Now I've got my eye on Seamus, Pandora, Somer, Colette, Sonnia and Lady J.

I think Raspy will still be my favorite, but she has a hard time getting playtime with all the other masters/henchmen I have.

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