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So Zoraida is HOT now...


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Wow! Why all the hate for the Marcus Avatar? Did he eat your dog or something?

I hate it because the sculpt looks like something a 7th grade art student would create. A hundred different creatures each $$$$$$$$tily executed. His face and wings are especially horrible. I love Wyrd, I think some of their sculpts are the best I've ever seen, but they occasionally take a dump and call it a sculpt. This model manages to make me not want to take the stuffed sausage they call Lelu and throw it against the wall, and I never thought I would give that model a pass.

His avatar can have an ability that says "(all) Marcus's player wins the game for being loyal enough to field this piece of garbage" and I still would not use it in public or private games.

Thats why I hate the marcus avatar. His alternate sculpt is top notch though.

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I can't say I disagree with Dolo...though I might not be quite as vehement haha. I had no problem with the lelu or hooded rider sculpts (2 that have seen some bad commentary), but the collodi sculpt was disappointing enough for me to not buy, and I can't help but say that Im damn glad I don't play Marcus...i'd be livid.

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Marcus looks stupid, no one cares about him.

I have to agree with you on this one, although your bluntness had me choking this morning ;p.

His avatar looks quite chunky (and it's not because of his musculature) and his pose is quite static and ill-executed. I think the wings are the most detracting part of this mini. Why are they so thick? He looks like he was sculpted in the 80s-90s.

When Wyrd announced his avatar I was pretty dismayed. My first starter box was Marcus, which has seen minimal air time as it is because the Molemen are hideous ;p.

Anyhow we all know that Zoraida is good at sewing.

ZOMG, I'm Zoraida ;p.

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If you notice..each Avatar is an avatar of "something" and it usually pertains to what that master allready did.

Sonnia,Avatar of flaming burning goodness.

Seamus,Avatar of Scariness.

Marcus,Avatar of Animal Husbandry.

Anyways...my point is..that each avatar has been really representative of what that Master was known for and then expressed it in a very concrete manner.

If the designers did this with all the others,why wouldn't they do it with Zoraida. Now that being said..Zoraida was the mistress of the threads of fate and time. Maybe she is taking a step back to how she looked when younger?

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If you notice..each Avatar is an avatar of "something" and it usually pertains to what that master allready did.

Sonnia,Avatar of flaming burning goodness.

Seamus,Avatar of Scariness.

Marcus,Avatar of Animal Husbandry.

Anyways...my point is..that each avatar has been really representative of what that Master was known for and then expressed it in a very concrete manner.

If the designers did this with all the others,why wouldn't they do it with Zoraida. Now that being said..Zoraida was the mistress of the threads of fate and time. Maybe she is taking a step back to how she looked when younger?

I think you've hit the nail with the avatars, but your conclusion is a bit off.

Obviously Zoraida's an Avatar of Sex Line Operator.

There's her real self, and there's what you imagine when you call her (the avatar). Right?

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Obviously Zoraida's an Avatar of Sex Line Operator.

There's her real self, and there's what you imagine when you call her (the avatar). Right?

That my good sir is one of the funniest things I have read. Almost spat my mouthful of water over my keyboard at work and got some strange looks.

The Avatars certainly have concreted the imagery that has already been established by the Masters.

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I would have loved to have seen her become more swamp-like, maybe growing in size and sprouting branches from her that the crows come and land on (looking a little bit like Juju). She's always doing divination, so maybe have a table with her cards, or a table with her scrying mirror. My point is, I feel they could have done much more with her than another scantly clad master. Not to mention they're breaking the whole Maiden-Mother-Crone concept they used in book 1.

You could totally swap in alternate zoraida sculpt for the younger more naked version on the base. plenty of room I think and has the dolls and such to match :0)

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