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Kaeris Crews


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In preparation for Kaeris finally being released, maybe, I've been looking at what I actually want to get for her crew. So far, I figured

Joss: 9ss

Gunsmithx2: 12ss

Fire Gaminx3: 12ss

This gives me a solid ranged crew with three expendable models and a melee beast to discourage enemy melee.

I thought to connect an Essence of Power to her, as I was still unclear as to whether or not I could, but the new crew builder on Malifaux.com says no. This means I have two points left over.

I don't really want to dip into her cache if I don't have to, so I need to figure out what to do with these points. I thought perhaps switching out a Gamin for Johan or another Gunsmith, but I would like to hear your ideas. Or if you think an entirely different approach to Kaeris is better, I would like to hear that too.

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I would reccomend dropping joss, switching to johan (with kaeris off the top of my head he costs 5ss and picking up a 4th gamin) or if you don't mind only having a 4ss cache dropping joss to add a 3rd gunsmith and picking up a student of conflict.

Why would Johan cost only 5? AFAIK he costs 5 only for Colette.

Also, why no love for the Large Steampunk Arachnid? It's a very solid model for its cost and has uses beyond Ramos scrapping it for counters first turn.

I was hoping to go for the following:

Arcanists Crew - 35 - Scrap

5 Cache

  • Fire Gamin

  • Fire Gamin

  • Fire Gamin

  • Gunsmith

  • Gunsmith

  • Large Steampunk Arachnid

  • Renegade Steamfitter Johan

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What about Kaeris as a minion in other crews? First one that comes to my mind is raptor her in a Marcus crew to give Myranda all of those delicious (1) spells to duplicate. Marc's Howl or Night Terrors' Cold Darkness can tear down a target's WP for Kaeris' Immolate. It gives the crew the spread damage it needs and the extra surge per turn is almost always beneficial, plus the (0) action to take a Wd and draw a card.

Don't play any other arcanist yet though. Any other thoughts? Or is the topic solely Kaeris-led crews?

Edited by brdparker
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I do intend to field Kaeris with Ramos, but I have been thinking specifically how she could do on her own. As for the big spider, I can't really think of a reason for Kaeris to take it other than that she can. I haven't tried it out, but on paper it just doesn't seem that useful unless facing an armor heavy crew.

And Johan is only ever 5 ss with Colette.

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well since kaeris will be released in october, i'd like to bump this thread :D

25ss list

kaeris 1cache

4 gamin 16ss

iggy 7ss?

johan 6ss

could drop 1 gamin for 5ss cache,

is it me, or do you guys think that shooting with gamins could be funny when fighting a melee based crew like lilith or some ressers, givin burning counters and when they come closer, use gamins as dispossable minions,

and iggy, what do you think of him? he could be good, but to bad that his ranged weapons doesn't give out Burning tokens

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well since kaeris will be released in october, i'd like to bump this thread :D

25ss list

kaeris 1cache

4 gamin 16ss

iggy 7ss?

johan 6ss

could drop 1 gamin for 5ss cache,

is it me, or do you guys think that shooting with gamins could be funny when fighting a melee based crew like lilith or some ressers, givin burning counters and when they come closer, use gamins as dispossable minions,

and iggy, what do you think of him? he could be good, but to bad that his ranged weapons doesn't give out Burning tokens

Yeah I feel the same way about Iggy, but I think he will be a blast any way. He can cover quite a distance under the right situations and some potent melee power is never a bad thing. I've got some notes on Kaeris I'll try to dig up, some lists I toyed around with right after book 3 was out at Gencon.

But Fire Gamin will definitly be a big part of almost any list I take with Kaeris. Though I'm very partial to the Gunsmiths, those guys/gals are just outright lethal and give Kaeris some nice focused fire while she and the Gamin dish out high grade AE's.

But noth'n says lov'n like a Fire Gamin to the face XD

Though to Maximize the Fire Gamin it's all about activation order... Kaeris has to go last and that hurts her options a lot. That I think will always be her biggest constraint. If she is not in a situation where she can or can afford the Ap to light your targets on fire, it's going to dictate your activation order enough to make it a bit fragile. Cover is a huge problem for her.

