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OMG!  I have my own salmiakkikossu!!!  What a great thing to get in my mailbox today!  Thank you TehMik and everyone else!


Was a team effort. You wouldn't believe what it takes to get alcohol across the Atlantic. :)


Youre very welcome. Enjoy! I'm not even gonna say enjoy responsibly :P

Edited by TehMik
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And of course you would be welcome Ed.  :)  We need to see how many characters there are available though!  I believe they are pre-genned.

Ten pregenerated characters to choose from, but the adventures really can't accommodate more than six characters at a time.

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Doing alright.

Posted what I had written so far from my story, but the software seemed to ate it and the feedback. Well, luckily I had saved the story :P

Light shone through the bars into the prison cell, signing the coming of a new day. The third of since she was thrown in here, Selva counted. And most likely the last one that she would be in here. The last day in this wretch hole with grubs and beetles, scurrying their way over the cracks in the floor.


“Greetings, little one.”


The voice was a gnarled whisper seeping under the cell doors. Selva ignored it, for the wardens did take great pleasure in taunting her safe behind the bars. At first, she was baited, resulting only in laughter of the wardens. But she learned. The wardens couldn’t do anything to her, only taunt and laugh.


“Still alive, little one? Or are you sleeping the sleep of the damned?”


Selva focussed on the swarming insects, crawling and writhing over the floor, hissing at their rivals and fighting over the scraps of food. In their way, they were similar to humans, Selva concluded.


“Ignoring me, little one? Well, it doesn’t matter.


If she didn’t watch the insects, they would enter her boots, and gloves, aiming for blood and flesh, rending with their claws and teeth.


“Answer me a question, little one: What was it to kill a friend?”


Selva turned around, fed up with the taunts. Then she saw


“Ah, finally dignifying yourself to face me? All the better.”


Selva studied the stranger before her. The stranger was tall, at least a head taller than Selva, and would be taller if he stood upright. His frame was hunched over, as if his bones and muscles were rebelling against him. He leaned on a wooden staff, which without he would most likely have fallen over.


“Take your time, take your time. I have all the time in here.” He turned his face “Except you most likely don’t have it.”


“Who are you?”


“Oh, where are my manners.” the stranger bowed, his bones creaking in against the action “I am Grimwald.” Grimwald paused, gauging Selva’s reaction. “You might have heard of humble Grimwald, dealer in opportunities. The opportunity to escape.” Selva’s face remained unchanged ”The opportunity for revenge.” Grimwald started to grin when he saw Selva’s reaction on her face. “That caught your attention, didn’t it?”


“Why do you care?”


The stranger chuckled “Why does Grimwald care? Curiosity, little one. Curiosity! The bane of man!” His grin widened, showing his rotting teeth. “What was it to kill a friend?”


“I am sure you know the answer to that question yourself.”


“Oh no, certainly not. I never killed friends myself.” He laughed, until his laugh turned into a hacking, disturbing cough. “Not personally, at least.”


“Emptier than I would imagine” Selva answered.


Grimwald looked at her for a few moments. Then he grabbed a key from one of the pockets of his cloak, and opened the cell door.


“Very well, little one, follow me.”


Grimwald stumbled to the wall on the other side of the passageway. There, he turned a different key. Selva watched as the wall opened itself like a gaping maw.


“Ladies first, little one.”


She could leave now. Going up the stairs, fighting the guards, and escape to the city.


“Are you coming, little one?” Grimwald called

But then, there was nothing left there. She shrugged, and went into the depths of the undercity.

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I am doing my second Malifaux demo this saturday. This time the guy doesn't know the rules. He isn't new to miniature wargaming though. I tryed to combine what I read in New M2E Starter Set details on Bell of Lost Souls website with what Edonil said, came up with 5 Scenarious and now would like to know your opinion. I printed out the Quick Reference Card which will be more than useful I beleive.

Scenario 1

  • Every player has a Piglet
    • Engaged
  • Stat Card
    • Stats, Abilities, Actions (Attack and Tactical) and General Tactical Actions
    • NO Abilities and Triggers - covered by piece of paper using paper clips
  • Fate Deck, Fate Hand and Discard Pile
  • Activation
    • Coloured beads represent AP
    • Spending AP and (0) AP Actions
  • NO Initiative - he starts by attacking me
  • Opposed (and Simple) Duel
    • Ml, Sh, Ca, he makes an Attack Flip
    • Df, Wp, I make a Defense Flip
    • Rg, :melee,:ranged
    • NO Fate Modifiers nor Triggers
  • Cheating
  • Damage Flip
    • NO Accuracy Modifier, Blasts nor other effects

Scenario 2

  • Every player has a Piglet and a Bayou Gremlin
    • Deployed 8" away
  • Mini Turn
    • Draw Phase
    • Initiative Phase - NO Soulstones
    • Activation Phase
    • End Phase

Scenario 3

  • Every player has A Piglet, Bayou Gremlin and a Slop Hauler
    • Deployed 8 " away
  • Fate Modifiers
    • Soft Cover
  • Accuracy Modifiers
    • Hard Cover
  • Blasts

Scenario 4

  • Same as Scenario 3
  • Abilities
  • Triggers

Scenario 5

  • He has Ophelia LaCroix, Piglet, 2 Bayou Gremlins and a Slop Hauler. Instead of Ophelia I have Francois LaCroix.
  • Soulstones
  • Mini game
    • Turf War
    • Talk shortly about Schemes and Strategy and Scheme Pools

After that I would probably talk about Conditions, Auras and Pulses...

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Hey Phinn.

That does sound decently, however, I would play with 2 different faction. (So, swap a Piglet for a Terror Tot, for example. I don't know what your options for this are.) This also allows you to show of a more intersting matchup. 

Are you going to do Abilities/Triggers with Scenario 2?

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