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Malifaux Bag price increase


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Malifaux Bag: It's a nice bag if you carry a bunch of models. As nice as the bag is, it's VERY big, the foam trays are pre-sized (so even if you have no big stuff and all small stuff you have to deal with it), and somewhat expensive. Not to mention that the Malifaux bag if any liquid lands on it gets ruined because it's a cloth material (stains, etc).

Army Transport Bag: I just got an Army transport bag for $25 and 3 foams each for like $5-8 a tray and still have room up top for books, cards,dice, etc, plus pockets. Mind you, I have all my Circle Orboros army and Malifaux crew in there. Also, if my Army Transport bag gets wet, it can just be wiped off with no stains and/or damage.

Good luck!


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Price rise on an already overpriced product...all the more reason to look at other products.

Not to disrespect the product itself (which is very good) but I personally don't agree with some of Romeo's (Battlefoam's Owner) business practices with other smaller companies so I don't intend support his. There are just as good, if not better, alternatives that are cheaper.

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Price rise on an already overpriced product...all the more reason to look at other products.

Not to disrespect the product itself (which is very good) but I personally don't agree with some of Romeo's (Battlefoam's Owner) business practices with other smaller companies so I don't intend support his. There are just as good, if not better, alternatives that are cheaper.

I agree with you, I was lucky to get mine when it was cheap.

Although where I am it was pretty cheap at 70$ where everything else was over 100$ and didn't include foam at all.

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How do you like it?

Anyone know of other good options besides Battlefoam?

I use a KR metal case, and it's fantastic. I've also seem their new AquillaFour bag which has 2 layers of foam and a pocket for books, cards, etc. Haven't tried it out for size though.

KR are starting production in the USA so that should drop their prices as well.

Foam quality is very good and being soft is flexible for some of the odd shaped models.

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For Malifaux I use the battle foam PACK 216 which I think is the perfect size for malifaux. Top tray holds 90% of my collection. The ones that fit in 2x2, 2x3, or 2x4 pluck foam holes are on the top and I put on the bottom all the models that don't fit in standard holes. Also cut out a spot for my deck of cards, and I took one of each type of card sleaved them in team bags, made a square for them and a container for dice (damage counters and tokens). So far have about 7 starters and supporting models in it and am about 75% full. Considering that 25% of the bottom tray is just for cards & tokens I think its good. The mini rule book fits between the 2 trays without an issue.

I use the Army transport bags for WM/H and given the choice of starting over for packing I would have gone with Battlefoam. I like the larger trays.

The PACK 216 is the cheapest & smallest I've seen, and as long as you don't care about logos, its as good as any other.

I did see an article in http://www.the-ancible.com/ latest issue about a heavy duty cardboard carrying case with cheaper foam. its about the same as the 216 price wise but looks like it holds more. I think its good choice for games that you don't play too often and need storage options. the article sais it solid and can take a beating, i'll let you read and make up you mind.

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I bought a Malifaux bag in January and it was $80 then too. I really like it, but I have modded some of the smaller cuts to house some of my taller, longer models (the leaping death marshal for instance). I really like the bag, and am happy with the level of organization it has.I haven't been keeping my books in it lately (too much fun checking rules and writing Wikis...) but they fit in there with all the other little odds and ends I carry with me to Malifaux.

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I was thinking about getting the Malifaux bag myself. I was playing around with AoM's and really liked it. Then I went to Micheal's and picked up two bead trays for $1.99 each. I can fit two 30mm based models in each compartment standing (bases over lap a touch) if they're not a really tall model (Seamus with his flintlock it too tall). Unbased models lying down I can get 4-6 in each compartment. I threw some cotton I had (the stuff from pill bottles) in with the minis to keep them from banging on each other.

Going to grab a few more of them and look for something taller, hopefully with the same width and depth so I can make a carrying case for it all.

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don't know if its cool to post or not but...

FRPgames.com sells battlefoam at a slight discount. sells Wyrd stuff at a discount, too.

you can find the Mx bag for $60 new on CCGarmory.com, as well.

And LordFett, another cheap option is a Plano pistol case from Wal-Mart. $10, and comes with three layers of foam. Can't beat that. It works, but it's not ideal: The foam sits on its side as you hold the case by its handle, so you risk some models in the top layer falling out.

But, as I told my wife today: "I don't need the Malifaux bag. What I have now works, and I can probably make it work better. I just want the Malifaux bag. :)"

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