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Kaeris Box speculations

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I really think she'll come out after book 3. Honestly, in order to be really effective, she needs another model or two which can dish out Burning Tokens. So I suspect we'll see something in book 3 along those lines, and then we won't see her box set until then.

Sure, the Gunsmith, Large SPA, and Soulstone Miner are M&SU Assets as well, but they don't have any specific synergy with Kaeris otherwise.

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Really, after book 3.

I don't think she needs to wait until then. The Lucius box does not have too much to work with. Don't forget Kaeris can take Johan & Joss already. As for the burning tokens She can pass out 3 in a 1 action shooting, I see it more as a one two punch. Yes her model pool is limited but not unsustainable.

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Eh...Lucius already had several options available to him though. And Lucius is more about buffing his own crew, or de-buffing the enemy. So Lucious is more about the crew depending on him. Kaeris is more about her depending on the crew, IMO. Honestly, try playing Kaeris as a leader for your crew, with the minions you listed above. There's almost no synergy among them. Lucius on the other hand, can use all of his spells with any of the pieces in his box set, as well as his two (0) action abilities.

Finally, we already know the release schedule up through July, and GenCon is the first week of August. So, we know for certain that Kaeris' box set will not be coming out earlier than August. So a GenCon release makes sense. It also makes sense for the next Expansion Book to release at GenCon as well, which then leads to the possibility that her box set may bridge both books.

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  • WYR4039 - Collodi - Clamshell - $10.50
  • WYR4040 - Marrionetts (4 pack) - Clamshell - $16.50
  • WYR4041 - Wicked Dolls (3 pack) - Clamshell - $16.50
  • WYR3034 - Snow Storm (small box) - TBD
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  • WYR2039 - Dead Rider (small box) - TBD

There's the info from the announcements board. Personally I can#''t wait for the Dead Rider, Snow Storm and Mobile Toolkit.

Darn, ninja'd!

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Lucius on the other hand, can use all of his spells with any of the pieces in his box set, as well as his two (0) action abilities.

Lucius come with Ryle in his box. Ryle cannot be targeted by Lucius' best ability as he is not a friendly model.

And as a henchman, Kaeris' box as described above would be just fine.

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Well, the only other box left is Molly, and she definitely does not have enough options to fill one out. Starter box releases are pretty regular, so either we won't see any for a while, or we'll see book 3 sooner than we expect, or Kaeris will be released with something like 2 Gunsmiths, 1 Big Spider, and 1 Miner.

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As we said though, Book 3 is due out near Gen Con, which is in early August...and we know the releases up through July...which, as logic would dictate, we would then see either Kaeris or Molly in August to go along with the 3rd book.

We'll just have to wait until July to see the August releases.

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Lucius come with Ryle in his box. Ryle cannot be targeted by Lucius' best ability as he is not a friendly model.

Not sure which spell you're referring to, but Lucius CAN use Reinforcements on Ryle, which can be pretty cool. I've seen Ryle follow that up with his (0) to freely push 4" away from Lucius, and then proceed to pound the living snot out of something.

And as a henchman, Kaeris' box as described above would be just fine.

Well, I don't think Kaeris would be horrible with the box as described in the OP, but I think she'd be much better with something more synergistic. All I was pointing out was that Lucius has MORE synergy in his box than Kaeris would have with the Large SPA, Gunsmith, or Soulstone Miner.

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As we said though, Book 3 is due out near Gen Con, which is in early August...and we know the releases up through July...which, as logic would dictate, we would then see either Kaeris or Molly in August to go along with the 3rd book.

We'll just have to wait until July to see the August releases.

I am not sure that we will have to wait until July for the August Releases. Pictures are normally released a month before, but products are announced about 2 months before. For example, we already knew July releases at the beginning of May. I am expecting to see the August releases next week(which might or might not include gencon, depending on how they want to label them) + pictures of June releases. If things are released individually (for example, if the miner is not in a boxed starter) then they should pop up. We should look for what is NOT in the list to give guidance on what is in the box.

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If last year is any indication, we will likely start seeing teasers in June-July, just like we saw teasers for LCB, Kirai and Collette come out just before Gen Con last year.

I am hopeful for a Kaeris box release at Gen Con, along with a Molly box release, as well as 1-2 other boxes with new masters/henchmen. We only have 60-some-odd days to wait and see if these wishes come true.

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