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Do you theme bases to specific crews?


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I am curious about how people approach this. If you play multiple crews and factions, do you theme each faction's bases? Do you theme each crew?

I have gotten models for both a Sonnia Criid and Perdita crew. For fairly obvious reasons, I am kind of wanting to put the Ortegas on desert bases. But I am definitely not putting Criid's bunch on desert bases...but I fully intend to include Ortegas in some Criid lists. So, I am not sure if I want to base all the Guild on the same bases or just be willing to mix and match basing styles.

Just curious how other people have handled this.

EDIT: I am planning to mix and match the base styles though with regards to the Riders who I plan to use with Leveticus down the road. Given the Pale Rider's appearance, he is potentially going to get a desert base regardless...

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I don't use the same bases for a whole faction, but rather use the same bases for a certain master and his minions. This is not an iron rule, and I have quite a few miniatures that have gotten their own unique base, not sharing the style with any other miniature I have.

As there is no need to move your crew as a unit like in some other games, I have no aesthetic issues with this. However, it might bother a bit if you are trying to make some nice group photos etc.

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I am the same as Vvlad. I try to keep box crews and common hires on matching bases, i.e. Perdita's and C. Hoffman's crews. For instance, i plan to take Ryle more with C. Hoffman than Lucious, so he'll get a Hoffman style base. Cross master hires, like the Austringers, get their own base styles. But sometimes you are just going to get mismatches. I based the Executioner on a Wyrd sewer insert to run with Sonya, but have never run him with anything but Ortegas, who are desert based.

I am glad there are others that put as much thought into their bases as I do. Bases aren't just places for your models to stand. They are an encapsulated part of the models's world that can really take the model and aesthetics of the overall game to the next level.

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I'm trying to keep my crews matching.

My Guild have "street" paved bases, while my Colette crew have stge planking. I have some Woodland bases for my Gremlins. Closest I could find to Swamp without breaking the bank (the Wyrd ones are nice, but expensive).

I'll be picking up the Kaeris box when it's released, but I really don't plan on using it as a box set, so I'll base the Gamin to match my Guild stuff for Sonnia, while the rest will match my Showgirls.

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I've got most of my Guild crew on Victorian bases, but the Death Marshals begged something different with those nice pine boxes, so I based those in desert flock. I've been thinking of maybe painting the outside of each of the black bases, deep red for Guild, green for Resurrectionists, etc. That way I can use different inserts or flock without losing a quick visual on who belongs to which faction.

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Every Crew has their own bases fitting their style, including missionmarkers etc with the same Bases.

You could do them in similar basing schemes. For example, brown mexicanstyle streets with a little sand for Sonnia and desert bases (with the same sand) for your ortegas. This way they look as if they belong together but are still different.

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I usually use a different style for each box. I have dreamer and colette on streets. Collodi on orphanage bases. All from wyrd. For my others I used groundwerks (dark age) bases: swampland for zoraida, infestation for pandora and my personal favorite: sandbags for Von Schill.

Yes, there are some crossovers. E.g. my stiched together in the dreamer, collodi and zoraida crew. But I try not to care.

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I base each of my crews differently. but, I try to tie the faction together somehow. For instance, my guild crews are based as follows:

Perdita - Wooden planks of a ghost town type

Lady J - victorian streets from Wyrd

Sonia - cobblestone streets from another company

So, they all are street bases from different town styles. But, I've got a display base that ties the theme together by showing three different sections of the city of Malifaux.

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Thanks for your thoughts guys. I think I am going to resign myself to certain models just not matching each others basing styles thanks to cross faction hiring or even within faction. Each crew is going to be their own. I already have my Nephilim bases picked out from Dragon Forge (who I love dearly though he has a terrible back log these days thanks to how many orders he has).

I think I want each of the Riders to be completely unique though. With something extra special for Leveticus...

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