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Is He? I kinda got the impression that Moffat wanted to leave all of Tenant and Eccelsons Companions behind. So he can cram in episode after episode of more River Fraken Song. Man I hate her.

Looking forward to the new Torchwood stuff on Starz. I here the last 5 part special was really good but I have not gotten around to watching it. Its on Netflix stream so I just need to convince my wife to watch it after we finish watching Babylon 5.

He appears very briefly on the preview of the next episode on the tardis, it might be an attempt to restart touchwood through doctor who, or it could be an Nestine double

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If you needed another reason never to let Americans anywhere near Doctor Who :P[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMiMCMWp4bw]

Its okay we are letting you Brits screw it up all by yourselves.

Seriously I think any Doctor Who is better then no Doctor Who but I am not loving the Moffat years. I don't think the Doctor is bad and Amy is easy on the eyes. I actually really like Rory when they are not having him obsessed over Amy's thing for the Doctor. I mean I thought they resolved that little love triangle last season. About the only one I got a problem with is River Song and at least I am thinking we are going to run through there story arc this season and then maybe she'd be gone.

I think the problem is that the Moffat written episodes always tend to play differently. They tend to be a little odd ball and a very sappy. Which was okay once or twice a series but I don't think they should set the tone for the entire series like they are now.

Note this is all without seeing episode 4. Which is written by Neil Gaiman so I am assuming its awesome :)

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I don't think the Doctor is bad and Amy is easy on the eyes. I actually really like Rory when they are not having him obsessed over Amy's thing for the Doctor.

Rory is actually a solid companion in his own right... If only they could stop killing him it'd be perfect :D

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I'm actually enjoying Doctor Who more than I have ever done since the Tom Baker/Peter Davidson years.

The episodes are well written IMO, the acting is fantastic. I am actually preferring Matt Smith to David Tennant (cue flames). His portrayal of the Doctor is exactly how I imagine him to be like. Tennant was often TOO over the top.

Amy Pond is a fantastic companion, feisty, good on the eye and a brilliant foil for Smith.

Rory is possibly the best non-companion character we have had for a while and acted well. And as everyone knows, relationship issues are NEVER truely sorted, so the storylines do reflect this.

I agree River is the link that stops this series becoming awesome, but I'm hoping for bigger and better things as the series progresses, and I feel she will play an integral role.

Just my 2p worth...

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I've never bothered watching Doctor Who until I saw a Matt Smith episode a few months ago by chance. Caught up now on the Matt Smith episodes due to youtube. Whilst I still don't like watching the older Doctors for some reason I do think this appeals to me more as it is alot darker than normal.

I could never get how Catharine Tate got the role of Donna, did no one at the BBC watch the absolute crime against comedy that her show was.

Anyway, yeah, Amy... nice on the eyes but I kinda like Dr Song abit more.

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Donna(Tate) was the best companion of the new series'

Mostly because she was the first woman to show up who didn't want to drop her pants for the Doctor.

Watched last Saturdays episode and really dug it. Can tell that Neil Gaiman was a fan of both the new and old series and got the Doctor. Was this the first time in the new series they mentioned that the Doctor stole the Tardis. Long time Who fans new it but I wonder how many New Who fans did.

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Donna(Tate) was the best companion of the new series'

Mostly because she was the first woman to show up who didn't want to drop her pants for the Doctor.

Watched last Saturdays episode and really dug it. Can tell that Neil Gaiman was a fan of both the new and old series and got the Doctor. Was this the first time in the new series they mentioned that the Doctor stole the Tardis. Long time Who fans new it but I wonder how many New Who fans did.

The've mention a few time in new series, the first was in planet of the dead (Lady Christian, should be brought back as a companion) and right at the end of thd fifth series

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Donna(Tate) was the best companion of the new series'

Mostly because she was the first woman to show up who didn't want to drop her pants for the Doctor.

Watched last Saturdays episode and really dug it. Can tell that Neil Gaiman was a fan of both the new and old series and got the Doctor. Was this the first time in the new series they mentioned that the Doctor stole the Tardis. Long time Who fans new it but I wonder how many New Who fans did.

My friend just got to see a sold out show with Tate and Tennant. Some comedy thing. They're still really good together apparently XD

Also, Dr who is awesome. Thank god Mr. Moffat is now the lead writer.



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Am I the only one that finds the show has become more childish since Moffat become lead writer? However, the writing has been improving little by little this present series.

Lady Christina would be a welcome return for me also (though I'd have to continue blanking out her roles in Eastenders and The Bionic Woman, lol).

Now if only they'd dump the current music score and bring back the one they used when Tennant was around, it sounded better and less like something you'd hear on CBBC... or Eurovision!

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Doctor: Tom Baker (the whole reason the last three Doctors acted they way they did/do)

companion:Karen Gillan (Dose legs!)

monster: Davros (Scared the bejesus out of me as a kid)

episode:The Doctors Wife (Im gay for Gaiman, DO YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE?! HAHAHAHHAhahah ..ahaha...ahha...ha....ahem)

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Doctor: Tom Baker (the whole reason the last three Doctors acted they way they did/do)

companion:Karen Gillan (Dose legs!)

monster: Davros (Scared the bejesus out of me as a kid)

episode:The Doctors Wife (Im gay for Gaiman, DO YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE?! HAHAHAHHAhahah ..ahaha...ahha...ha....ahem)

Only difference of opinion here for me is my favorite companion is Sarah Jane Smith. I do love me some Amy Pond, SJS was my first TV crush as a wee lad. K-9

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Favorite Dr Who: Tom Baker - Love his witty banter and the scarf.

Favorite Companion: Romana (Mary Tamm) - Liked having a companion that was almost as smart as the Doctor, didn't hurt that she was a lovely woman as well. :vb_devil:

Favorite Monster: The Master (Roger Delgado) - IMHO The Master was one of the few real threats the Doctor faced. And who doesn't love a good re-occurring Villain.

Favorite Episode: The Pirate Planet - It's Pirates in Space!

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Favorite Doctor: William Hartnell

Favorite Companion: Martha Jones

Favorite Monster: can't decide. There have been so many good ones.

Favorite Episode: Girl in the Fireplace (followed closely by The Aztecs).

Least Favorite Episode: Terror of the Zygons, followed closely by The End of Time

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Doc has to be Baker but Smith is the best out of the new lot.

Amy Pond... Scottish, red and leggy - awesome combo.

The Master has to be the best baddie though I think they cheated him by killing him off. Again.

Fave episode was I, Dalek (I think it was called) with the lone, single Dalek on the loose. Ecclestone's Dr did good with the fear as soon as he saw what it was. Really brought home the threat of those things.

I'd like to see more of Michelle Ryan's character whose name escapes me, she was the leather clad thief that flew off in a double decker bus (only on Dr Who).

And Blake's 7 is my absolute favourite sci-fi. Avon and Servalan are just sublime.

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