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Resser Avatar Summary (Spoiler).


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Continuing right allong with my Avatar Summaries...here's the Ressers.

Kirai, Avatar of Vengeance

Focus- Melee/Movement Shenanigans

Rundown- So, in addition to basically being Ikiryo on speed, she has a few other surprises. Being the avatar of vengeance, she has several abilities that punish enemies for hurting her and her spirits. She also has a variety of spells and abilites that push and switch models but not the same mechanics as her Master form. She also has many ways of stripping enemies of their defenses and she can even cause enemies to lose Terrifying...she also has Terror 13 herself. Though she only has Instictual, she warps to any friendly spirit that dies, and attacks their killer...pretty damn awesome, and makes up for her not having Melee expert or flurry quite nicely.

McMourning, Avatar of Athanasia

Focus- Melee Debuffing/Face Smashing

Rundown- So, Doug and his friend Simulacrum 29 (the big golem from the GC release thread) can really dish out the nastiness. Mcm himself isn't quite as much of a beast though. He's much more survivable with +flips to all resists, and his weapons are paired, but no longer ignore armor and h2w...but 29's attacks do. With abilities like Rancid Transplant and his ability to heal more with bodypart counters, he's more of the support role in the pair, keeping 29 up and making sure he hits like a truck. 29 himself is pretty much what you'd expect...a big wall of flesh that likes to smash things. He gets buffs while near Mcm, and with a couple nasty triggers (really nasty if combined with Rancid Transplant) this big boy can hit for anywhere between 4-14 dg in a single hit...ouchies.

Nicodem, Avatar of Decay

Focus- Mindless Zombies...yeah that's pretty much it.

Rundown- Nico's Avatar is to MZ's what Hamelin is to Rats. He can make the things by the bucketload, and he causes them to lose Neutral, Mindless, and Walking Dead. They come into play whenever a corpse counter hits the table, or he can take a 0 to flip and generate a random number of them. He can buff them, or sac them to prevent attacks or to make hordes of punk zombies. He retains (1)Decay and (1) Rigor Mortis.

Shamus, Avatar of Dread

Focus- Melee/Morale Duels

Rundown- So...he's the hulk apparently. His melee damage is pretty disgusting, and buffed he can hit at 4" Cb7 Paired and Ignoring armor with an impressive dg spread...but that's not even the best part. He is Terror 13, which can be boosted to 15, he gives all friendly models terror 12, and can strip any immunities to morale duels. Sh!t is going to be running...a lot. He's a fairly simple Avatar, and he's really just about hitting stuff hard and making everything else run screaming like little girls. He can also Paralyze and heal flip as spells...has hard to kill, regen, and even +2 armor when in melee...he is...a beast.

Manifest Requirements


1-Ikiryo kills 2 enemy models.

2-Kirai gains spirit on two separate turns.


1-Get 5 Body Parts from enemies.

2-Kill a model affected by Rancid Transplant.


1-Kill two enemies with Decay.

2-Summon 3 Mindless Zombies with Arise.


1-Cast Face of Death in two different activations.

2-Use Slit Jugular in the same turn that he charged that model after having used No Escape.

Edited by Necromorph
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I am so looking forward to getting Kirai now...I'm loving the concepts I've seen so far for all the Avatars. Based on the Avatars, I'm probably still going to stick with Kirai and Seamus for my Resser Masters, but at least there's a lot to love with the two of them.

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One of the biggest changes to McM in avatar form in the lack of organ donor - so yes, he's a little harder to hit and kills even quicker but he has much fewer ways to heal back up. Having said that the Simulacrum 29 just keeps coming back provided McM has sufficient body parts, and he should do given how hard he cuts thing up.

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One of the biggest changes to McM in avatar form in the lack of organ donor - so yes, he's a little harder to hit and kills even quicker but he has much fewer ways to heal back up. Having said that the Simulacrum 29 just keeps coming back provided McM has sufficient body parts, and he should do given how hard he cuts thing up.

This is true, but his efforts seem to support 29...he's the support/buff/healer/secondary dg dealer, and 29 just pounds face.

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Something that I'm slightly confused about when it comes to Nicodem's ability to make MZs from corpse tokens that hit the table within 6" (I forget if this is the exact distance) of him. What about corpse tokens that are already on the table before he goes Avatar? And what happens to corpse tokens that are on the table, but outside that 6"? Can he turn them into MZs if he moves within 6" of them?

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Something that I'm slightly confused about when it comes to Nicodem's ability to make MZs from corpse tokens that hit the table within 6" (I forget if this is the exact distance) of him. What about corpse tokens that are already on the table before he goes Avatar? And what happens to corpse tokens that are on the table, but outside that 6"? Can he turn them into MZs if he moves within 6" of them?

If it wasn't so, the ability would be hardly worth of an Avatar. I suspect it is an Aura.

Normal Nicodem, after all, can cast his (0) Arise and achieve exactly the same. The only way this ability can be boosted is to make it a permanent aura which doesn't cost actions to use.

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Unfortunately, it doesn't say that it works like that. Only that it automatically happens when corpse counters are placed on the table near him. Theoretically, by how it's worded, if someone picks up a counter, then drops it, it would turn into a MZ just fine. Not any other way, however.

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