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  1. Hey, any chance that you've got more of your story on the way?

  2. Hi Lily! Good luck in Rotten Harvest! Love, Dad

  3. I haven't actually faced LadyJ as Nico before, but looking at the model stats gives me some hope. Her Last Rites ability is a 6" pulse, which gives her a 11" threat range to the MZ's or corpse counters. Nico, on the other hand, has Arise as a 10" pulse, which can turn a corpse counter a fair clip away into a MZ a really long way from LadyJ (like 6" beyond Nico from her.) Reanimator can grab a MZ 6" behind Nico and summon a Punk 6" in front of him. If I face her my goal will be to put the MZ's behind Nico, close enough to use Zombie Fodder but far enough away so that LadyJ needs to be within Rigor Mortis range to get at them.
  4. I started with McMourning, and have expanded to Nicodem, mainly for a change to play the same models in a different way... I find myself continually drawn to other factions' models but haven't taken the plunge yet on any one. They are all so great, I am paralyzed by the options!
  5. Welcome fellow Rezzer. Now go sling that scalpel!
  6. The crew creator on Malifaux.com works fine on my Android phone. As for a dedicated app, we'd need some kind of mobile developer.... (Awww,crap! I'm some kind of mobile developer!)
  7. I won a bunch of Secret Weapon resin bases in the "Heroes of Armageddon" so my Rezzer crew uses their round lip "flagstone" bases. It ties the crew together pretty well. If I start another faction I'll probably use a different style of basing.
  8. Resin I can see, and would have no issues with. If it's cheaper to manufacture then I would be all for it, even at the current price point. Same sales + better margin = healthier company. Yay for healthy companies making things I love. Injection molded plastic has a challenge above even the tooling cost. The sculpts can have exactly zero undercuts, meaning every model would have to be completely redesigned. Check out Steve Buddle's discontinued blog for lots more info on that. It may be defunct now that he's working for GW but it's still great reading.
  9. Wait, so the Dreamer is Little Nemo after H.P. Lovecraft turned him into a puppet?! Curse this fun-house mirror of a background!!!
  10. Here here! Or found a game that actually inspired me to write in that setting. Thanks for this game, the unique setting, miniatures and the forward thinking for things like rules PDF publicly available and online crew creator. Bravo!
  11. Arcanist: My Master has no nose! Resurrectionist: How does she smell? Arcanist: Better than yours!
  12. That looks great! It's getting a better rating from registered voters on CMON than unregistered, which is positive. A lot of run-of-the-mill "Aww kewl! SpessMreen!" models have higher unregistered rating than registered. In terms of painting, the very high contrast black lining looks great and gives the model an "ink and paint" look that really complements the sculpt, but the black lining has inconsistent thickness. I love the colors you've chosen for the hair and you've applied them in all the right places, but there's a hint of acrylic texture to the highlights. You've done a great job and you should be proud of it, but those things will hurt your score (I am King of the Mid-6 on CMON.) I'd love to see more of these models!
  13. 1. Bright light. A CF bulb in a goose-neck lamp is fine, at a distance of about 6". 2. The right brush. A Winsor & Newtons miniature Series 7, size 000 is my tool of choice for this. Something with a wicked sharp tip and enough body to hold the... 3. Thinned paint. The paint needs to be in the brush, not on it. If you can touch the very tip of the brush to something and get a tiny dot without flexing the bristles or having to rub the brush around then you have the right consistency of paint. If you touch the point and paint does not come off, clean the brush and start over. ...and optionally... 4. Magnification. A bi-focal magnifying visor does wonders for me, as I posted here. Sometimes I like using it and sometimes I don't. Your call. Show us great things!
  14. I just read the original thread. Yeah, civility barrier breached. I can't imagine saying that to someone's face. Don't forget: http://xkcd.com/438/
  15. Nicely done. I think leaving out the "Sabine quits the Guild" part added to the story, since her presence (after having read RaaPW) makes that implication and sets us up for later elucidation.
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