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Alrighty, a new update - a two and a half legged pig!


And the true test of how insanely big that sword is:



Next is some more work on the pig, to make him into two castable halves (the side I've made needs trimming back, and the other side will have the hair ridge and the sword on it)

And then it's a toss up what comes next, either more gremlin justice pieces, or the surreal comedy Death marsupials...

One word: "SQUEEEL!" :)

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Haven't visited this thread in a little while, so this is the first I've known of your sculpting talent. I mean, I knew your painting was some of the best I've ever seen, but you're killing me!

Consider my name on the petition to have Green Justice made available to all the good little boys and girls out there. Not sure how I'd fit her into my Gremlin crew as I already have all the models, but I'd find a way.

Just stunning ^^

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Well, it's nearly time. Just got to do a final clean and neaten on the odd bit, and replace the second ear (turns out it hadn't attached too well). If I get out of work early any day this week, I'll get some photos up, otherwise it'll be the weekend.

If I'm feeling particularly energetic, I might have other stuff too.

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Okay so I have some questions, sorry if im interrupting your thread at all. If so just let me know and ill delete it.

1) You talked to me about Fimo earlier in the thread so I picked some up to try it out. I got champagne color like you said as well. So my first question is, green stuff show finger prints so you have to smooth it out to get rid of them, with Fimo is it the same? Or being clay is it easier to work with?

2) what kind of tools do you use with your Fimo? Do you use the metal sculpting tools that is used with green stuff? Or do you use clay tools?

Im just wondering because like I said in question 1 I ordered some Fimo to try out. And was wondering the type of tools you used. I didn't know if the clay would stick to metal tools or if plastic ones are better.

Thanks in advance for the reply, and again if you feel like im interrupting your thread I can delete this and pm you instead.

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No worries, interrupt away! It's more fun that way!

It's pretty much the same to work with, I use dental tools, the very same ones I got for green stuff, they make the heads so accurately and so shiny! (And the spike tool is really sharp. I mean, I've stuck that thing close to the bone in my finger once or twice. Hurts a lot)

Fimo is a lot less sticky than green stuff (including to baked bits of itself, although it sticks well to unbaked Fimo), so dont worry about tools sticking. You need less lubricant for Fimo, I used to use baby oil on green stuff but with Fimo licking the tool is enough. Too much water or oil and it breaks down the putty on the surface. It's still pretty sensitive to fingerprints, so handle it with the same care as you would for green stuff. And remember it stays pliable until baked, I lost count of the times I forgot that and wrecked something I did two days before!

The other thing to be wary of, especially if you're making multi part sculpts, is that every time you bake it Fimo can shift a tiny bit, so try not to bake it over and over again. I baked my Jaakuna quite a few times though, and got very little or no shift at all. It's a matter of being aware of it though.

Oh, and painting onto it can be a sod. Make sure you give it a really thorough bake, the max temperature it says to go to, for well over half an hour. Then wash it in soapy water afterwards before priming. The oils in it can play havoc with paint if it's not totally baked right through. Again, I learned that one heard way...

Hopefully that helps, other than that it's just play and see what works for you. And of course feel free to ask anytime!

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It is good fun, especially when you find a little trick that suddenly makes things drop into place. But there is a fair amount of messing things up first. Still, if you haven't baked it, you can just do it again and again until it's right!

I found the really hard bit was getting proportion right so whatever I was doing looked natural. Even the odd stuff like Green Justice and the seishin, working out how big things will end up, and how big they need to be, is something you learn with time.

So don't get discouraged if it all looks wrong at the start, every bit to do will e better than the last so just keep practising. And post up stuff you've done so we can see!

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I am indeed in Toronto, it's been three weeks ish and I think I've managed to sort out most of the major things. I should get paid ok, I have health insurance (but no doctor yet, so it's serious emergency or nothing!), and I have a nearly empty bank account...

I'd definitely be interested in the retro deck because they're amazing looking, and a game too (will be another month until my crews and paints arrive, but soon I should have Jakob and co).

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Cool. Sounds good.

Despite having designed the Retro Fate Deck, I am still kind of a n00b when it comes to the game! Hah.

Keep up the great blog!

If it's any consolation, I've only been playing for a hair over a year, I've technically only played around two dozen games, and I was a judge/rules marshal at the GenCon tournaments. ;) We all have our strong points. Mine is a grasp of the rules.

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Another question came up when I had a horrible dreamof screwing up a sculpt. Lol

I noticed with lady Ophelia, you use pin then green stuff for for a base start. Then you use the Fimo for the actual sculpt. After you finished the legs, did you bake it, and if you did does it not mess up the green stuff or pin?

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Heh, every time I play it's been so long between games that I have to sit and learn what my crew does all over again! I really need to get to a pont where i can regularly play. Probably also didn't help I started with Kirai...

The brass wire and green stuff is fine in the oven at 100-120 degrees (Celsius), it does soften but keeps its shape, just don't touch it til it cools or it might shift about (Fimo is a bit pliable fresh out the oven too, so the same applies). I typically sculpt the lower body, bake, then do the upper body, bake, then add head and arms (if it's practical, on GJ it wasn't) and bake again. It depends on the pose and details, but usually they're my three main stages.

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No worries, it's good to see people giving things a try, that's how I learned!

Might be worth picking up some proportion and anatomy pictures from the web, keeping your armature and bulking in proportion and to the size and scale you want is the best way to avoid any problems later on. Although I abandoned making full armatures, it's worth trying to make them when you start.

And in a truly terrible moment, I actually had the urge to try to become a henchman for Toronto earlier, in an effort to make myself play more and get involved. Eep...

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I feel like I should do some build up to the big one, so here's the newest work in progress:


It will, eventually, be a gremlin death marshal. With a pig trough coffin. And after a lazy night last night, I have a token for showing brilliance on models. It's still getting the final neatening, especially the outside edge which is being smoothed. And it's a bit hard to see because of the variety of putty and scratching/shaping I did to get the lettering, but here it is:


I should point out its not 30mm but 25mm, but then it didn't need to be as it won't be a counter for picking up. And I had something circular to use as a template that was that size, which made it all easier. These will be cast up in coloured resin (black possibly, or white) so the paint can't chip off the edges.

And now, the bit everyone has skipped down to...



I believe the phrase is 'Ta-da!' so, what do people think? She presses together quite easily, which I'm pleased by. I did wonder if it was all going to match up by the end!

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So if and when you cast it I want one. ;P

Also quick question about sculpting, do you have a technique you could teach/ talk to me about on how to do clothing or cloth? Maybe a pm so I don't clog tour thread.

Here is my first sculpt I did a while back:


It is horrible but I loved it cause it was my first attempt. Now the only reason im asking for help is this project im working on is huge in my opinion. I want to sculpt Mei Feng, but in a different pose. So if you have any helpful tips on clothing, skin, hair, I would love to hear it. It would be super awesome if you do take the time to help. And like I said, If you want to pm me as to not clog your thread I would love it.

Thanks for everything you said so far to me, its been helpful.

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