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Sculpting female models


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Not every model in the wyrd range has gigantic breasts,and let me tell you...gigantic breasts happen in real life all the time,just like small ones.

as for the "ideal" woman,that body shape changes consistently. I think people might be confusing the "fit" concept with the "active" concept.

As far as excessive,a couple of them might qualify,but by no means all. Sonnia isnt,the female guild guard isnt. The showgirls arent. Rusty alyce certainly isnt.

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I have many times. My girlfriend does not have fake breasts, but when she dresses up to go out her bra and blouses force her cleavage up and it does end up shaped like that. Many outfits that boost and magnify the shape of breasts do that. And the victorian & renaissance era clothing seems to have emphasized this even more.

Okay. I'll try to phrase this without sounding impolite. If your girlfriend has a comparable body structure to the miniatures mentioned here, I will admit my error.

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I find it funny in a game about Zombies, robots and demons people are having a lively debate about how realistic the womans breasts are.

A game in a genre where "normal" is anything but the norm?

The first thing I said when I saw the new PP Constance Blaize was "why doesn't she have a giant rack?" Gaming miniatures of females have overtly enhanced breasts. It is just the way it is. Whether it is social reprehensible to objectify women or the exact reason for this trend isn't important, or something you are going to get people to agree about.

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I have to admit, I'm loving this thread.

Rusty Alice is unattractive? Small chested? Pfft.

Fact is, sex sells, and originally Wyrd was in the business of single model sales. Having a bunch of dolled-up cheesecake was in their best interest, and it really shows.

There are young men, old men, skinny men, fat men, and immensely-proportioned men in Malifaux. There are old women and young women as well. That's about as varied as they come.

I know some people prefer titillation in their 1-inch-tall pewter women, but it'd be nice to have a few more "real" women. Warmachine tends to do a pretty decent job of that, for what it's worth, so it's not like it's an unfeasible business strategy.

I'm also interested in all these "studies" that are being thrown around to attempt to justify stances. Please, show them to us?

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But they want to paint fat, crippled, and ugly men?

Yes, because guys like picturing themselves as being part of the fantasy, the child in us wants to believe that despite the fact that we are not brad pitt or not a roided out superhero (I am not), that we still have a place. Its called an escapist fantasy, sometimes when I read your repeated personal attacks against me I daydream about a device that allow you to punch people in the face across the internet. See, its a fantasy.

Are you fifteen or something? Because I refuse to believe than an adult would spew crap like that.

Im sorry the real world isent fair to you. but you should hold off from making personal attacks. I'm sorry that im not ashamed or afraid to speak my mind. If you constantly want to go to personal attacks, how about I save us all some time, and get the thread locked by telling you to go outside and play a rousing game of hide and go $$$$$$$$ yourself.

...and this is why you don't vote, right (when you are old enough to do so)? As your vote is an insignificant drop in the ocean of other votes.

I do actually vote, Hell, I even vote for women! (hillary, not palin).

Whoah, got a citation for all that? Since beauty standards changing over the centuries kinda, you know, disproves the whole "we are nothing but slaves to our genetics"-type of stuff at that level.

The unchanging parts of beauty standards have more to do with balance (both sides of the face and body matching the other) and being average (i.e., no abnormalities) than wide hips and a skinny, young look which haven't always been in vogue (and are sorta mutually at odds with one another).

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Now, this may not be as irritating to others as it is to me, but I grow increasingly frustrated how female breasts are more often than not sculpted in females. What I mean that most of them look like they've had a 1/2-1 gallon silicone implants put on them.

Now, I'm not saying that I dislike big breasts or breast implants on general, but given the timeframe where the events of the game takes place, it's "historically" incorrect to have silicone boobies there.

Of course, Wyrd isn't the only company to suffer from the phenomenon and perhaps I'm just pointing out something that most would find to be irrelevant, but here are a couple of

reference images (probably semi-SFW).

