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Music to Malifaux to.

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Don't get all the metal/rock music, but then I've had too many bad experiences with student films to take a great number of sub-genres seriously.

The theme for the Darkness both of these could maybe be good for Hoffman vs Dreamer, but is otherwise one of my official Puppet Wars playtesting tunes. The whole soundtrack tends to get listened to at some point. [ame=

[/ame] [ame=

This may well inspire how I paint Sonnia Criid (note: jump to 2.20 for the specific part) [ame=


I have this ready for the day my Ortegas face the LaCroix. That's a fight just asking for over-the-top wild west spoof tunes. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6GByhL-XeI]Road of Desert[/ame]

Not only has an awesome name and is one of my favourite songs, it is also the song that immediately plays in my mind when I face defeat - in Malifaux or in life. Haven't thought of a song representing victory yet... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LmM1R0PDOk]The Japanese Alphabet Road with Chinese Bellflowers Sweet Smelling[/ame]

This is perfect for Kade, scarily so. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws-T6oeTq6c]From 666 to 777[/ame]

Never linked the wonderful Bittersweet Life OST to Malifaux before, but just now, while listening to this track I imagined the scene when Francis is killed defending Kirai from the Guild. Not what you'd expect but perfect nevertheless. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFMzHDNoJfA]Lost Love[/ame]

And finally this gem can be applied to Puppets, Gremilns, anything you want: [ame=

Edited by ThePandaDirector
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Great suggestions everyone. Many of them are now on my hard drive. Thanks. A few of mine from my Dice and Paper gaming to table top gaming would be as follows:

Hans Zimmer is like the best man in sound tracks. These ones works for a lot of things.






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and some NOT hans Zimmer stuff worthy of adding to the gaming atmosphere:


(Such an excellent piece fitting of Ramos, Hoffman or the evil undertakings of Lucius)



(The sort of peaceful piece that might represent the Dreamer.)





(Just great "get it done no matter the cost" music)


(Really captures a great image for Malifaux the city)


anything off 3:10 to yuma is great ortega music



classic fight music


Another great city of Malifaux vibe


Has a city of Malifaux feel too


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Ideal for ressers and maybe bayou


The entire Mulholland Dr soundtrack is perfect for this game, but here's a key track



and another


Great stuff on the sucker Punch Soundtrack too, i think this is probably the best case for using it



What about not soundtracks:

Bones domingo!



Anything by my favorite band in the world Portishead but this would be the best case:






How about Collide?



Oakenfold does great atmosphere stuff



Here's a great song and the video reminds of the dreamer too



And this song kinda reminds me of Hamelin and his missing unnoticed and uncared for stolen children



and done!

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  • 3 months later...

As for Malifaux in general, I think pretty much anything from Opeth captures the feel for me.



And for some reason the video for Divinations from Mastodon makes me think of the Tyrant December, or Snowstorm, and also the story from book 3 with Joss. But thats probably because I want to think of December rocking out with a guitar. Plus any video that includes a Yeti goes up about 3000% in terms of awesomeness.


Not sure if Colony of Birchmen fits a specific character, but it does seem to include a Nephilim Black Blood Shaman in it - and its kinda creepy to boot:


[/ame] Edited by CannibalBob
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The Clockwork Quartet is thematically perfect for Malifaux, imo.

The Watchmaker's Apprentice sounds to me like the story of an Outcast, hiding out in Malifaux after committing a terrible crime.


The Doctor's Wife seems to me like the story of a well-intentioned man who slowly starts going mad and pursuing Ressurectionist magic to bring back his wife.


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The Clockwork Quartet is thematically perfect for Malifaux, imo.

The Watchmaker's Apprentice sounds to me like the story of an Outcast, hiding out in Malifaux after committing a terrible crime.


The Doctor's Wife seems to me like the story of a well-intentioned man who slowly starts going mad and pursuing Ressurectionist magic to bring back his wife.


Yep they are great. I'm a hugh fan of Pocketwatch who are a smaller group of their members that like doing live gigs. I saw them live of Friday and they were excelent. Though they still need to record "It aint so bad" for men... Any song about rats is good ....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love music with my games and love this thread.




As a big fan of Somer'teeth i can't think of a better tune



I like to hear songs like this during the opening of most malifaux games. Its just the sort of tune that sets up a good game.



I've gotten cut up by Coryphee and Cassandra something fierce many times. This usually comes to mind when my Guild Guards are getting shredded.



I have this playing in my head when some of my more nefarious masters are on the verge of winning. Also; it backs up nicely as a theme for the Dreamer and Collodi to me.



This is the Hamelin theme to me. I guess it could work for others but Hamelin is my unspeakable horror.



Another something that makes me think Collodi. The music actually starts at 3 minutes and gets even crazier at 4 minutes and 5 minutes.


Perdita kills to Bible Study.



And she also kills to this.....



and this



Lady Justice's personal Theme Songs




and that is it for now

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