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Henchmen: Who are you looking forward to getting an upgrade the most?

Jonas Albrecht

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We're running on Hypothetical Fuel here, but if indeed the next book is full of various named Minions getting an upgrade, which are you looking forward to the most? Which upgrades would be a nice surprise?

Obviously, I'm looking forward to Francisco Ortega. In all of Malifaux, he's my favorite character, and I'd love to see him get an upgrade that matches his fluff.

What would be more surprising, but I think enjoyed by a lot of people here, is a Nightmare Teddy leader.

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Opps my bad I forgot. I present both my wrists to be whipped by rulers.

No no, your post is fine. I posted a major spoiler in blocks, thinking this board had them.

Both great picks. What is interesting about the question is I'm having a hard time seeing anyone outside of outcasts and guild getting the bump. I'm not through all the fluff but I do like the idea of franny getting a bump.

Joss, Cassandra, Snowstorm, Myranda for Arcanist.

Edited by Jonas Albrecht
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Who am I looking forward to? Molly. Cause Molly and Philip and Ponto are Awesome.

Who do I suspect is going to make the jump from Minion to Henchman/Master status?

Hopkins & Misaki.

Who do I suspect is going to make the jump from Henchman to Master?


Also I think the possibility is there for Sonia, Perdita, Leveticus, Zoraida, and/or Pandora to faction jump. Possibly not to existing factions for some of them...

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I doubt we will see any new masters for awhile. Granted it is not definite, but Eric J said in a podcast interview that Wyrd is currently happen with the amount of masters in the game, and that they would most likely look to Henchmen to expand in the future. I doubt therefore any new masters will be in the next book. I think there will be new henchmen, like Misaki. Personally I'm hoping the next book deluges us with Horrors, as Molly's special forces still have the smallest selection of them all.

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I doubt we will see any new masters for awhile. Granted it is not definite, but Eric J said in a podcast interview that Wyrd is currently happen with the amount of masters in the game, and that they would most likely look to Henchmen to expand in the future. I doubt therefore any new masters will be in the next book. I think there will be new henchmen, like Misaki. Personally I'm hoping the next book deluges us with Horrors, as Molly's special forces still have the smallest selection of them all.

Which is sort of a subquestion: What would the hiring restrictions be?

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I wouldnt mind Rusty Alice getting the henchman upgrade. Keep the pistol, let her summon SPA in some fashion, give her a bit of Ramos in there somewhere plus a little card draw so she keeps that function for Levi.

I could see her having custom SPAs for her special forces. Couple of differnt types, melee, shooting, etc. Merge 2 together get a mini Desolation Engine with bonuses for what types of custom SPAs were sacked.

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Coryphee! The Star Constructs could have their own group. I'm sure of it. [/blind, childlike longing]

Actually, Cassandra would be interesting, though Showgirl-wise I'm not sure what other theater characters we haven't seen yet. The only ones I can think of are maybe a bartender and various backstage workers/performers. The ones who aren't on stage as much-- they still sing and dance, sure, but mostly just get stuff done.

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I guess this would pertain to Tuesday specifically. Why would Cassandra need a upgrade? She already has use ss. She doesn't need anything else. She is by no means lacking in any department at the moment so why would you feel she needs upgraded to hencmen/master?

Granted I just got back from the bar and am a little inebriated. I am just curious as to why you feel the need for cassie to be upgraded further?

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Actually, Cassandra would be interesting, though Showgirl-wise I'm not sure what other theater characters we haven't seen yet. The only ones I can think of are maybe a bartender and various backstage workers/performers. The ones who aren't on stage as much-- they still sing and dance, sure, but mostly just get stuff done.

We could see a juggler/knife thrower, an acrobat, or perhaps a bearded lady. Oh, wait. Maybe not that last one.

A bit more circus than cabaret but OTOH there's already stage magic and fire breathing so the line is somewhat blurry already.

I guess this would pertain to Tuesday specifically. Why would Cassandra need a upgrade? She already has use ss. She doesn't need anything else. She is by no means lacking in any department at the moment so why would you feel she needs upgraded to hencmen/master?

The obvious thing that springs to mind is that then she could lead the crew.

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I guess from my humble opinion with that is why? You would need to give her hiring restrictions/unless full fleshed master and she can take everything colette already can so it wouldn't really be a new spin or anything it would just be a new and kinda from my opinion useless retool. Now granted if you really disliked colette and didn't want to include her it would make the most sense but to me atleast it would appear to be unneeded.

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The idea of Sonnia jumping ship from the Guild has always been a thought of mine, but I'd rather not see Wyrd go in that direction rules wise. The fluff for it is awesome, but having two of the same character from different factions would complicate things a bit I think.

Sam Hopkins as a master. I say master because it fits the fluff better, and would give you a reason to still field regular Sam. He is already 8ss, bumping him up to say 9ss as a Henchmen means you'll prob never have a reason to not run Henchmen Sam.

I'd like to see the Governor as a master. He is a character (in the fluff) that keeps getting better and more intriguing. I think it's time to unleash him upon the enemies if the Guild (that includes me haha).

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