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My Gremlin workbench

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Decided to bring Ophelia and gang to Ropecon (the biggest independent con in Northern Europe) at the end of July where I'm hosting a Malifaux tournament with Silveri.

So yeah, need to get these guys painted. I bought some rather awesome bases from Microart for them - really happy with the look. Ancient Malifauxian ruins in the bayou. Especially happy with how the base worked in the cases of the Slop Hauler in action and Pere Ravage.

All are still WIP but I'm working on them randomly as the mood takes me ("ooh, I wanna paint some red now!") as befits the little buggers. Expect updates (it's nice working on a deadline - gets things done). And since they are WIP, I might be able to implement advice given to me.

The scheme is red and khaki (Commando Khaki is a horrid, horrid paint - very poor coverage even over white and very chalky - would've definitely chosen something else had I known but so it goes) with Kin getting dark grey/black hats (or a scarf in the case of Rafael and a vest in the case of Pere). Ophelia will be getting black boots and belts as well.

If I get the time, I hope to shade the skin with a bit of purple (you can see this with the big hatted gremlin with the eyes painted - or you could, if that pic wasn't the worst of the bunch *sigh*) and highlight it using elf flesh to tone the green. We shall see.

Anyway, pics now, and all comments are super welcome!




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  • 2 years later...

And the award for the slowest thread ever goes... to this thread!

I painted the models to a standard that I wasn't embarrassed showing in a tournament but didn't finish them. Now, finally, I'm actually trying to get them finished and varnished.

Here's Francois


I think I need to define the fingers on his glove better (a dark wash into the recesses). I'm also wondering whether to add tufts to the base or not.

What do you all think?

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I think I have seen and countered these dudes ones of twice. What is missing if I remember right these were fully painted few year a go? Or is this only the final touch like varnish? I would like to see painted pic of Pere LaCroix. The base is just brilliant for the miniature.

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I think I have seen and countered these dudes ones of twice. What is missing if I remember right these were fully painted few year a go? Or is this only the final touch like varnish? I would like to see painted pic of Pere LaCroix. The base is just brilliant for the miniature.

These are the same. The original post is from July 2011 where I hoped to get them done for that year's Ropecon. And I kinda did in that I managed to paint them to an acceptable standard for playing but I never actually finished them. Now I'm adding the final two layers of highlights and the detail work. And yes, varnish :D (so I'm also fixing the places where the paint has rubbed off due to lack of varnish...).

And now I've finished (almost, the pic showed that I need to darkline the fingers on the gloves - oh, and varnish him) Francois. Raphael, Rami and a Slop Hauler are also extremely close to getting finished.

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Oh the crew that just the image gives my Lynch nightmares. :D


These are really awesome looking mini's, but I think the pictures doesn't give them as much credit as they deserve, you should see them live! Math is an amazing painter, wait till you see his upcoming Tara! :)

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  • 2 months later...

OK, I darklined the gloves, so Francois is ready:


OK, but in more exciting news, two more finished Gremlins. First, a Slop Hauler. The unsung heroes of the band, these dudes are just sooo good. Killed Ryle today, too.

I wanted him to be dirty but not a messy paintjob and the octopi to be splotchy and sorta rotten looking. Pretty happy with how he turned out.


And then, the Master herself, Ophelia. She killed Lady Justice today in one round of shooting. OK, the last shot produced a Red Joker, so Fate was definitely smiling for the little ones today.

I made her skin fairer and cleaner and resisted the urge to do her lips in a crazy colour. I just highlighted them up to white (though the shadow of her hat kinda obscures that). Hottest girl in Malifaux, for sure.


Any comments and suggestions are much appreciated!

Edit: Whoops, the first two pics are a bit big. Sorry about that!

Edit2: I uploaded slightly smaller pics as the previous ones were kinda too big.

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Hottest girl in Malifaux, for sure.


I am ready to argue this for a long time in Sybelle's favour. 


Awesome paints, I saw these live today and they look amazing in pictures but a ton better in real life! :) Glad I wasn't playing against them though.

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Ah, let me amend my hastily proclaimed statement: Hottest living girl in Malifaux, for sure.


Hahaha, this place makes me worry sometimes! I'd always given that award to the Viks because of the amount of clothing (or lack of) they happen to be sporting. Sybelle.... that's one dame I'd definitely kick out of the bed.  :lol:

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