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A Mediocre Malifaux Blog...


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Hi all

Im not the best painter, but Ive decided to undertake the mammoth task of collecting and painting the Neverborn range.

Im more of a Gamer than a Painter, but I like to have an army/crew which looks good on the table from a gamer's-eye-view. I prefer playing with painted models, and that is an incentive for me to paint, though Ive started this blog to spur me on!

I plan to do one or more models a month (will most likely be more, because the models I get ill want to use). Seems to be a decent and achievable goal.

Heres the first lot! Be gentle! ;)


Edited by ChefsDad
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wow those are really good, i thik your a better painter than you think, nice job and very realistic goals for a painting schedual.

I have to be in the mood to paint also which is why my logs are alwasy updated hap hazardly, I find insiprational music or a themed movie in the background helps a little.

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to make images appear in thread the easiest way is to make a photobucket account , than upload the pics to there , than copy and past the image link they provide for you . I think there is a place to host your photos from this forum as well , but i have never tried to use it .

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  • 2 weeks later...




LCB/Dreamer All Done :D

For some reason the pictures wont show up in the thread, and the "manage attachments" keeps failing and not telling me why, but if you click on the boxes the link should work! :)

Sorry for the late update!

@nightseer Thanks! The skin recipe is: Gretchin Green base, then highlighted up by adding Rotting Flesh to the base and working up to pure Rotting Flesh, then given a VERY watery wash with Thraka Green ink wash. All Citadel paints.

Edited by ChefsDad
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