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The Tale of Malifaux Painters October and November WIPs


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What is it all about?

The aim of “The Tale of Malifaux Painters” is to help motivate those involved to start and complete their Crews/Bands in the next 6 months.

The painters involved have made a commitment to paint and post, by the last day of each month, their finished minis. They do this each month for the next 6 months. Starting with their first post on the last day of August 2011 and finishing with their last post on the last day of January 2012. So we have this month, whilst everyone signs up, to collect, build, convert, undercoat and otherwise get yourself ready to go with the first work in progress starting in September.


However, because people have real lives with exams, holidays, honeymoons, new babies etc, etc. They get one 'Joker'. For one month within the half year you can ‘play a joker’ and rather than post an update they can post "sorry guys couldn't get it done this month. Real life got in the way." But the other 5 Months they have to come up with painted and based figures. Even for the slow painters that should be at least 1 crew.


640x480 seems to work best OR use thumbnails

Bigger than this results in the scroll bar of doom for many.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q : Am I too Late? Can I still Join in?

A : No you are not too late. Yes you can still join in. Just post on this thread saying what you intend to paint.

Q : How much do I have to paint?

A : There is a minimum of one mini per month with the additional WIP pics. Most will aim at more. But one breathtaking mini will take a long time.

Q : Can I include a short narrative with each months post.

A : Yes. We love background stuff. Write as much as you like it will be read and enjoyed by many.

Q : Can I drop out?

A : No you can't, why should you?

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Well as predicted, two weeks holiday was good for my painting...


Bowler Hat Ryle is easily my favorite. The standard model is pretty cool but as I've said before, hats make everything better. :D


So my total Lucius crew is now as follows. :D


I'm hoping to finish off a friend's 40k army over November so chances are I'll be painting the Drill Sarge only. That'll complete my Lucius Crew until the Warden comes out. Whenever that happens. ;)

After that, I'm still thinking about what I could do for December/January. I've got the equivalent of 4 crews left to paint, plus Avatars so I'm not for want of choice. :smugpuppet1

EDIT: Just for the record, I've painted something every month at this point; Guild Hounds for Month 1, Guild Captain and Guild Guard for Month 2, and the above for Month 3.

Edited by Rathnard
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Only posting three Gamin this month, was busy with other projects *ahem* So here they are! The big comment about them has been, "Blue." Blue isn't my strongest color, so there's likely to be more like this. I think they turned out ok, though I don't feel any desire to go back and touch them up (that could be due to my other painting projects this month).








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Well I did manage to get some stuff painted, but certainly not 31...

Finished up another 4 Seishin and the second Witchling Stalker puppet, here -




That puts me on only 14 painted this month unfortunately, all here -



On the plus side, I have half of November off work as holiday, so hopefully I can catch up.

Thus far then in this Tale, I've painted 65 in the first 3 months, and have 86 left to go, not counting my most recent purchases and anything else coming out. It's starting to look somewhat dicey...

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Got a lot painted, but only finished 4 minis for Malifaux (did a lot of work on some Blood Bowl Vampires, finished off a unit of Warmachine Ogrun).

However, I did also start on the last five Gremlins. Pics in the morning European time if I can get some decent ones, unlike last month's awful ones (will try and get a decent group shot of all my Gremlins so far).

Also, in a shocking turn of events, my Kaeris box has been delayed at maelstrom games. So if I get all my Gremlins done this month I guess I'm on to starting on my Seamus Demo crew.

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Got quite a bit painted up this month...

Here's the rest of my Lucius crew:



That was going to be all for Lucius but I have managed to get the female Guild Guard so she will get painted this month then I'll do a group shot of them all.

Here's the rest of the Guild that I painted this month:



Plus a couple of other items that I can use as either Mindless Zombies or Punk Zombies:



November's list includes Seamus' box set (less one of the Belles who's missing an arm), a Grave Spirit, the female Guild Guard, an old Pandora Avatar, a proxy avatar Candy, a Black Blood Shaman and Nekima for a total of 10 miniatures.

If I get those done then I will have painted all 125 of my current Malifaux collection and December will be used to paint 4 points of Anglo-Danish for Saga.

Of course after Santa's visit there will be more Malifaux!

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Here are links to my models for this month. Have hoffman, mechanical attendant, 2 watchers, misaki and a doppelganger for this month as well as Alt and Avatar LJ depending on when they come into my LGS.



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Tale of the Skirmish Painters

Month 1:

The first month I almost finished the Lady J crew, but because of the Rugby world cup I lost all motivation to paint, (48 games of rugby will do that to me) but now I'm back on a roll!

Lady Justice and her Boys:


Last month I painted these fellas

Scales of Justice and Peacekeeper:



This month I'm working on Sonnia and her Witch Hunters, And I'll try to post some individual shots too.

Edited by perplexiti
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