It's a pitty Fire Tokens don't stay cross multiple rounds... or don't tick off like Poison does, removing 1 a turn except only dealing 1Wd/Slow no matter how many you had on you. Wishes I suppose heh.

Edited by karn987
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As for the big spider, I can't really think of a reason for Kaeris to take it other than that she can. I haven't tried it out, but on paper it just doesn't seem that useful unless facing an armor heavy crew.

It's semi-tough and pretty mean in close combat and costs 5 SS. Compared to Johan it's cheaper and tougher but damage is way lower (except against heavily armored targets). Melee Master is better than Flurry, though, so that evens it out a bit. I mean, I would take Johan instead, but since he is unique, if I were to feel the need for a second melee combatant, I think that LSA is an OK choice.

The Cut Away action is a complete red herring, though, as hitting the target instead for 2 wounds minimum that ignores said armor is way better unless you plan on hitting the target with other models for something like four to six more times. Cut away really should inflict slow or something in addition to lowering armor.

well since kaeris will be released in october, i'd like to bump this thread :D

25ss list

kaeris 1cache

4 gamin 16ss

iggy 7ss?

johan 6ss

could drop 1 gamin for 5ss cache,

I think you definitely should. Kaeris needs Soul Stones and can put them to very good use.

Edited by Math Mathonwy
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It's semi-tough and pretty mean in close combat and costs 5 SS. Compared to Johan it's cheaper and tougher but damage is way lower (except against heavily armored targets). Melee Master is better than Flurry, though, so that evens it out a bit. I mean, I would take Johan instead, but since he is unique, if I were to feel the need for a second melee combatant, I think that LSA is an OK choice.

The Cut Away action is a complete red herring, though, as hitting the target instead for 2 wounds minimum that ignores said armor is way better unless you plan on hitting the target with other models for something like four to six more times. Cut away really should inflict slow or something in addition to lowering armor.

I think you definitely should. Kaeris needs Soul Stones and can put them to very good use.

Personally I favor the Soulstone Miner with Kaeris for her melee beatstick. It hits rather hard, can get Melee Master and can generate more soulstones with her. With it's bury tricks you can keep Melee Master up over multiple turns and get it in and out of harms way without much trouble.

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i think I'll run, more gamins, and leave iggy out of it,

and what do you guys think of the union miner?

they are not bad, but with kaeris, i won't use them a lot, they are good to use with kaeris to heal herself, but i prefer the gamins

i think they can be used in a ramos crew, they arn't constructs, but they are good objective grabbers, and when ramos is in trouble, you could bury them to unbury next to ramos as a meat shield,

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i think I'll run, more gamins, and leave iggy out of it,

and what do you guys think of the union miner?

they are not bad, but with kaeris, i won't use them a lot, they are good to use with kaeris to heal herself, but i prefer the gamins

i think they can be used in a ramos crew, they arn't constructs, but they are good objective grabbers, and when ramos is in trouble, you could bury them to unbury next to ramos as a meat shield,

The Union Miners are not bad, little tricky to get the hang of but certainly effective. I'm just not sure they are actually good with Kaeris even if they are her Special Force. She does nothing special for them and they do nothing special for her, so there is no real synergy between them. The only thing she can really do with them is suck Wds from them to heal herself, which can be worth taking them over say Spider Swarms etc (basically none special forces Arcanist models). But I agree with you, for Kaeris herself I think the Gamin are a much better choice. After that, they'd have to fight with the SS Miner and Gunsmiths for a slot and thats going to be hard because you need a group of Union Miners to be effective while a lone Gunsmith or SS Miner is effective all by it's self.

I think in general for Arcanists they are going to be useful objective grabbers and a lot of people will use them for the theme or specific strategies. I'm just not 100% sold on them over some of the staple models for each, like Spiders, Gamin etc. I'd love to hear others experience with them though, I've not gotten to use them as much as I'd like to and I'm still very curious to how they do when you get used to them.

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Problem with Miners imho is that you need a lot of them to really make their ability effective as a bomb, and only Kaeris or Ramos can use more than 2. And Ramos wants constructs.

So I dunno.

jep, thats the problem,,

i would field them with kaeris in a 35ss list i think,

kaeris 4 cache

3 union miners 12

3 gamins 12

ss miner 6

gunsmith 6

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