Natural cleavage

Silicone breasts

And to drive the point home:

Pandora alternative

Perdita alternative

Again, this may not bother the rest of you, but I'd just like to point this out. Perhaps it's just a matter of painting.

Three matters to point out here first of all

1) Many Women in Malifaux wear corsets, (Steampunk that way) eg Lady J and Lilith, which by very design make a women thiner and the impression of larger breasts

2) there are plenty of women in Malifaux with smaller breasts like Nikema and Sonnia Criid (They both compensate with there large swords)

3) Some women have large breast, simple

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Just on that last part dolomyte, the study you cite is modern and hence in no way addresses the point raised about the ideal of beauty through the ages.

Anyway, I imagine the thread will be locked in any event.

Actually it does address the point raised about the beauty through the ages. Beauty has traditionally been defined as "healthy". The symetrical appearence is such an indicator of a healthy person given that pox marks and other asymetrical blemishes have been a sign off illness. In addtion, historically body fat is a sign that the person in question has the ability to eat well and therfore will survive through the lean time. In modern times though, the ability to over nourish ourselves (especially in Industrialized Nations) has caused a flip due to the number of weight induced illnesses that we as a society have found ourselves in, and therefore we find skinny people to be more attractive, as that is the modern image of health.

And to bring this all back to the the original post, I think it's all Werner Klocke's fault. :laughing:

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What did I not answer for you. People dont want to paint fat normal women. People dont wait to paint crippled women. Its a fantasy game.

Actually, I'd love to paint a crippled woman. Malifaux already presents several men who are crippled or using prosthesis to varying degrees (consider the Steamborg!), yet the women all seem to be intact. I find it odd that the Convict Gunslinger is covered in scars, and Miss Demeanor has none at all. The male desperate merc is missing an eye, the female is wearing makeup. I end up modding females in most games I play to rough them up a bit and make it look like they've actually been fighting the same wars along side their battered male counterparts. Or I end up modding a female or two into all male units. Maybe that's just me though, I don't like "ideal beauty" at all, and implants and heavy makeup are a huge turn off. I'd rather see a "real woman", whatever shape and size she may be.

The first thing I said when I saw the new PP Constance Blaize was "why doesn't she have a giant rack?"

Because she's got better things to do than fight a legal battle with Skarre. ;)

As for robots Soundwave, if you're going to go there, then you have to explain female transformers. Why do Arcee and Elita-One have breasts anyway? ;)

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A game in a genre where "normal" is anything but the norm?

The first thing I said when I saw the new PP Constance Blaize was "why doesn't she have a giant rack?" Gaming miniatures of females have overtly enhanced breasts. It is just the way it is. Whether it is social reprehensible to objectify women or the exact reason for this trend isn't important, or something you are going to get people to agree about.

The first thing I said is why is she so proportionally screwed up? I could care less about her chest, but that model seriously bothers me due to how little thought was put into the proportions of the mini - especially considering she is wearing a massive suit of armor. Some parts, most noticeably the legs, would not allow anything to fit inside of the armor. Look at the ankles of that model...

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When things are done in miniature, they look different. Light hits them differently, shadows fall differently. That's why we don't just paint flat colors - it's necessary to enhance and emphasize the highlights and shadows via color changes, because light doesn't do it all alone.

I'm no sculptor, but I suppose this might have something to do with it? In miniature, an actual B-cup would probably be effectively flat-chested. And like it or not, especially from tabletop distance the major physiological identifier between men and women are breasts. In order for the model to actually appear female, I expect things might need to be enhanced. Just a thought.

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When things are done in miniature, they look different. Light hits them differently, shadows fall differently. That's why we don't just paint flat colors - it's necessary to enhance and emphasize the highlights and shadows via color changes, because light doesn't do it all alone.

I'm no sculptor, but I suppose this might have something to do with it? In miniature, an actual B-cup would probably be effectively flat-chested. And like it or not, especially from tabletop distance the major physiological identifier between men and women are breasts. In order for the model to actually appear female, I expect things might need to be enhanced. Just a thought.

