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Let's crown the king of the Henchmen


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Since we now have seen all of the Henchmen boxsets and probably seen a lot of them ingame, i wanted to know who is your favorite, all in all.

Who is the most visual appealing?

Who is your favorite when it comes to playstyle?

Just pick your favorite and let us know why :)

It's multiple choice in case you are not a fan of monogamy ;)

Edited by Orboros
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Well I voted for Lucius, since his background and very Zoraida-esque playstyle appeals to me. However;

Most visually appealing: Ophelia (how could I not love the little gremlin!)

Most Utility: Von Schill. See episode 7 of the Aethervox for my thoughts on this guy - he's a very good addition to most crews.

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They are all great for me its a tie between Molly, Collodi and Lucius for story (Molly is still lagging ever so slighly for leading a crew at the moment)

And then there is the powerhouse that is Von Schill, we have 3-4 players (myself included) that are trying to ween ourselves off him at the moment, he is even worth the 10ss cost as a Merc. Plus of course Ophelia

The only one who isnt really appealling to me much is Kaeris (I know that will get me burned at the stake) but that really is a personal thing

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my favourite henchmen as a leader overall is collodi, second lucius, and third molly. this is a overall play style and fluff one reason molly is at the bottom is that she is not capable of leading her own crew. these are my overall rankings:

1. Collodi

2. Lucius

3. Molly

4.Von Schill

5. Ophelia

6. Kaeris

oh yeah and i forgot to mention that by overall i also meant appearance. Who doesn't like a four armed wooden puppet or a bad assed secretary in a mask?

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