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Do you name your non-unique models?


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As we all know, there are a crap ton of uniquely named models in Malifaux, with their own stories and personalities. It makes it fairly simple when telling the opponent what a model is going to do.

"Perdita is going to move over here, use this ability, and pick up that thing. In the mean time, Santiago is going to move over and the use Leadstorm, while Nino is going to stay here and send a little 'pew pew' that way."

The above example is pretty easy to understand as each model has a unique name. However, I find it not a little confusing when somebody starts going:

"This Guild Guard is going to use Patrol, then this Guard goes bang bang, this Guard woofs it over here, and this Guard cordons the area with that Guard over there."

Not as easy to follow as the first example, in my opinion.

So I'm wondering if anyone names their non-unique models, and why, if you don't mind explaining.

I do name my non-unique models, or at least those models who would naturally have a name (e.i. living models, and certain undead models). For example, I named my two performers Triela and Claes (after characters from an Anime series called "Gunslinger Girl"), while I call Seamus' belles Cassandra, Vanessa, and Julia (for no particular reason; they were simply the first three names to pop in my head).

As to my reasoning for naming them, there are very few models that need to be fielded, so there's no real difficulty in think up names to make each model more unique. Additionally, it helps differentiate models that need to be chosen for schemes like Grudge and Framed for Murder.

Edited by Linc_101
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People in my group sometimes name their non-unique models, sometimes to help differentiate them, but also just because a name occurs to the player. I haven't really done so much myself, though.

I think there's also an element of affection tied up in it. Favorite minis often get names, and sometimes unnamed minis earn them when they manage to perform really well during a game.

Our Seamus player is especially likely to name his models. He named his Belles Mary (after Mary Shelley), Lucy (after Lucy from Dracula) , and Cheshire (after the cat from Alice in Wonderland). He also sometimes plays my Rasputina army, and calls the Ice Gamin with the outstretched arm and leg "Disco" because of his pose. :P

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Oh yes. My performers are Iris and Delia, and have become near-complete characters in my head over time. Delia's an optimist and aspiring actress, while Iris is a haunted individual who may or may not be outright cursed. (This just comes from her model's tendency to get killed in every game.) I also named my non-Von Schill Freikorps, but since I only have one of most of them they don't get their names used very often.

And in addition, the various Guild/mercenary models that Jonas and I use between us have been joked to all be Ortegas scattered across Malifaux. Miss Demeanor, should I get one, will work with the showgirls and be Rosario Ortega. I like to name things.

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canines: Spot, Cerebus, and Fluffy

my stock model flesh construct 'Elton' due to the glasses

my custom scuplted flesh construct "Sloth' because he sort of looks like him

Punk Zombies Eddie, Nathan and Koji

Ice Gamin Larry Curly Moe

Silent One is Mute

Acolyte is Hoody

convict gunslinger is Barry

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With my Seamus crew I call the Belles by their colors, Red belle, Blue Belle, Green Belle. I feel Seamus wouldn't bother to remember their names unless there was something very unique about the individual, like Molly or Sybele.

My Kirai crew are named in a Japanese style based on numbers. So there is Seishin Ichi, Seishin Ni, Seishin San, Seishin shi, and Seishin Roku. Same for all the gaki.

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With so few miniatures in a standard game it seems a shame not to name them all!

Cue shouts of,

'You've killed Lucy! Poor sweet Lucy?! Why?? What did she ever do to you!?'

'Took her top off then twatted you with an umbrella you say?'

'Fair enough...'

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With my Showgirls the Mannequins are Polly and Sally (if anyone works out the references they get a virtual cookie), the Showgirls themselves are Angelica (with Polly) and Twinny (for Sally). The Coryphee are called Leticia and Lenore.

My Witchling Stalkers are imaginatively name Bob, Bobson and Bobby McBob.

However, I've yet to come up with names for the non-uniques in my other crews. At least I'm not as bad in Malifaux for naming htings like I am in 40k where I have a entire Dark Angels battle company, half the Deathwing and a lot ofthe Ravenwing, not to mention a lot of Grey Knights and otherthings, all individually named!

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I make sure my names have descriptions, so that anyone looking at them can tell which one is which (hopefully) without me having to explain. My Belles are Blue Belle (the one with the fan, painted blue), Shady (parasol over the head), and Parasol (held out like a weapon). My Necropunks are Arachnid, Hoodie, and Stilts. My Death Marshals are Rider, Open Coffin, and Jumper. I'm working those around to be more roll-off-the-tongue nicknames instead of just descriptions...

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My seamus belles have names of flower (i call my team seamus and his faned flowers).

So we have (in french) :

- lavande (the purple one)

- jonquille (the yellow one)

- rose (the pink one)

The nickname of madame is "le dahlia noir" but i call her madame (or le trav').

Edited by sakurazuka38
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