Not that I want to get involved in this ancient flame-fired trollden, but I would add as a anticdote that many (most?) of the people I play games with (board, mini, card) will refer to any and all characters as male unless I specifically correct their gender indifference.

For Beuhallin's edification; I'm effectively agreeing with you,

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Yes, because guys like picturing themselves as being part of the fantasy, the child in us wants to believe that despite the fact that we are not brad pitt or not a roided out superhero (I am not), that we still have a place. Its called an escapist fantasy, sometimes when I read your repeated personal attacks against me I daydream about a device that allow you to punch people in the face across the internet. See, its a fantasy.

Your style of play scares me. You say that you feel sorry for killing Hoffman and now you say that you insert yourself in the game... so you really imagine yourself killing all those people represented by minis in the game? I kinda recommend a therapist at this point.

Im sorry the real world isent fair to you. but you should hold off from making personal attacks. I'm sorry that im not ashamed or afraid to speak my mind. If you constantly want to go to personal attacks, how about I save us all some time, and get the thread locked by telling you to go outside and play a rousing game of hide and go $$$$$$$$ yourself.

Heh, first of all, when you throw out stuff like "deal with it" and then throw a hissy-fit when someone doesn't just roll on their back you don't sound immensely mature. Just saying. Also note that you were the one who started making ad hominems back in post #48 so I thought that was your preference.

Second, nothing wrong with being fifteen, you'll grow out of it and look at your former self in a new light pretty soon, I promise.

Heres a study on attractiveness from the UK, apparently there is a consensus among men that they find women who are thin and seductive more attractive then others. Confidence rated highly too.

That has nothing to do with what we were discussing, though. I now realize that these random changes and goal-post shifts are par for the course for you, but pardon me if I'm not exactly going to follow you where ever you decide to randomly take the conversational ball.

P.S. I imagine that every time you write something that the board censors, it was the c-word. You know, the one ending with 'lown' that is not allowed here ;)

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Second, nothing wrong with being fifteen, you'll grow out of it and look at your former self in a new light pretty soon, I promise.

While I don't claim that Dolomyte has not had a fair amount of vitriol in some of his posts, your above comment does not at all help your position. Your posts to him strike me as just as inflammatory and childish as you claim his have been.

This topic has had some interesting discussion, why do you continue to try and get it locked? If you truly claim to be more mature than him then you would do good to show it.

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While I don't claim that Dolomyte has not had a fair amount of vitriol in some of his posts, your above comment does not at all help your position. Your posts to him strike me as just as inflammatory and childish as you claim his have been.

This topic has had some interesting discussion, why do you continue to try and get it locked? If you truly claim to be more mature than him then you would do good to show it.

Fair enough - I did get carried away. I got frustrated - the line that began that particular tangent was rather a harsh ad hominem from Dolomyte for seemingly no particular reason and stupidly, I admit, I responded in kind escalating it further.

I apologize for my childish behaviour harsh words. They were not needed, nor justified.

Edited by Math Mathonwy
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Ok boys, it's time to step away from this. As a female gamer myself I kinda knew what to expect when it came to female miniatures; hell I also play Sisters of Battle, ever seen a Repentia?

All miniature companies make miniatures that reflect the character they want to represent on the table and, if that person happens to be a buxom wench then so be it.

An inch high model is not offensive to me.

Let's all make friends again :)


ps. Joss is gorgeous

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All miniature companies make miniatures that reflect the character they want to represent on the table and, if that person happens to be a buxom wench then so be it.

An inch high model is not offensive to me.

Not speaking for anyone else but me, but I do not find the trend in female minis offensive. I would merely love some variation as I believe that there are lots of fun minis to be had by changing things about a bit. Variation is fun.

The idea brought forward here that I would choose male models as representations of myself and female models as representation of and ideal mate is supremely weird to me. I choose models based on their character (and the quality of sculpting) and there is character to be found in female minis that aren't the usual big breasted barbie doll perfections.

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